Gathering detailed insights and metrics for huggingface
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for huggingface
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for huggingface
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for huggingface
Typescript wrapper for the Hugging Face Inference Endpoints & Inference API
A minimalistic JavaScript implementation of the Jinja templating engine, specifically designed for parsing and rendering ML chat templates.
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State-of-the-art Machine Learning for the web. Run 🤗 Transformers directly in your browser, with no need for a server!
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A Typescript powered wrapper for the Hugging Face Inference API. Learn more about the Inference API at Hugging Face.
1npm install huggingface 2 3yarn add huggingface 4 5pnpm add huggingface
❗Important note: Using an API key is optional to get started (simply provide a random string), however you will be rate limited eventually. Join Hugging Face and then visit access tokens to generate your API key.
1import HuggingFace from 'huggingface' 2 3const hf = new HuggingFace('your api key') 4 5// Natural Language 6 7await hf.fillMask({ 8 model: 'bert-base-uncased', 9 inputs: '[MASK] world!' 10}) 11 12await hf.summarization({ 13 model: 'facebook/bart-large-cnn', 14 inputs: 15 'The tower is 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building, and the tallest structure in Paris. Its base is square, measuring 125 metres (410 ft) on each side. During its construction, the Eiffel Tower surpassed the Washington Monument to become the tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years until the Chrysler Building in New York City was finished in 1930.', 16 parameters: { 17 max_length: 100 18 } 19}) 20 21await hf.questionAnswer({ 22 model: 'deepset/roberta-base-squad2', 23 inputs: { 24 question: 'What is the capital of France?', 25 context: 'The capital of France is Paris.' 26 } 27}) 28 29await hf.tableQuestionAnswer({ 30 model: 'google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq', 31 inputs: { 32 query: 'How many stars does the transformers repository have?', 33 table: { 34 Repository: ['Transformers', 'Datasets', 'Tokenizers'], 35 Stars: ['36542', '4512', '3934'], 36 Contributors: ['651', '77', '34'], 37 'Programming language': ['Python', 'Python', 'Rust, Python and NodeJS'] 38 } 39 } 40}) 41 42await hf.textClassification({ 43 model: 'distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english', 44 inputs: 'I like you. I love you.' 45}) 46 47await hf.textGeneration({ 48 model: 'gpt2', 49 inputs: 'The answer to the universe is' 50}) 51 52await hf.tokenClassification({ 53 model: 'dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english', 54 inputs: 'My name is Sarah Jessica Parker but you can call me Jessica' 55}) 56 57await hf.translation({ 58 model: 't5-base', 59 inputs: 'My name is Wolfgang and I live in Berlin' 60}) 61 62await hf.zeroShotClassification({ 63 model: 'facebook/bart-large-mnli', 64 inputs: [ 65 'Hi, I recently bought a device from your company but it is not working as advertised and I would like to get reimbursed!' 66 ], 67 parameters: { candidate_labels: ['refund', 'legal', 'faq'] } 68}) 69 70await hf.conversational({ 71 model: 'microsoft/DialoGPT-large', 72 inputs: { 73 past_user_inputs: ['Which movie is the best ?'], 74 generated_responses: ['It is Die Hard for sure.'], 75 text: 'Can you explain why ?' 76 } 77}) 78 79await hf.featureExtraction({ 80 model: 'sentence-transformers/paraphrase-xlm-r-multilingual-v1', 81 inputs: { 82 source_sentence: 'That is a happy person', 83 sentences: [ 84 'That is a happy dog', 85 'That is a very happy person', 86 'Today is a sunny day' 87 ] 88 } 89}) 90 91// Audio 92 93await hf.automaticSpeechRecognition({ 94 model: 'facebook/wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60-self', 95 data: readFileSync('test/sample1.flac') 96}) 97 98await hf.audioClassification({ 99 model: 'superb/hubert-large-superb-er', 100 data: readFileSync('test/sample1.flac') 101}) 102 103// Computer Vision 104 105await hf.imageClassification({ 106 data: readFileSync('test/cheetah.png'), 107 model: 'google/vit-base-patch16-224' 108}) 109 110await hf.objectDetection({ 111 data: readFileSync('test/cats.png'), 112 model: 'facebook/detr-resnet-50' 113}) 114 115await hf.imageSegmentation({ 116 data: readFileSync('test/cats.png'), 117 model: 'facebook/detr-resnet-50-panoptic' 118})
