A tiny and very opinionated nanoservices framework inspired by expressjs.
This is library to host all the common and boring features shared between our nanoservices.
WARNING: This library is a work in progress and isn't intended to be general purpose.
Things like:
- logging
- basic error handling
- metrics
- health checks
- tracing requests and events across services
npm install --save nanonode-express
Example Usage (TypeScript)
import * nano from 'nanonode-express';
// Entry point for the nanoservice.
// The 'export' keyword is for testing.
export async function main(service: INanoService): Promise<void> {
// Handle a message, do some work, then publish a new message.
// This uses Rabbitmq under the hood for reliable message handling.
// The callback is wrapped for error handling, performance metrics and message tracing.
// A bit like Express's post function.
service.on("do-some-work", async (args, res) => {
// ... do some work ...
// Emit an outgoing event.
await service.emit("another-event", { your: "json data goes here" });
// Acknowledge that the message was handled correctly.
await res.ack();
// Create a HTTP GET request handler for a particular route.
// Do some work and return some json.
// Under the hood this is handled by Express, but the callback is wrapped for
// error handling, performance metrics and request tracing.
service.get('/another-end-point', async (req, res) => {
// ... do some work ...
// Respond to the request with some JSON data.
await res.json({
your: "json data"
// End points can be easily forwarded to internal services.
service.get('/another-end-point', async (req, res) => {
// Proxy the request to 'another-service'.
service.forwardRequest("another-service", "/a-different-end-point", { optionalQueryParameters: "go here" }, res);
// Initiate the service (a bit like like Express' listen function).
await service.start();
if (require.main === module) {
// Run nano service as normal.
const service = nano();
.then(() =>"Online"))
.catch(err => {
console.error("Failed to start!");
console.error(err && err.stack || err);
else {
// Don't start nanoservice, this allows the service to be loaded for unit testing.
Building the code
Open folder in Visual Studio Code and hit Ctrl+Shift+B
npm build
npx tsc [-w]
npm test
npm run test:watch
npx mocha --opts ./src/test/mocha.opts
npx mocha --watch --watch-extensions ts --opts ./src/test/mocha.opts
Debugging the command line app
- Open in Visual Studio Code.
- Select 'Main' debug configuration.
- Set your breakpoints.
- Hit F5 to run.
Debugging the tests
- Open in Visual Studio Code.
- Select 'Mocha' debug configuration.
- Open the test source file to execute.
- Set your breakpoints.
- Hit F5 to run.