Persist and rehydrate your Pinia state between page reloads.
This project use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
✨ Features
- 🎨 Configurable globally and in every store.
- 💪 Type Safe
- 📦 Extremely small
🚀 Getting Started
Package Manager
# npm
npm i pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2
<script src=""></script>
You can find the library on window.PiniaPluginPersistedstate_2
All you need to do is add the plugin to pinia:
import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
import { createPersistedStatePlugin } from 'pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2'
const pinia = createPinia()
const installPersistedStatePlugin = createPersistedStatePlugin()
pinia.use((context) => installPersistedStatePlugin(context))
The default storage is localStorage
, but you can also use other storage, e.g., using localForage:
// ...
import localforage from 'localforage'
// ...
storage: {
getItem: async (key) => {
return localforage.getItem(key)
setItem: async (key, value) => {
return localforage.setItem(key, value)
removeItem: async (key) => {
return localforage.removeItem(key)
Serialization and Deserialization
Serialization and deserialization allow you to customize the state that gets persisted and rehydrated.
For example, if your state has circular references, you may need to use json-stringify-safe to prevent circular references from being thrown:
// ...
import stringify from 'json-stringify-safe'
// ...
serialize: (value) => stringify(value),
During updates, we may change structure of stores due to refactoring or other reasons.
To support this feature, this plugin provides the migrate
function, which will be called after deserialize
but before actually overwriting/patching the store:
// ...
const store = defineStore(
() => {
return {
// oldKey: ref(0),
newKey: ref(0),
persistedState: {
overwrite: true,
migrate: (state) => {
if (typeof state.oldKey === 'number') {
return {
newKey: state.oldKey,
return state
Follow Pinia - Nuxt.js installation steps.
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
// ... other options
buildModules: [
// Nuxt 2 only:
With localStorage (client-only) (nuxt@2 example)
Create the plugin below to plugins config in your nuxt.config.js file.
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
// ... other options
plugins: ['@/plugins/persistedstate.js'],
// plugins/persistedstate.js
import { createPersistedStatePlugin } from 'pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2'
export default function ({ $pinia }) {
if (process.client) {
With cookies (universal) (nuxt@3 example)
// plugins/persistedstate.js
import { createPersistedStatePlugin } from 'pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import cookie from 'cookie'
export default function ({ $pinia, ssrContext }) {
storage: {
getItem: (key) => {
// See
if (process.server) {
const parsedCookies = cookie.parse(ssrContext.req.headers.cookie)
return parsedCookies[key]
} else {
return Cookies.get(key)
// Please see, on how to handle JSON.
setItem: (key, value) =>
Cookies.set(key, value, { expires: 365, secure: false }),
removeItem: (key) => Cookies.remove(key),
For more details, see type.ts.
Common Options
persist?: boolean
: Defaults to true
. Whether to persist store.
storage?: IStorage
: Defaults to localStorage
. Where to store persisted state.
assertStorage?: (storage: IStorage) => void | never
: Perform a Write-Delete operation by default. To ensure storage
is available.
overwrite?: boolean
: Defaults to false
. Whether to overwrite initial state when rehydrating. When this flat is true use store.$state = persistedState
, store.$patch(persistedState)
merge?: (state: S, savedState: S) => S
: Defaults to (state, savedState) => savedState
. A function for merging state when rehydrating state.
serialize?: (state: S): any
: Defaults to JSON.stringify
. This method will be called right before storage.setItem
deserialize?: (value: any): any
: Defaults to JSON.parse
. This method will be called right after storage.getItem
filter?: (mutation, state): boolean
: A function that will be called to filter any mutations which will trigger setState on storage eventually.
getItem: (key: string) => any | Promise<any>
: Any value other than undefined
or null
will be rehydrated.
setItem: (key: string, value: any) => void | Promise<void>
removeItem: (key: string) => void | Promise<void>
Plugin Options
Supports all common options. These options are the default values for each store, you can set the most commonly used options in the plugin options, and override/extend it in the store options.
// plugin options goes here
Store Options
Supports all common options.
() => {
const currentValue = ref(0)
const increment = () => currentValue.value++
return {
persistedState: {
// store options goes here
key?: string
: Defaults to store.$id
. The key to store the persisted state under.
includePaths?: (string | string[])[]
: An array of any paths to partially persist the state. Use dot-notation ['key', 'nested.key', ['special.key']]
for nested fields.
excludePaths?: (string | string[])[]
: Opposite to includePaths
, An array of any paths to exclude. Due to deep copying, excludePaths
may cause performance issues, if possible, please use includePaths
migrate?: (value: any) => any | Promise<any>
: The migrate
function enables versioning store. This will be called after deserialize
but before actually overwriting/patching the store.
beforeHydrate?: (oldState: S) => void
: This function gives you the opportunity to perform some tasks before actually overwriting/patching the store, such as cleaning up the old state.
Store Properties
🤝 Contributing
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull
requests to us.
📝 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details