a generator for audio signals that combines your synth function with an envelope and timing. For use with jsynth, nvelope, and jsynth-sync. Look em up on NPM.
Set a generator with 3 params:
- time
- a DSP function
- envelope object
Then if your master DSP function, ask the generator to do its thing. It will generate your signal on time, and then flush the whole thing when its time has passed. See below rly.
To run the example, serve up the public dir with a static file server like "ecstatic" on NPM. entry.js is a pre borwserified bundle, so you can mess with that.
context = (AudioContext) ? AudioContext : webkitAudioContext
master = new context
SAMPLERATE = samplerate = master.sampleRate
jsynth = require('jsynth')
nvelope = require('nvelope')
sync = require('jsynth-sync')
oz = require('oscillators')
jdelay = require('jdelay')
amod = require('amod')
chronotrigger = require('./')
generator = new chronotrigger()
music = function(time, sample, input){
timer.tick.call(timer, time)
return generator.tick(time, sample, input)
timer = sync(72, master.sampleRate)
gong = timer.on(1/4, function(_t, b){
var attack = [[0,0],[2,1],[1,1]]
var release= [[1,1],[0,0], [1,0]]
var curves = [attack, release]
var durs = [.01, .06]
var mods = {curves: curves, durations: durs}
var synth = function(t,s,i){
return (oz.triangle(t, 1200) + oz.saw(t, Math.random())) * (1 + (b%2%4))
var gen = generator.set(_t, synth, mods)
dsp = function(t, s, i){
time = t
return music(t, s, i)
synth = jsynth(master, music)