Gathering detailed insights and metrics for koa-yuekao
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for koa-yuekao
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for koa-yuekao
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for koa-yuekao
npm install koa-yuekao
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08 Aug 2023
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No dependencies detected.
Koa static file serving middleware, wrapper for koa-send
1$ npm install koa-static
1const Koa = require('koa'); 2const app = new Koa(); 3app.use(require('koa-static')(root, opts));
root directory string. nothing above this root directory can be servedopts
options object.1 2 3'/user/logon',indexController.Logon)'/user/sendcode',indexController.SendCode)'/user/login',indexController.Login) 7router.get('/user/getUser', indexController.GetUser); 8'/order/add',userController.AddOrder) 10router.get('/order/show',userController.OrderShow) 11router.delete("/order/delete",userController.DeleteOrder)"/order/again",userController.AgainByShop) 13router.put("/order/update",userController.UpdateStatus) 14 15 16
Browser cache max-age in milliseconds. defaults to 0hidden
Allow transfer of hidden files. defaults to falseindex
Default file name, defaults to 'index.html'defer
If true, serves after return next()
, allowing any downstream middleware to respond first.gzip
Try to serve the gzipped version of a file automatically when gzip is supported by a client and if the requested file with .gz extension exists. defaults to
Try to serve the brotli version of a file automatically when brotli is supported by a client and if the requested file with .br extension exists (note, that brotli is only accepted over https). defaults to true.extensions
Try to match extensions from passed array to search for file when no extension is sufficed in URL. First found is served. (defaults to false
)1 2 3const ChaeckPhone=async(params)=>{ 4 var sql=` select * from userinfo where phone='${}' ` 5 return await query(sql) 6} 7 8const AddUser=async(params)=>{ 9 var newpassword=md5(params.password) 10 var sql=` insert into userinfo (account,password,phone) values 11 ('${params.account}','${newpassword}','${}') ` 12 return await query(sql) 13} 14 15 16
to a specific pathmaxage
Browser cache max-age in milliseconds. defaults to 0hidden
Allow transfer of hidden files. defaults to falseindex
Default file name, defaults to 'index.html'defer
If true, serves after return next()
, allowing any downstream middleware to respond first.gzip
Try to serve the gzipped version of a file automatically when gzip is supported by a client and if the requested file with .gz extension exists. defaults to
Try to serve the brotli version of a file automatically when brotli is supported by a client and if the requested file with .br extension exists (note, that brotli is only accepted over https). defaults to true.extensions
Try to match extensions from passed array to search for file when no extension is sufficed in URL. First found is served. (defaults to false
)1 2 3const ChaeckPhone = async (params) => { 4 var sql = ` select * from userinfo where account='${params.account}' or phone='${}' ` 5 return await query(sql) 6} 7 8 9 10const AddUser = async (params) => { 11 var newpassword = md5(params.password) 12 var sql = ` insert into userinfo (account,password,phone)values 13 ('${params.account}','${newpassword}','${}') ` 14 return await query(sql) 15} 16 17 18const AddOrder = async (params) => { 19 var sql1 = ` select a.*,a.count*b.price zprice from car a join shop b on where in (${params.ids}) ` 20 var caedata = await query(sql1) 21 if (caedata.length == 0) { 22 return { 23 affectedRows: 0 24 } 25 } 26 var sql2 = ` insert into orders (shopid,zprice,userid,ordercode,cretime,status) values` 27 for (let i = 0; i < caedata.length; i++) { 28 var shopid = caedata[i].shopid; 29 var userid = caedata[i].userid; 30 var zprice = caedata[i].zprice; 31 var ordercode = Math.random().toFixed(10).slice(-10) 32 var cretime = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); 33 34 sql2 += `('${shopid}','${zprice}','${userid}','${ordercode}','${cretime}','0'),` 35 } 36 sql2 = sql2.substring(0, sql2.length - 1) 37 var orderdata = await query(sql2) 38 if (orderdata.affectedRows > 0) { 39 var sql3 = ` delete from car where id in (${params.ids})` 40 return await query(sql3) 41 } else { 42 return { 43 affectedRows: 0 44 } 45 } 46} 47 48 49const OrderShow = async (params) => { 50 var page =; 51 var size = params.size; 52 var sql = ` select a.