react-multiselect-search-dropdown is a react component which provides you the ability to select multiple values from the list along with a search option.
![React Multiselect](
npm install --save react-multiselect-search-dropdown
import MultiSelectDropDown from 'react-multiselect-search-dropdown';
var valuesArr=[
{'id':1,'options':'Apple','selected':false,'secondaryValue':'Mango'}, //selected:true makes the option checked by default
] //each element should have a unique id,options that will be displayed and 'selected' key
id="dropdown1" // pass a unique id for each multiselectdropdown
options={valuesArr} //an array with {id,value to be displayed,'selected':true or false}
getSelectedValues={this.getValues.bind(this)}/> //function that will give back all the selected values
Inputs to pass and Props
Input/Props | Name | Mandatory | Type | Description |
Input | id | yes | number | Unique id to identify each option |
Input | options | yes | string | Primary data that gets displayed in dropdown list |
Input | selected | yes | boolean | To determine whether an option should be selected by default or not |
Input | secondaryValue | no | string | Additional data that gets displayed along with options |
Props | options | yes | array | Option list that needs to be passed to |
Props | getSelectedValues | yes | function | function that will give back all the selected values |