Sanity Plugin Media Video
A Sanity plugin for adding a media object (Image/Video) to your sanity studio schemas and displaying the media with built-in functionalities such as auto-play, custom PiP on scroll, etc.
This is a Sanity Studio v3 plugin.
๐ Installation
Install peer dependencies such as zod
and sanity-plugin-mux-input
as well since this uses Mux as part of the video encoding service.
npm install sanity-plugin-media-video sanity-plugin-mux-input zod
๐งโ๐ป Usage
Add it as a plugin in sanity.config.ts (or .js):
Basic configuration
// sanity.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'sanity';
import { mediaVideoPlugin } from 'sanity-plugin-media-video';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
// Add the muxInput from `sanity-plugin-mux-input` to make the mux 3rd party integration work
// your optional mux config here. Refer to this link for more info:
// Add the mediaVideo plugin
// your optional configuration here
The plugin adds a new object type called media
. Simply add it as a type
to one of your defined fields like so
export default defineType({
name: 'my-section',
title: 'My Example Section',
type: 'object',
fields: [
// ...your-other-fields
name: 'my-custom-media-field',
title: 'My Custom Media Field',
type: 'media',
// ...your-other-fields
Structure would look something like this:
โ๏ธ Plugin Configuration
This is the main configuration of the plugin. The available options are:
// Optional boolean to enable/disable required validation on the image field
isImageRequired?: boolean
๐ Localization
This plugin uses the Studio UI Localization resource bundle, it is now possible to localize the fields to fit your needs.
Here is the default English bundle:
Default bundle
'image.title': 'Image',
'image.description': 'Serves as the image preview of the video',
'image.required.title': 'Image is required',
'image.altText.title': 'Alt Text',
'Set an alternative text for accessibility purposes',
'enableVideo.title': 'Enable Video',
'enableVideo.description': 'Toggle to enable video',
'videoType.title': 'Video Type',
'': 'Link',
'videoType.mux.title': 'Mux',
'videoType.required.title': 'Video Type is required',
'isAutoPlay.title': 'Auto Play',
'isAutoPlay.description': 'Automatically play the video when loaded',
'isPipAutomatic.title': 'Enable Automatic PiP for Autoplay',
'This automatically creates a small floating video player when you scroll past the main video',
'videoUrl.title': 'Video Link',
'videoUrl.required.title': 'Video Link is required',
'muxVideo.required.title': 'Mux Video is required',
Available locales to be overriden
If you want to override or add a new language, you will need to create a custom bundle with your desired translations. In order to override/add you must use mediaVideo
as the namespace and add it to the i18n
object in your sanity plugin configuration. Here is an example:
const myEnglishOverride = defineLocaleResourceBundle({
// make sure the `locale` language code corresponds to the one you want to override
locale: 'en-US',
namespace: 'mediaVideo',
resources: {
'image.title': 'This is my override title',
// sanity.config.ts
export default defineConfig({
// ...
i18n: {
bundles: [myEnglishOverride],
๐ฌ How to render the media video on your website
This plugin gives out a ready out of the box made component for rendering the media video on your website with built-in functionalities such as auto-play, custom PiP on scroll, etc. One way to render it is to use the provided renderer component or you can implement your own renderer component with the data that you get from the media
- This plugin uses the react-player library for rendering the media video.
- The renderer also needs to be wrapped within the provided custom Provider component in order to function properly.
1. Import the Provider component and wrap the renderer component with it. Suggested to be placed in the root of your application.
import { MediaVideoProvider } from 'sanity-plugin-media-video/contexts';
// other code
{/* Your renderer component here or other components */}
2. Use the renderer component like so. Example usage below
You will need to require the CSS file from this package (or provide your own). The example below shows how to include the CSS from this package if your build system supports requiring CSS files
import { MediaVideo } from 'sanity-plugin-media-video/renderer';
// IMPORTANT: require the CSS file from this package
// Recommended to us the provided CSS as well, but you can override it if you want.