1HF_API_KEY="your api key" yarn test
1export declare class HuggingFace { 2 private readonly apiKey 3 private readonly defaultOptions 4 constructor(apiKey: string, defaultOptions?: Options) 5 /** 6 * Tries to fill in a hole with a missing word (token to be precise). That’s the base task for BERT models. 7 */ 8 fillMask(args: FillMaskArgs, options?: Options): Promise<FillMaskReturn> 9 /** 10 * This task is well known to summarize longer text into shorter text. Be careful, some models have a maximum length of input. That means that the summary cannot handle full books for instance. Be careful when choosing your model. 11 */ 12 summarization( 13 args: SummarizationArgs, 14 options?: Options 15 ): Promise<SummarizationReturn> 16 /** 17 * Want to have a nice know-it-all bot that can answer any question?. Recommended model: deepset/roberta-base-squad2 18 */ 19 questionAnswer( 20 args: QuestionAnswerArgs, 21 options?: Options 22 ): Promise<QuestionAnswerReturn> 23 /** 24 * Don’t know SQL? Don’t want to dive into a large spreadsheet? Ask questions in plain english! Recommended model: google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq. 25 */ 26 tableQuestionAnswer( 27 args: TableQuestionAnswerArgs, 28 options?: Options 29 ): Promise<TableQuestionAnswerReturn> 30 /** 31 * Usually used for sentiment-analysis this will output the likelihood of classes of an input. Recommended model: distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english 32 */ 33 textClassification( 34 args: TextClassificationArgs, 35 options?: Options 36 ): Promise<TextClassificationReturn> 37 /** 38 * Use to continue text from a prompt. This is a very generic task. Recommended model: gpt2 (it’s a simple model, but fun to play with). 39 */ 40 textGeneration( 41 args: TextGenerationArgs, 42 options?: Options 43 ): Promise<TextGenerationReturn> 44 /** 45 * Usually used for sentence parsing, either grammatical, or Named Entity Recognition (NER) to understand keywords contained within text. Recommended model: dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english 46 */ 47 tokenClassification( 48 args: TokenClassificationArgs, 49 options?: Options 50 ): Promise<TokenClassificationReturn> 51 /** 52 * This task is well known to translate text from one language to another. Recommended model: Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-ru-en. 53 */ 54 translation( 55 args: TranslationArgs, 56 options?: Options 57 ): Promise<TranslationReturn> 58 /** 59 * This task is super useful to try out classification with zero code, you simply pass a sentence/paragraph and the possible labels for that sentence, and you get a result. Recommended model: facebook/bart-large-mnli. 60 */ 61 zeroShotClassification( 62 args: ZeroShotClassificationArgs, 63 options?: Options 64 ): Promise<ZeroShotClassificationReturn> 65 /** 66 * This task corresponds to any chatbot like structure. Models tend to have shorter max_length, so please check with caution when using a given model if you need long range dependency or not. Recommended model: microsoft/DialoGPT-large. 67 * 68 */ 69 conversational( 70 args: ConversationalArgs, 71 options?: Options 72 ): Promise<ConversationalReturn> 73 /** 74 * This task reads some text and outputs raw float values, that are usually consumed as part of a semantic database/semantic search. 75 */ 76 featureExtraction( 77 args: FeatureExtractionArgs, 78 options?: Options 79 ): Promise<FeatureExtractionReturn> 80 /** 81 * This task reads some audio input and outputs the said words within the audio files. 82 * Recommended model (english language): facebook/wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60-self 83 */ 84 automaticSpeechRecognition( 85 args: AutomaticSpeechRecognitionArgs, 86 options?: Options 87 ): Promise<AutomaticSpeechRecognitionReturn> 88 /** 89 * This task reads some audio input and outputs the likelihood of classes. 