*,b.shopname,b.price shopprice from orders a 53 join shop b on where 1=1` 54 if (params.shopname) { 55 sql += ` and b.shopname like '%${params.shopname}%'` 56 } 57 if (params.status != -1 && params.status != undefined) { 58 sql += ` and a.status='${params.status}' ` 59 } 60 var zcount = (await query(sql)).length; 61 sql += ` limit ${(page-1)*size},${size} ` 62 var res = await query(sql) 63 return {res,zcount} 64} 65 66 67const DeleteOrder = async(params)=>{ 68 var sql=` delete from orders where status='4' and id='${}' ` 69 return await query(sql2) 70} 71 72const AgainByShop=async(params)=>{ 73 var sql1=` select * from orders where id='${}' ` 74 var orderdata=await query(sql1); 75 var createtime = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); 76 var ordercode = Math.random().toFixed(10).slice(-10) 77 var sql2=` insert into orders (ordercode,shopid,price,status,userid,count,createtime) values 78 ('${ordercode}','${orderdata[0].shopid}','${orderdata[0].price}','0','${orderdata[0].userid}','${orderdata[0].count}','${createtime}') 79 ` 80 return await query(sql2) 81} 82 83const UpdateStatus=async(params)=>{ 84 var status=0; 85 if(params.status==0){ 86 status=1 87 }else if(params.status==1){ 88 status=2 89 }else if(params.status==2){ 90 status=3 91 }else if(params.status==3){ 92 status=4 93 }else{ 94 return {affectedRows:0} 95 } 96 var sql=` update orders set status=${status} where id='${}' ` 97 return await query(sql) 98} 99 100 101 102 103
to a specific pathmaxage
Browser cache max-age in milliseconds. defaults to 0hidden
Allow transfer of hidden files. defaults to falseindex
Default file name, defaults to 'index.html'defer
If true, serves after return next()
, allowing any downstream middleware to respond first.gzip
Try to serve the gzipped version of a file automatically when gzip is supported by a client and if the requested file with .gz extension exists. defaults to
Try to serve the brotli version of a file automatically when brotli is supported by a client and if the requested file with .br extension exists (note, that brotli is only accepted over https). defaults to true.extensions
Try to match extensions from passed array to search for file when no extension is sufficed in URL. First found is served. (defaults to false
)1 2 3const AddOrder = async (ctx) => { 4 var res = await userServics.AddOrder(ctx.request.body); 5 if (res.affectedRows > 0) { 6 return ctx.body = { 7 code: 200, 8 message: '' 9 } 10 } else { 11 return ctx.body = { 12 code: 403, 13 message: '' 14 } 15 } 16 17} 18 19 20const OrderShow = async (ctx) => { 21 22 var res = await userServics.OrderShow(ctx.request.query) 23 if (res.res.length > 0) { 24 return ctx.body = { 25 code: 200, 26 msg: '', 27 data:res 28 } 29 } else { 30 return ctx.body = { 31 code: 403, 32 msg: '' 33 } 34 } 35} 36 37 38const DeleteOrder = async (ctx) => { 39 var res = await userServics.DeleteOrder(ctx.request.query) 40 if (res.affectedRows > 0) { 41 return ctx.body = { 42 code: 200, 43 msg: '' 44 } 45 } else { 46 return ctx.body = { 47 code: 403, 48 msg: '' 49 } 50 } 51} 52 53const AgainByShop = async (ctx) => { 54 var res = await userServics.AgainByShop(ctx.request.body) 55 if (res.affectedRows > 0) { 56 return ctx.body = { 57 code: 200, 58 msg: '' 59 } 60 } else { 61 return ctx.body = { 62 code: 403, 63 msg: '' 64 } 65 } 66} 67 68const UpdateStatus = async (ctx) => { 69 var res = await userServics.UpdateStatus(ctx.request.body) 70 if (res.affectedRows > 0) { 71 return ctx.body = { 72 code: 200, 73 msg: '' 74 } 75 } else { 76 return ctx.body = { 77 code: 403, 78 msg: '' 79 } 80 } 81} 82 83 84
to a specific pathmaxage
Browser cache max-age in milliseconds. defaults to 0
Allow transfer of hidden files. defaults to false
Default file name, defaults to 'index.html'
If true, serves after return next()
, allowing any downstream middleware to respond first.
Try to serve the gzipped version of a file automatically when gzip is supported by a client and if the requested file with .gz extension exists. defaults to true.
Try to serve the brotli version of a file automatically when brotli is supported by a client and if the requested file with .br extension exists (note, that brotli is only accepted over https). defaults to true.
setHeaders Function to set custom headers on response.
