Miscellaneous Encoding Utilities for Crypto-related Objects in JavaScript
WARNING: At this time this solution should be considered suitable for research and experimentation, further code and security review is needed before utilization in a production application.
Introduction and Overview
This library is being developed to handle cryptographic data objects, e.g., PEM-formatted X.509 certificate, in JavaScript. Note that this library provides no cryptographic functions like encryption, but provides encoders, decoders and formatters of data formats related to cryptographic data objects. In particular, this introduces Base64(Url)-ArrayBuffer en/decoder, HexString-ArrayBuffer en/decoder and PEM-Binary formatter at this point. Moreover, this library is designed to be 'universal', i.e., it works both on most browsers and on Node.js just by importing from npm/source code.
At your project directory, do either one of the following.
Then you should import the package as follows.
import jseu from 'js-encoding-utils'; // for npm
import jseu from 'jseu/dist/index.js'; // for github
Base64 <-> Binary
// msg is an ArrayBuffer or Typed Array
const encoded = jseu.encoder.encodeBase64(msg);
// now you get Base64 string
const decoded = jseu.encoder.decodeBase64(encoded);
// now you get the original message in Uint8Array
Base64Url <-> Binary
// msg is an ArrayBuffer or Typed Array
const encoded = jseu.encoder.encodeBase64Url(msg);
// now you get Base64Url string
const decoded = jseu.encoder.decodeBase64Url(encoded);
// now you get the original message in Uint8Array
HexString <-> Binary
// msg is an ArrayBuffer or Typed Array
const encoded = jseu.encoder.arrayBufferToHexString(msg);
// now you get the hex-stringified message string
const decoded = jseu.encoder.hexStringToArrayBuffer(encoded);
// now you get the original message in Uint8Array
PEM <-> Binary (usually DER encoding)
// X.509 formatted certificate
const certPEM ='-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...';
const binCert = jseu.formatter.pemToBin(certPEM);
// now you get the DER encoded certificate in Uint8Array
const pemCert = jseu.formatter.binToPem(binCert, 'certificate');
// now you get the original certificate.
Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE