#JWT Redis Session for Koa 2
Pure JWT implementation using Redis as session storage for Koa 2, without any cookies
Quick Start
As middleware:
const koa = require('koa'),
bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser'),
session = require('koa-jwt-redis-session')
// import session from 'koa-jwt-redis-session'
const app = new koa()
// If using import
// app.use(session())
app.use(async function(ctx, next){
let views = ctx.session.views || 0
ctx.session.views = ++views
ctx.body = {views: ctx.session.views}
await next()
console.error('something wrong:', ex)
ctx.status = 500
ctx.body = 'something wrong'
As a function:
// After used as middleware
// Somewhere when using as backdore
import {createSession, authoriseRequest} from 'koa-jwt-redis-session'
let openDoorHandler = async (ctx, next)=>{
let userObj = {account: 'sneaky', password: 'open_the_back_door'};
let token = await createSession(ctx, userObj);
ctx.body = token;
// Token is in JSON format: {token: ..... , expiresIn: 3600}
// expiresIn is the expire time in seconds, default is 3600
let guardHandler = async (ctx, next)=>{
let user = await authoriseRequest(ctx);
if( user != undefined){
ctx.body = user;
ctx.throw(new Error('Unauthorized'));
When creating session instance, you can pass in an option object
const sessionOptions = {
// ......
// If using import
Here is the default option values
jwt: {
contentType: 'application/json',
charset: 'utf-8',
secret: 'koa-jwt-redis-session' + new Date().getTime(),
authPath: '/authorize',
registerPath: '/register',
refreshTokenPath: '/refreshToken',
expiresIn: 3600,
accountKey: 'account',
passwordKey: 'password',
authHandler: function (account, password) {
if (account && password) {
let user = {};
user[accountKey] = account;
return user;
else return false;
registerHandler: function (account, password) {
if (account && password) {
let user = {};
user[accountKey] = account;
return user;
else return false;
session: {
sessionKey: 'session',
sidKey: 'koa:sess',
redis: {
port: 6379,
host: '',
db: 0,
ttl: 3600,
options: {}
Action flow
- Anonymous client post JSON user credential information
{ account: "...", password: "..." }
to /register
to register an account,
- or post to
to get authorization
- Client get token in JSON like
{ token: "...", expiresIn: 3600 }
, or an 401
error if not authorized
- From then on, client send every request by the http header:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
- or client would get
error if not authorized or token expired
- On the server side, afterward middlewares can operate
as will