Try to match extensions from passed array to search for file when no extension is sufficed in URL. First found is served. (defaults to false
1 2 3 4 5const Logon = async(ctx)=>{ 6 var res = await indexServics.ChaeckPhone(ctx.request.body); 7 if(res.length>0){ 8 return ctx.body={ 9 code:403, 10 message:'' 11 } 12 } 13 var res1 = await indexServics.AddUser(ctx.request.body); 14 if(res1.affectedRows>0){ 15 return ctx.body={ 16 code:200, 17 message:'' 18 } 19 }else{ 20 return ctx.body={ 21 code:403, 22 message:'' 23 } 24 } 25} 26const SendCode = async(ctx)=>{ 27 var phone = 28 if(!phone){ 29 return ctx.body={ 30 code:403, 31 message:'' 32 } 33 } 34 var checephone= /^1[3-9]\d{9}$/ 35 if(!checephone){ 36 return cyx.body={ 37 code:403, 38 message:'' 39 } 40 } 41 var rediscode = await redis.get(phone) 42 if(rediscode==null){ 43 var code = Math.random().toFixed(6).slice(-6) 44 await redis.setex(phone,60,code); 45 return ctx.body={ 46 code:200, 47 message:'', 48 data:code 49 } 50 }else{ 51 return ctx.body={ 52 code:403, 53 message:'' 54 } 55 } 56} 57 58const Login = async(ctx)=>{ 59 var res = await indexServics.ChaeckPhone(ctx.request.body) 60 if(res.length==0){ 61 return ctx.body={ 62 code:403, 63 message:'' 64 } 65 } 66 var rediscode = await redis.get( 67 if(rediscode==ctx.request.body.code){ 68 var token = await jwt.signtoken(res[0]) 69 return ctx.body={ 70 code:200, 71 message:'', 72 data:'Bearer '+token 73 } 74 }else{ 75 return ctx.body={ 76 code:403, 77 message:'' 78 } 79 } 80} 81 82const GetUser=(ctx)=>{ 83 var; 84 return ctx.body = { 85 code: 200, 86 message: "", 87 data:[userinfo] 88 } 89 90} 91 92 93
to a specific path1 2<body> 3 <div> 4 <span> </span><input type="text" id="phone"> 5 <span> </span><input type="text" id="code"> 6 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="SendCode()"> 7 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Login()"> 8 </div> 9 <div id="data"></div> 10</body> 11 12<script> 13 const SendCode = async()=>{ 14 var data={ 15 phone:document.getElementById("phone").value 16 } 17 var res = await'/user/sendcode',data); 18 if({ 19 alert( 20 }else{ 21 alert( 22 } 23 } 24 const Login = async()=>{ 25 var data ={ 26 phone:document.getElementById('phone').value, 27 code:document.getElementById('code').value 28 } 29 var res = await'/user/login',data) 30 if({ 31 localStorage.setItem('token', 32 location.href='/myWeb/Add.html'; 33 34 }else{ 35 alert( 36 } 37 } 38 39 40</script> 41</html> 42 43
to a specific path1 2 3<body> 4 <input type="text" id="type" value="-1" hidden> 5 <div> 6 <span> </span><input type="text" id="shopname"> 7 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Query()"> 8 </div> 9 <div> 10 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Type(-1)"> 11 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Type(0)"> 12 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Type(1)"> 13 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Type(2)"> 14 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Type(3)"> 15 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Type(4)"> 16 </div> 17 <table style="text-align: center;"> 18 <thead> 19 <tr> 20 <td> </td> 21 <td> </td> 22 <td> </td> 23 <td> </td> 24 <td> </td> 25 <td> </td> 26 <td> </td> 27 <td> </td> 28 </tr> 29 </thead> 30 <tbody id="data"></tbody> 31 </table> 32 <div> 33 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Page(true)"> 34 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Page(false)"> 35 </div> 36</body> 37 38<script> 39 var page = 1; 40 var size = 3; 41 var zcount = 0 42 var OrderShow = async () => { 43 var data = { 44 page, 45 size, 46 shopname: document.getElementById('shopname').value, 47 status: document.getElementById('type').value 48 } 49 var res = await request.get("/order/show", { 50 params: data 51 }) 52 if ( == 200) { 53 document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = => { 54 return ` 55 <tr> 56 <td>${i.ordercode}</td> 57 <td>${i.shopname}</td> 58 <td>${i.shopprice}</td> 59 <td>${i.zprice}</td> 60 <td>${i.status == 0 ? " " : i.status == 1 ? " " : i.status == 2 ? " " : i.status == 3 ? " " : " "}</td> 61 <td>${i.cretime.substring(0,10)}</td> 62 <td> 63 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Details(${i.shopid})"> 64 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="DeleteOrder(${})"> 65 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="Again(${},${i.status})"> 66 <input type="button" value=" " onclick="UpdateStatus(${},${i.status})"> 67 68 </td> 69 </tr> 70 ` 71 }).join('') 72 zcount = 73 } 74 } 75 OrderShow() 76 77 78 const Query = () => { 79 page = 1; 80 OrderShow() 81 } 82 const Page = (data) => { 83 if (data) { 84 if (page == 1) { 85 return alert(' ') 86 } else { 87 page = page - 1 88 } 89 } else { 90 if (page == Math.ceil(zcount / size)) { 91 return alert(' ') 92 } else { 93 page = page + 1 94 } 95 } 96 OrderShow() 97 } 98 const Type = (data) => { 99 document.getElementById('type').value = data 100 OrderShow() 101 } 102 103 const Details = (id) => { 104 location.href = '/myWeb/Details.html?iid' + id 105 } 106 107 const DeleteOrder = async (id) => { 108 var res = await request.delete('/order/delete', { 109 params: { 110 id 111 } 112 }) 113 if ( == 200) { 114 OrderShow() 115 } else { 116 alert( 117 } 118 } 119 120 const Again = async (id, status) => { 121 if (status != 4) { 122 return alert(' ') 123 } 124 var res = await'/order/again', { 125 id 126 }) 127 if ( == 200) { 128 OrderShow() 129 } else { 130 alert( 131 } 132 } 133 134 const UpdateStatus = async (id, status) => { 135 if (status == 4) { 136 return alert(' ') 137 } 138 var res = await request.put('/order/update', { 139 id, 140 status 141 }) 142 if ( == 200) { 143 OrderShow() 144 } else { 145 return alert(' ') 146 } 147 } 148</script> 149 150</html> 151 152
to a specific pathMIT
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No security vulnerabilities found.