Gathering detailed insights and metrics for serverless-offline-aws-ssm-local
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for serverless-offline-aws-ssm-local
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for serverless-offline-aws-ssm-local
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for serverless-offline-aws-ssm-local
Read SSM parameters from a .env file or serverless.yml instead of AWS
Emulate AWS λ and SQS locally when developing your Serverless project
AWS SDK for JavaScript Ssm Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native
Serverless plugin for zero-config JavaScript and TypeScript code bundling using extremely fast esbuild
Module System
Min. Node Version
Typescript Support
Node Version
NPM Version
15 Commits
2 Forks
1 Branches
1 Contributors
Updated on 24 Jul 2019
JavaScript (100%)