90 * Recommended model: superb/hubert-large-superb-er 91 */ 92 audioClassification( 93 args: AudioClassificationArgs, 94 options?: Options 95 ): Promise<AudioClassificationReturn> 96 /** 97 * This task reads some image input and outputs the likelihood of classes. 98 * Recommended model: google/vit-base-patch16-224 99 */ 100 imageClassification( 101 args: ImageClassificationArgs, 102 options?: Options 103 ): Promise<ImageClassificationReturn> 104 /** 105 * This task reads some image input and outputs the likelihood of classes & bounding boxes of detected objects. 106 * Recommended model: facebook/detr-resnet-50 107 */ 108 objectDetection( 109 args: ObjectDetectionArgs, 110 options?: Options 111 ): Promise<ObjectDetectionReturn> 112 /** 113 * This task reads some image input and outputs the likelihood of classes & bounding boxes of detected objects. 114 * Recommended model: facebook/detr-resnet-50-panoptic 115 */ 116 imageSegmentation( 117 args: ImageSegmentationArgs, 118 options?: Options 119 ): Promise<ImageSegmentationReturn> 120 request( 121 args: Args & { 122 data?: any 123 }, 124 options?: Options & { 125 binary?: boolean 126 } 127 ): Promise<any> 128 private static toArray 129} 130 131export declare type Options = { 132 /** 133 * (Default: false). Boolean to use GPU instead of CPU for inference (requires Startup plan at least). 134 */ 135 use_gpu?: boolean 136 /** 137 * (Default: true). Boolean. There is a cache layer on the inference API to speedup requests we have already seen. Most models can use those results as is as models are deterministic (meaning the results will be the same anyway). However if you use a non deterministic model, you can set this parameter to prevent the caching mechanism from being used resulting in a real new query. 138 */ 139 use_cache?: boolean 140 /** 141 * (Default: false) Boolean. If the model is not ready, wait for it instead of receiving 503. It limits the number of requests required to get your inference done. It is advised to only set this flag to true after receiving a 503 error as it will limit hanging in your application to known places. 142 */ 143 wait_for_model?: boolean 144 /** 145 * (Default: true) Boolean. If a request 503s and wait_for_model is set to false, the request will be retried with the same parameters but with wait_for_model set to true. 146 */ 147 retry_on_error?: boolean 148} 149export declare type Args = { 150 model: string 151} 152export declare type FillMaskArgs = Args & { 153 inputs: string 154} 155export declare type FillMaskReturn = { 156 /** 157 * The probability for this token. 158 */ 159 score: number 160 /** 161 * The id of the token 162 */ 163 token: number 164 /** 165 * The string representation of the token 166 */ 167 token_str: string 168 /** 169 * The actual sequence of tokens that ran against the model (may contain special tokens) 170 */ 171 sequence: string 172}[] 173export declare type SummarizationArgs = Args & { 174 /** 175 * A string to be summarized 176 */ 177 inputs: string 178 parameters?: { 179 /** 180 * (Default: None). Integer to define the minimum length in tokens of the output summary. 181 */ 182 min_length?: number 183 /** 184 * (Default: None). Integer to define the maximum length in tokens of the output summary. 185 */ 186 max_length?: number 187 /** 188 * (Default: None). Integer to define the top tokens considered within the sample operation to create new text. 189 */ 190 top_k?: number 191 /** 192 * (Default: None). Float to define the tokens that are within the sample operation of text generation. Add tokens in the sample for more probable to least probable until the sum of the probabilities is greater than top_p. 193 */ 194 top_p?: number 195 /** 196 * (Default: 1.0). Float (0.0-100.0). The temperature of the sampling operation. 1 means regular sampling, 0 means always take the highest score, 100.0 is getting closer to uniform probability. 197 */ 198 temperature?: number 199 /** 200 * (Default: None). Float (0.0-100.0). The more a token is used within generation the more it is penalized to not be picked in successive generation passes. 201 */ 202 repetition_penalty?: number 203 /** 204 * (Default: None). Float (0-120.0). The amount of time in seconds that the query should take maximum. Network can cause some overhead so it will be a soft limit. 205 */ 206 max_time?: number 207 } 208} 209export declare type SummarizationReturn = { 210 /** 211 * The string after translation 212 */ 213 summary_text: string 214} 215export declare type QuestionAnswerArgs = Args & { 216 inputs: { 217 question: string 218 context: string 219 } 220} 221export declare type QuestionAnswerReturn = { 222 /** 223 * A string that’s the answer within the text. 224 */ 225 answer: string 226 /** 227 * A float that represents how likely that the answer is correct 228 */ 229 score: number 230 /** 231 * The index (string wise) of the start of the answer within context. 232 */ 233 start: number 234 /** 235 * The index (string wise) of the stop of the answer within context. 236 */ 237 end: number 238} 239export declare type TableQuestionAnswerArgs = Args & { 240 inputs: { 241 /** 242 * The query in plain text that you want to ask the table 243 */ 244 query: string 245 /** 246 * A table of data represented as a dict of list where entries are headers and the lists are all the values, all lists must have the same size. 247 */ 248 table: Record<string, string[]> 249 } 250} 251export declare type TableQuestionAnswerReturn = { 252 /** 253 * The plaintext answer 254 */ 255 answer: string 256 /** 257 * a list of coordinates of the cells referenced in the answer 258 */ 259 coordinates: number[][] 260 /** 261 * A list of coordinates of the cells contents 262 */ 263 cells: string[] 264 /** 265 * The aggregator used to get the answer 266 */ 267 aggregator: string 268} 269export declare type TextClassificationArgs = Args & { 270 /** 271 * A string to be classified 272 */ 273 inputs: string 274} 275export declare type TextClassificationReturn = { 276 /** 277 * The label for the class (model specific) 278 */ 279 label: string 280 /** 281 * A floats that represents how likely is that the text belongs to this class. 282 */ 283 score: number 284}[] 285export declare type TextGenerationArgs = Args & { 286 /** 287 * A string to be generated from 288 */ 289 inputs: string 290 parameters?: { 291 /** 292 * (Default: None). Integer to define the top tokens considered within the sample operation to create new text. 293 */ 294 top_k?: number 295 /** 296 * (Default: None). Float to define the tokens that are within the sample operation of text generation. Add tokens in the sample for more probable to least probable until the sum of the probabilities is greater than top_p. 297 */ 298 top_p?: number 299 /** 300 * (Default: 1.0). Float (0.0-100.0). The temperature of the sampling operation. 1 means regular sampling, 0 means always take the highest score, 100.0 is getting closer to uniform probability. 301 */ 302 temperature?: number 303 /** 304 * (Default: None). Float (0.0-100.0). The more a token is used within generation the more it is penalized to not be picked in successive generation passes. 305 */ 306 repetition_penalty?: number 307 /** 308 * (Default: None). Int (0-250). The amount of new tokens to be generated, this does not include the input length it is a estimate of the size of generated text you want. Each new tokens slows down the request, so look for balance between response times and length of text generated. 309 */ 310 max_new_tokens?: number 311 /** 312 * (Default: None). Float (0-120.0). The amount of time in seconds that the query should take maximum. Network can cause some overhead so it will be a soft limit. Use that in combination with max_new_tokens for best results. 313 */ 314 max_time?: number 315 /** 316 * (Default: True). Bool. If set to False, the return results will not contain the original query making it easier for prompting. 317 */ 318 return_full_text?: boolean 319 /** 320 * (Default: 1). Integer. The number of proposition you want to be returned. 321 */ 322 num_return_sequences?: number 323 /** 324 * (Optional: True). Bool. Whether or not to use sampling, use greedy decoding otherwise. 