Gathering detailed insights and metrics for postcss-nesting
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for postcss-nesting
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for postcss-nesting
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for postcss-nesting
A light wrapper around any postcss nesting plugin improves compatibility with Tailwind CSS.
``` yarn add -D autoprefixer postcss postcss-import postcss-nesting @rtkcd/tailwind-config tailwindcss ```
``` yarn add -D autoprefixer postcss postcss-import postcss-nesting @rtkcd/tailwind-config tailwindcss ```
PostCSS plugin to unwrap nested rules like how Sass does it
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911 Stars
4,090 Commits
72 Forks
11 Watching
3 Branches
131 Contributors
Updated on 27 Nov 2024
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CSS (43.44%)
JavaScript (30.18%)
TypeScript (22.78%)
HTML (3.02%)
Nunjucks (0.48%)
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