Dexie module for Angular 2.0+ projects
This is a fork of ngx-dexie with rxjs observable implementation
npm install ngx-dexie-observable --save
How to use
Import and configure DexieModule
import { DexieModule, DexieConfig } from 'ngx-dexie';
const config: DexieConfig = {
databaseName: 'AppDatabase',//your database name here
schema: {
friends: '++id, first_name, last_name',
teachers: '++id, first_name, last_name'
} // any schema of your choice
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Using your dexie instance
The DexieModule
provides now a configured Dexie db instance and a Dexie db service, i.e. DexieService
which can be injected anywhere inside the AppModule
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { DexieService } from 'ngx-dexie';
export class IndexedDbService {
constructor(private dexieService: DexieService) {}
addOneFriend(friendObject: Object) {
this.dexieService.addOne('friends', friendObject);
dexieService.addOne(table: string, object: Object)
Adds the entry object
to the dexie table table
Returns a promise which when resolved gives the key of the object added, when rejected gives the error that occured.
dexieService.addMultiple(table: string, objects: Object[])
Adds multiple objects
to the dexie table table
Returns a promise which works similar to Dexie bulkAdd()
dexieService.count(table: string)
Returns a promise which when resolved gives the number of objects in the table table
dexieService.addOrUpdateOne(table: string, object: Object, key?: any)
Works similar to Dexie put()
dexieService.addOrUpdateMultiple(table: string, objects: Object[], keys?: any)
Works similar to Dexie bulkPut()
dexieService.deleteOne(table: string, primaryKey: any)
Works similar to Dexie delete()
dexieService.deleteMultiple(table: string, primaryKeys: any[])
Works similar to Dexie bulkDelete()
dexieService.clearAll(table: string)
Works similar to Dexie clear()
dexieService.operateOnEach(table: string, callback: (item: any, idbCursor: any) => any)
Works similar to Dexie each()
dexieService.filter(table: string, filterFunction: (value: any) => boolean)
Works similar to Dexie filter()
dexieService.getByPrimaryKey(table: string, primaryKey: any, callback?: (item: Object) => any)
Works similar to Dexie get()
dexieService.getByKeyToValueMap(table: string, keyValueMap: Object, callback?: (item: Object) => any)
Works similar to Dexie get()
dexieService.getFirstNItemsOfTable(table: string, num: number)
Works similar to Dexie limit()
dexieService.orderBy(table: string, index: string)
Works similar to Dexie orderBy()
dexieService.offset(table: string, ignoreUpto: number)
Works similar to Dexie offset()
dexieService.reverse(table: string)
Works similar to Dexie reverse()
dexieService.toArray(table: string, callback?: (objects: Object[]) => any)
Works similar to Dexie toArray()
dexieService.toCollection(table: string)
Works similar to Dexie toCollection()
dexieService.update(table: string, key: any, changes: Object)
Works similar to Dexie update()