Gathering detailed insights and metrics for redisearch
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for redisearch
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for redisearch
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for redisearch
This package provides support for the [RediSearch]( module, which adds indexing and querying support for data stored in Redis Hashes or as JSON documents with the RedisJSON module. It extends the [Node Redis client](https://github.c
Simple Node Interface for RediSearch indexes. Implemented for RediSearch 2.x
RediSearch bindings for node_redis
This package provides support for the [RediSearch]( module, which adds indexing and querying support for data stored in Redis Hashes or as JSON documents with the RedisJSON module. It extends the [Node Redis client](https://github.c
Module System
Min. Node Version
Typescript Support
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4 Stars
48 Commits
2 Forks
3 Watching
1 Branches
3 Contributors
Updated on 09 May 2023
JavaScript (100%)