325 */ 326 do_sample?: boolean 327 } 328} 329export declare type TextGenerationReturn = { 330 /** 331 * The continuated string 332 */ 333 generated_text: string 334} 335export declare type TokenClassificationArgs = Args & { 336 /** 337 * A string to be classified 338 */ 339 inputs: string 340 parameters?: { 341 /** 342 * (Default: simple). There are several aggregation strategies: 343 * 344 * none: Every token gets classified without further aggregation. 345 * 346 * simple: Entities are grouped according to the default schema (B-, I- tags get merged when the tag is similar). 347 * 348 * first: Same as the simple strategy except words cannot end up with different tags. Words will use the tag of the first token when there is ambiguity. 349 * 350 * average: Same as the simple strategy except words cannot end up with different tags. Scores are averaged across tokens and then the maximum label is applied. 351 * 352 * max: Same as the simple strategy except words cannot end up with different tags. Word entity will be the token with the maximum score. 353 */ 354 aggregation_strategy?: 'none' | 'simple' | 'first' | 'average' | 'max' 355 } 356} 357export declare type TokenClassificationReturnValue = { 358 /** 359 * The type for the entity being recognized (model specific). 360 */ 361 entity_group: string 362 /** 363 * How likely the entity was recognized. 364 */ 365 score: number 366 /** 367 * The string that was captured 368 */ 369 word: string 370 /** 371 * The offset stringwise where the answer is located. Useful to disambiguate if word occurs multiple times. 372 */ 373 start: number 374 /** 375 * The offset stringwise where the answer is located. Useful to disambiguate if word occurs multiple times. 376 */ 377 end: number 378} 379export declare type TokenClassificationReturn = TokenClassificationReturnValue[] 380export declare type TranslationArgs = Args & { 381 /** 382 * A string to be translated 383 */ 384 inputs: string 385} 386export declare type TranslationReturn = { 387 /** 388 * The string after translation 389 */ 390 translation_text: string 391} 392export declare type ZeroShotClassificationArgs = Args & { 393 /** 394 * a string or list of strings 395 */ 396 inputs: string | string[] 397 parameters: { 398 /** 399 * a list of strings that are potential classes for inputs. (max 10 candidate_labels, for more, simply run multiple requests, results are going to be misleading if using too many candidate_labels anyway. If you want to keep the exact same, you can simply run multi_label=True and do the scaling on your end. 400 */ 401 candidate_labels: string[] 402 /** 403 * (Default: false) Boolean that is set to True if classes can overlap 404 */ 405 multi_label?: boolean 406 } 407} 408export declare type ZeroShotClassificationReturnValue = { 409 sequence: string 410 labels: string[] 411 scores: number[] 412} 413export declare type ZeroShotClassificationReturn = 414 ZeroShotClassificationReturnValue[] 415export declare type ConversationalArgs = Args & { 416 inputs: { 417 /** 418 * The last input from the user in the conversation. 419 */ 420 text: string 421 /** 422 * A list of strings corresponding to the earlier replies from the model. 423 */ 424 generated_responses?: string[] 425 /** 426 * A list of strings corresponding to the earlier replies from the user. Should be of the same length of generated_responses. 427 */ 428 past_user_inputs?: string[] 429 } 430 parameters?: { 431 /** 432 * (Default: None). Integer to define the minimum length in tokens of the output summary. 433 */ 434 min_length?: number 435 /** 436 * (Default: None). Integer to define the maximum length in tokens of the output summary. 437 */ 438 max_length?: number 439 /** 440 * (Default: None). Integer to define the top tokens considered within the sample operation to create new text. 441 */ 442 top_k?: number 443 /** 444 * (Default: None). Float to define the tokens that are within the sample operation of text generation. Add tokens in the sample for more probable to least probable until the sum of the probabilities is greater than top_p. 445 */ 446 top_p?: number 447 /** 448 * (Default: 1.0). Float (0.0-100.0). The temperature of the sampling operation. 