A mock server returning random JSON from schema.
First make sure you have installed the latest version of node.js
(You may need to restart your computer after this step).
From NPM for use as a command line app:
$ npm install restful-mock-server -g
From NPM for programmatic use:
$ npm install restful-mock-server
$ mock [options] [--rules path-to-rules.js]
The available options are:
-r, --rules file .......... Specified an rule file. `mock --help rules` for more information.
-p, --port port ........... Specify the port for proxy server. Default: 9528.
-h, --host host ........... Specify the hostname for proxy server. Default: ''.
-w, --watch ............... When true the rules will auto update when the rule files changed.
-d, --debug ............... Show debugging information whilst running. Default: true.
-v, --verbose ............. Show verbose logging whilst running. Default: false.
-s, --silent .............. Disable any logs. Default: false.
--sensitive ............... When true the route will be case sensitive. Default: false.
--strict .................. When false the trailing slash is optional. Default: false.
--end ..................... When false the path will match at the beginning. Default: true.
-V, --version ............. Print the current version.
-h, --help ................ You're looking at it.
-h, --help command ........ Show details for the specified command.
--no-color ................ Disable colors in the console.
API Reference
Assuming installation via NPM, you can load this module in your application like this:
var mockServer = require("restful-mock-server");