Levenshtein Metric
A metric for measuring the edit difference in two strings. It counts the
minimum number of single-character edits needed to make the strings match.
Therefore the lower the return value the more alike the two are, down to zero,
denoting an exact match.
Install in your Node project using npm as usual; npm i levenshtein-metric
. It
also works in the browser, just include the source within index.js
in your
project however you prefer. Note that the distance
function will be added to
the global scope if it's not included with a tool like
Example Usage
var distance = require('levenshtein-metric');
distance('match', 'match');
// 0
distance('kitten', 'sitting');
// 3
You can also compare case-insensitively with an additional options argument.
distance('match', 'MATCH', { caseSensitive: false });
// 0