1 means regular sampling, 0 means always take the highest score, 100.0 is getting closer to uniform probability. 449 */ 450 temperature?: number 451 /** 452 * (Default: None). Float (0.0-100.0). The more a token is used within generation the more it is penalized to not be picked in successive generation passes. 453 */ 454 repetition_penalty?: number 455 /** 456 * (Default: None). Float (0-120.0). The amount of time in seconds that the query should take maximum. Network can cause some overhead so it will be a soft limit. 457 */ 458 max_time?: number 459 } 460} 461export declare type ConversationalReturn = { 462 generated_text: string 463 conversation: { 464 generated_responses: string[] 465 past_user_inputs: string[] 466 } 467 warnings: string[] 468} 469export declare type FeatureExtractionArgs = Args & { 470 /** 471 * The inputs vary based on the model. For example when using sentence-transformers/paraphrase-xlm-r-multilingual-v1 the inputs will look like this: 472 * 473 * inputs: { 474 * "source_sentence": "That is a happy person", 475 * "sentences": ["That is a happy dog", "That is a very happy person", "Today is a sunny day"] 476 */ 477 inputs: Record<string, any> | Record<string, any>[] 478} 479/** 480 * Returned values are a list of floats, or a list of list of floats (depending on if you sent a string or a list of string, and if the automatic reduction, usually mean_pooling for instance was applied for you or not. This should be explained on the model's README. 481 */ 482export declare type FeatureExtractionReturn = (number | number[])[] 483export declare type ImageClassificationArgs = Args & { 484 /** 485 * Binary image data 486 */ 487 data: any 488} 489export declare type ImageClassificationReturnValue = { 490 /** 491 * The label for the class (model specific) 492 */ 493 score: number 494 /** 495 * A float that represents how likely it is that the image file belongs to this class. 496 */ 497 label: string 498} 499export declare type ImageClassificationReturn = ImageClassificationReturnValue[] 500export declare type ObjectDetectionArgs = Args & { 501 /** 502 * Binary image data 503 */ 504 data: any 505} 506export declare type ObjectDetectionReturnValue = { 507 /** 508 * A float that represents how likely it is that the detected object belongs to the given class. 509 */ 510 score: number 511 /** 512 * The label for the class (model specific) of a detected object. 513 */ 514 label: string 515 /** 516 * A dict (with keys [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]) representing the bounding box of a detected object. 517 */ 518 box: { 519 xmin: number 520 ymin: number 521 xmax: number 522 ymax: number 523 } 524} 525export declare type ObjectDetectionReturn = ObjectDetectionReturnValue[] 526export declare type ImageSegmentationArgs = Args & { 527 /** 528 * Binary image data 529 */ 530 data: any 531} 532export declare type ImageSegmentationReturnValue = { 533 /** 534 * A float that represents how likely it is that the detected object belongs to the given class. 535 */ 536 score: number 537 /** 538 * The label for the class (model specific) of a segment. 539 */ 540 label: string 541 /** 542 * A str (base64 str of a single channel black-and-white img) representing the mask of a segment. 543 */ 544 mask: string 545} 546export declare type ImageSegmentationReturn = ImageSegmentationReturnValue[] 547export declare type AutomaticSpeechRecognitionArgs = Args & { 548 /** 549 * Binary audio data 550 */ 551 data: any 552} 553export declare type AutomaticSpeechRecognitionReturn = { 554 /** 555 * The text that was recognized from the audio 556 */ 557 text: string 558} 559export declare type AudioClassificationArgs = Args & { 560 /** 561 * Binary audio data 562 */ 563 data: any 564} 565export declare type AudioClassificationReturnValue = { 566 /** 567 * The label for the class (model specific) 568 */ 569 label: string 570 /** 571 * A float that represents how likely it is that the audio file belongs to this class. 572 */ 573 score: number 574} 575export declare type AudioClassificationReturn = AudioClassificationReturnValue[]
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