// Refer to the table above for the CSS selectors.
import 'sanity-plugin-media-video/dist/sanity-plugin-media-video.css';
const MyComponent = (props) => {
return (
rootCn: 'my-custom-root-container-class-name',
containerCn: 'my-custom-container-class-name',
imageContainerCn: 'my-custom-image-container-class-name',
imageCn: 'my-custom-image-class-name',
videoBackgroundCn: 'my-custom-video-background-class-name',
inlineVideoBackgroundCn: 'my-custom-inline-video-background-class-name',
videoCn: 'my-custom-video-class-name',
dialogTriggerCn: 'my-custom-dialog-trigger-class-name',
dialogContentCn: 'my-custom-dialog-content-class-name',
dialogOverlayCn: 'my-custom-dialog-overlay-class-name',
dialogCloseCn: 'my-custom-dialog-close-class-name',
playBtnContainerCn: 'my-custom-play-button-container-class-name',
playBtnCn: 'my-custom-play-button-class-name',
videoType={videoType ?? 'link'}
Prop | Description | Default | Required |
videoUrl | The URL of the video to be displayed. | undefined | Yes |
muxData | Data object associated with Mux video assets for advanced integrations. | undefined | No |
videoType | Type of video (default is 'link'), could be values like 'link', 'mux', etc. | 'link' | No |
imagePreview | The image displayed for the video thumbnail. | null | Yes |
customImageComponent | Custom Image Preview component that will be rendered on the image preview. | undefined | No |
isAutoPlay | Determines if the video should play automatically. | false | No |
isPipAutomatic | Determines if picture-in-picture mode should be enabled automatically. | false | No |
customPipId | Custom ID for the PIP mode, used for managing multiple instances or special configurations. | undefined | No |
playInPopout | Whether to play the video in a popout dialog by default. | undefined | No |
playButton | Custom play button component or element to be displayed as the play trigger. Can pass a React component or a JSX element. | undefined | No |
autoPlayVideoPlayerProps | Props to be passed to the Auto Play Video Background ReactPlayer instance for advanced video player customization. | undefined | No |
videoPlayerProps | Props to be passed to the ReactPlayer instance for advanced video player customization. | undefined | No |
isDesktopScreen | Whether the current screen is in a desktop size. Useful for determining if to play in the popout mode or not. | undefined | No |
videoHookCallbacks | Object of callback functions for handling video playback events (onPlay, onPause, etc.) within the custom hook. | undefined | No |
classNames | Custom class names for various UI elements to facilitate styling and theming. | undefined | No |
ref | Forwarded ref to the root div element of the component. | undefined | No |
videoHookCallbacks object
Prop | Description |
onPlay | Custom callback that triggers whenever the video playback starts, useful for handling side effects. |
onPause | Custom callback that triggers when the video is paused, allowing for additional logic like UI updates or tracking. |
onReady | Custom callback that is executed once the video is ready to be played, useful for preloading or initialization tasks. |
onPipEnable | Custom callback triggered when Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode is activated, allowing custom behavior when PiP is enabled. |
onPipDisable | Custom callback triggered when Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode is deactivated, useful for handling any teardown logic or UI updates. |
Custom class names and its corresponding CSS selectors
Prop | CSS Selector | Description |
classNames.rootCn | .media-video-root | Root container. |
classNames.containerCn | .media-video-container | Main container. |
classNames.imageContainerCn | .media-video-image-container | Image container. |
classNames.imageCn | .media-video-image | Preview image. |
classNames.videoBackgroundCn | .media-video-auto-play-wrapper | Background of the video. |
classNames.inlineVideoBackgroundCn | .media-video-inline-player-wrapper | Specifically for the inline video background. |
classNames.videoCn | .media-video-auto-play-player or .media-video-inline-player | Video element. |
classNames.dialogTriggerCn | .media-video-dialog-trigger | Dialog trigger that opens the popout. |
classNames.dialogContentCn | .media-video-dialog-content | Content of the dialog. |
classNames.dialogOverlayCn | .media-video-dialog-overlay | Overlay of the dialog. |
classNames.dialogCloseCn | .media-video-dialog-close | Close button of the dialog. |
