When it comes to the stability of your web application, knowing when your production users have a problem is critical!
When we develop locally. We can have the convenience of a readable stacktrace to let you know what has happened.
However, with your live site, letting the whole world know how our source is constructed is not something we may want.
The Problem:
How can we get a useful stack trace from client-side errors without exposing the inner workings?
The Solution:
Send the client Error & stack to the Server. Then get the server to clean up the stack-trace before it gets saved your logs for review.
resolve-browser-trace is a NodeJs library to rebuild client side stacktraces into source pointers

yarn add resolve-browser-trace
npm install --save resolve-browser-trace
constructor / setup
The first step to import the lib
const setupResolveTrace = require('resolve-browser-trace')
Next is to set the path to where you store your map files for your bundles
const sourceDecoder = setupResolveTrace(__dirname+"/src/ .map files are here");
To use just pass the stacktrace
sourceDecoder(stack) // returns Promise
const sourceDecoder = require('resolve-browser-trace')(__dirname+"/src/ .map files are here")
const clientStacktrack = `@https://localhost/main-9adc196540168f060d54.min.js:1:3385
sourceDecoder(clientStacktrack).then(newStack => console.log(newStack))
/* RESULT -> [
"source": "main.jsx",
"line": 20,
"column": 21,
"arguments": [],
"name": appElem
"source": "webpack/bootstrap 9adc196540168f060d54",
"line": 19,
"column": 0,
"arguments": [],
"name": "modules",
setup your webpack
module.exports = {
// ...
devtool: 'source-map',
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "public"),
filename: "[name]-[hash].min.js"
// ...