Gathering detailed insights and metrics for percy-client
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for percy-client
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for percy-client
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for percy-client
This package provides various CI/CD support for Percy by coalescing different environment variables into a common interface for consumption by `@percy/client`.
The core component of Percy's CLI and SDKs that handles creating builds, discovering snapshot assets, uploading snapshots, and finalizing builds. Uses `@percy/client` for API communication, a Chromium browser for asset discovery, and starts a local API se
Communicate with Percy's API to create builds and snapshots, upload resources, and finalize builds and snapshots. Uses [`@percy/env`](.packages/env) to send environment information with new builds. Can also be used to query for a project's builds using a
[Deprecated] JavaScript API client library for Percy.
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31 Stars
329 Commits
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17 Branches
49 Contributors
Updated on 12 Dec 2022
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JavaScript (99.97%)
CSS (0.03%)