Online Status (onlineStatus)
A utility that monitors your connection status.
Heres what we can do:
// - know when we're connected/disconnected by onlineStatus.status
// - pass a callback to be triggered on status change
// or show constant connection status
// - pass a DOM element to be used as the container for status
// * looks for an element with class of 'onlineStatusText' to write status
// - get the connection status history log by onlineStatus.log
By default this module is available on 'window':
Config is at the top of the main onlineStatus.js file:
var config = {
writeLogToLocalStorage : true,
el : {
textClassName : 'onlineStatusText',
online : {
backgroundColor : 'green',
textColor : 'white',
text : 'Connected',
offline : {
backgroundColor : 'red',
textColor : 'white',
text : 'Disconnected',
You can initialize the module with optional params:
el : **DOM element or jQuery elment**,
online : function(){ something when online is triggered }
offline : function (){ something when offline is triggered }