allowDragOutsideBoard | boolean: false | [true, false] | Whether or not to allow pieces to be dragged outside the board. |
animationDuration | number: 300 | | Time in milliseconds for piece to slide to target square. Only used when the position is programmatically changed. If a new position is set before the animation is complete, the board will cancel the current animation and snap to the new position. |
areArrowsAllowed | boolean: true | [true, false] | Whether or not arrows can be drawn with right click and dragging. |
arePiecesDraggable | boolean: true | [true, false] | Whether or not all pieces are draggable. |
arePremovesAllowed | boolean: false | [true, false] | Whether or not premoves are allowed. |
autoPromoteToQueen | boolean: false | [true, false] | Whether or not to automatically promote pawn to queen. |
boardOrientation | string: 'white' | ['white', 'black'] | The orientation of the board, the chosen colour will be at the bottom of the board. |
boardWidth | number: 560 | | The width of the board in pixels. |
clearPremovesOnRightClick | boolean: true | [true, false] | If premoves are allowed, whether or not to clear the premove queue on right click. |
customArrowColor | string: 'rgb(255,170,0)' | rgb or hex string | String with rgb or hex value to colour drawn arrows. |
customArrows | [Square, Square, string?][] | array of string arrays | Array where each element is a tuple containing two Square values (representing the 'from' and 'to' squares) and an optional third string element for the arrow color e.g. [ ['a3', 'a5', 'red'], ['g1', 'f3'] ]. |
customBoardStyle | object: {} | inline CSS styling | Custom board style object e.g. { borderRadius: '5px', boxShadow: '0 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}. |
customNotationStyle | object: {} | inline CSS styling | Custom notation style object e.g. { fontSize: '12px' }. |
customDarkSquareStyle | object: { backgroundColor: '#B58863' } | inline CSS styling | Custom dark square style object. |
customDndBackend | BackendFactory: undefined | | Custom react-dnd backend to use instead of the one provided by react-chessboard. |
customDndBackendOptions | any: undefined | | Options to use for the given custom react-dnd backend. See customDndBackend. |
customDropSquareStyle | object: { boxShadow: 'inset 0 0 1px 6px rgba(255,255,255,0.75)' } | inline CSS styling | Custom drop square style object (Square being hovered over with dragged piece). |
customLightSquareStyle | object: { backgroundColor: '#F0D9B5' } | inline CSS styling | Custom light square style object. |
customPieces | object: {} | | Custom pieces object where each key must match a corresponding chess piece (wP, wB, wN, wR, wQ, wK, bP, bB, bN, bR, bQ, bK). The value of each piece is a function that takes in some optional arguments to use and must return JSX to render. e.g. { wK: ({ isDragging: boolean, squareWidth: number, square: String}) => jsx }. |
customPremoveDarkSquareStyle | object: { backgroundColor: '#A42323' } | inline CSS styling | Custom premove dark square style object. |
customPremoveLightSquareStyle | object: { backgroundColor: '#BD2828' } | inline CSS styling | Custom premove light square style object. |
customSquare | ElementType: "div" | | Custom renderer for squares. Can also use an html element. |
customSquareStyles | object: {} | inline CSS styling | Custom styles for all squares. |
id | number: 0 | [string, number] | Board identifier, necessary if more than one board is mounted for drag and drop. |
isDraggablePiece | function: ({ piece, sourceSquare }) => true | returns [true, false] | Function called when a piece drag is attempted. Returns if piece is draggable. |
getPositionObject | function: (currentPosition) => {} | | User function that receives current position object when position changes. |
onArrowsChange | function: (squares) => {} | | User function is run when arrows are set on the board. |
onDragOverSquare | function: (square) => {} | | User function that is run when piece is dragged over a square. |
onMouseOutSquare | function: (square) => {} | | User function that is run when mouse leaves a square. |
onMouseOverSquare | function: (square) => {} | | User function that is run when mouse is over a square. |
onPieceClick | function: (piece, square) => {} | | User function that is run when piece is clicked. |
onPieceDragBegin | function: (piece, sourceSquare) => {} | | User function that is run when piece is grabbed to start dragging. |
onPieceDragEnd | function: (piece, sourceSquare) => {} | | User function that is run when piece is let go after dragging. |
onPieceDrop | function: (sourceSquare, targetSquare, piece) => true | returns [true, false] | User function that is run when piece is dropped on a square. Must return whether the move was successful or not. This return value does not control whether or not the piece was placed (as that is controlled by the position prop) but instead controls premove logic. |
onPromotionCheck | function: (sourceSquare, targetSquare, piece) => (((piece === "wP" && sourceSquare[1] === "7" && targetSquare[1] === "8") || (piece === "bP" && sourceSquare[1] === "2" && targetSquare[1] === "1")) && Math.abs(sourceSquare.charCodeAt(0) - targetSquare.charCodeAt(0)) <= 1) | returns [true, false] | User function that is run when piece is dropped. Must return whether the move results in a promotion or not. |
onPromotionPieceSelect | function: (piece, promoteFromSquare, promoteToSquare) => true | returns [true, false] | User function that is run when a promotion piece is selected. Must return whether the move was successful or not. |
onSquareClick | function: (square, piece) => {} | | User function that is run when a square is clicked. |
onSquareRightClick | function: (square) => {} | | User function that is run when a square is right clicked. |
position | string: 'start' | ['start', FEN string, { e5: 'wK', e4: 'wP', ... }] | FEN string or position object notating where the chess pieces are on the board. Start position can also be notated with the string: 'start'. |
promotionDialogVariant | string: 'default': | ['default', 'vertical', 'modal'] | Style of promotion dialog. |
promotionToSquare | string or null | ['a1', 'a2', ..., 'h8', null] | The square to promote a piece to. Must be passed when promotion dialog is manually shown. |
showBoardNotation | boolean: true | [true, false] | Whether or not to show the file and rank co-ordinates (a..h, 1..8). |
showPromotionDialog | boolean: false | [true, false] | Whether or not to manually show the promotion dialog. |
snapToCursor | boolean: true | [true, false] | Whether or not to center dragged pieces on the mouse cursor. |
| | | |