
A lightweight, zero-dependency retry utility that just works.
Quick Start
npm install nice-retry
import {retry} from 'nice-retry';
// Retry any async operation
await retry.async(() => someAsyncOperation());
// Retry fetch requests
await retry.fetch('');
That's all you need for 90% of use cases! 🎉
Why nice-retry?
- 🪶 Lightweight - Zero dependencies, tiny bundle size
- 🔋 Batteries included - Built-in fetch support, backoff, jitter, fallbacks
- 📦 Just works - Smart defaults, no complex configuration needed
- 💪 TypeScript-first - Full type safety and autocompletion
Common Use Cases
// Retry with custom attempts
await retry.async(fn, {maxAttempts: 5});
// Retry with custom delay
await retry.async(fn, {initialDelay: 1000});
// Retry fetch with options
await retry.fetch('', {
retry: {maxAttempts: 3},
Advanced Features
🔄 Retry Conditions
await retry.async(fn, {
retryIf: error => === 'NetworkError',
🔙 Fallbacks
await retry.async(fn, {
fallback: async () => backupOperation(),
// Or multiple fallbacks
fallback: [async () => primaryBackup(), async () => secondaryBackup()],
⏱️ Backoff Strategies
Backoff is a technique that progressively increases the delay between retry attempts. This helps prevent overwhelming the system being called and allows it time to recover from any issues. Like gradually stepping back when something's not working, rather than continuously trying at the same rate.
await retry.async(fn, {
backoffStrategy: 'exponential', // 1s → 2s → 4s (default)
backoffStrategy: 'linear', // 1s → 2s → 3s
backoffStrategy: 'aggressive', // 1s → 3s → 9s
backoffStrategy: 'fixed', // 1s → 1s → 1s
🎲 Jitter Strategies
Jitter adds randomness to retry delays to prevent multiple clients from retrying at exactly the same time. This is particularly important in distributed systems where synchronized retries could cause "thundering herd" problems - where many clients hit a service simultaneously after a failure.
await retry.async(fn, {
jitterStrategy: 'full', // Random between 0 and delay (default)
jitterStrategy: 'equal', // Random between delay/2 and delay*1.5
jitterStrategy: 'decorrelated', // Independent random delays
jitterStrategy: 'none', // Exact delays
🛑 Abort Control
const controller = new AbortController();
await retry.async(fn, {
signal: controller.signal,
// Cancel retries
📡 Fetch-Specific Options
await retry.fetch('', {
retry: {
retryStatusCodes: [408, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504], // HTTP status codes that will trigger a retry
retryNetworkErrors: true, // Whether to retry on network/connection errors
Full API Reference
View Complete API
function async<T>(
fn: () => Promise<T>,
options?: RetryAsyncOptions<T>,
): Promise<RetryAsyncResult<T>>;
interface RetryAsyncResult<T> {
data: T; // The result of the function
attempts: number; // The number of attempts made
totalTime: number; // The total time taken for all attempts
errors: Error[]; // The errors that occurred during the attempts
function fetch(
input: RequestInfo | URL,
init?: RequestInit & {
retry?: RetryFetchOptions;
): Promise<RetryFetchResult>;
interface RetryFetchResult {
response: Response; // The response from the fetch request
attempts: number; // The number of attempts made
totalTime: number; // The total time taken for all attempts
errors: Error[]; // The errors that occurred during the attempts
Error Types
import {
MaxRetriesExceededError, // Thrown when max retries are exceeded
RetryAbortedError, // Thrown when the operation is aborted
RetryConditionFailedError, // Thrown when the retry condition check fails
RetryOperationError, // Base error for all retry operations
} from 'nice-retry';
TypeScript Support
Full TypeScript support with comprehensive type definitions:
import type {
} from 'nice-retry';
Default Configuration
All options are optional with smart defaults:
maxAttempts: 3,
initialDelay: 1000,
maxDelay: 30000,
jitterStrategy: 'full',
backoffStrategy: 'exponential',
retryNetworkErrors: true,
retryStatusCodes: [408, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504]
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MIT © Arshad Yaseen