classNames.playBtnContainerCn | .media-video-play-button-container | Container of the play button. |
classNames.playBtnCn | .media-video-play-button | Play button itself. |
CSS Selectors for Media Video Components
Component | Primary CSS Selector | Description |
MediaVideoRoot | .comp-media-video-root | Root element for the entire MediaVideo component. |
MediaVideoContainer | .comp-media-video-container | Wrapper for the main content of MediaVideo . |
MediaVideoPlayerWrapper | .comp-media-video-player-wrapper | Wrapper specifically for the video player instance, used for styling controls. |
MediaVideoImageContainer | .comp-media-video-image-container | Wrapper for the preview image. |
MediaVideoImage | .comp-media-video-image , .comp-media-video-image__img | Contains the preview image (img variant is used within the Sanity image component). |
MediaVideoPlayButtonContainer | .comp-media-video-play-button-container | Wrapper for the play button. |
MediaVideoPlayButton | .comp-media-video-play-button , .comp-media-video-play-button-inner | Styles for the play button, including an optional inner wrapper for icon alignment. |
MediaVideoPlayer | .comp-media-video-player | Main video player element; adjusts player layout and dimensions within the component. |
MediaVideoPopout | .comp-media-video-popout-container , .comp-media-video-popout-player | Popout container and player styles, used for PiP or popout mode adjustments. |
MediaVideoAutoPlayVideoLink | .comp-media-video-auto-play-video-link | Styling for autoplay or looping video backgrounds; suppresses controls and adjusts object-fit. |
Use your own implementation
You can use your own implementation if you want since the the Media Video renderer is only an optional added feature in this plugin. Suggested way to do this is by leveraging react-player library to make it easier to render the video.
Optionally the plugin also provides some block components to help you build your own implementation if you want to. You can access them through the MediaVideoComponents
object like so:
import { MediaVideoComponents } from 'sanity-plugin-media-video/renderer';
// Recommended to us the provided CSS as well, but you can override it if you want.
// Refer to the table above for the CSS selectors.
import 'sanity-plugin-media-video/dist/sanity-plugin-media-video.css';
const MyCustomComponent = (props) => {
return (
{/* Your own implementation */}
Using the provided Hooks
You can also use the hooks provided by the plugin to help you build your own implementation:
import { MediaVideoComponents } from 'sanity-plugin-media-video/renderer';
import 'sanity-plugin-media-video/dist/sanity-plugin-media-video.css';
const MyCustomComponent = (props) => {
const isDesktop = useMediaQuery('(min-width: 1024px)'); // Used to know if the screen is desktop or not
const pipUniqueId = uuidv4();
// Setup Intersection Observer to determine when the component is in view
const intersectionObserver = useInView({
rootMargin: '0px',
threshold: [0, 0.5, 1],
const { ref: topLevelRef } = intersectionObserver;
// Custom hook to manage video playback state and related events
const {
} = useMediaVideoPlayback({
* The following props are required for the hook to work
* can refer to the implementation in the MediaVideo component
* for more details
return {
/* Your own implementation */
๐๏ธ Data model
_type: 'media';
enableVideo: boolean;
isAutoPlay: boolean;
videoType: 'link' | 'mux';
isPipAutomatic: boolean;
videoUrl: string;
muxVideo: {
_type: '';
asset: {
_ref: string;
_type: 'reference';
_weak: boolean;
image: {
_type: 'image';
asset: {
_type: 'reference';
_ref: string;
altText: string;
crop: {
_type: 'sanity.imageCrop';
bottom: number;
left: number;
right: number;
top: number;
hotspot: {
_type: 'sanity.imageHotspot';
height: number;
width: number;
x: number;
y: number;
๐ข GROQ Query
You can query the data model with this sample groq query
// Example for fetching data above
*[ _type == "exampleSchemaWithMedia" ] {
myMediaField {
image {
metadata {
muxVideo {
โ FAQs
๐ License
MIT ยฉ Evelan
๐งช Develop & test
This plugin uses @sanity/plugin-kit
with default configuration for build & watch scripts.
See Testing a plugin in Sanity Studio
on how to run this plugin with hotreload in the studio.
Release new version
Run "CI & Release" workflow.
Make sure to select the main branch and check "Release new version".
Semantic release will only release on configured branches, so it is safe to run release on any branch.