Simple color converter for (almost) Any Color
It covers most colors formats from Pantone, Ral, Hex 3/4/6/8, HTML, sRgb, CMYK, etc for converting from -> and -< to.
It's designed with simplicity in mind. you can pass data and specify the format or just let is guess what color you are trying to pass as string.

$ npm install simple-color-converter
const simpleColorConverter = require('simple-color-converter');
var color = new simpleColorConverter({
ral: { ral: 3009 },
to: 'cmyk'
console.log(color) // { c: 0, m: 53, y: 60, k: 60 }
Supported colors
Expected input value list [here].
Expected output value list [here].
color system | object | array | string |
cmyk | {c: 39, m: 0, y: 39, k: 7} | [39, 0, 39.7] | 'cmyk 39 0 39 7' |
grayscale | | | '78' |
hex3 | | | '#9E9' |
hex4 | | | '#9E9F' |
hex6 | | | '#90EE90' |
hex8 | | | '#90EE90FF' |
html | | | 'Light Green' |
hsl | { h: 120, s: 73.4, l: 74.9 } | [120, 73.4, 74.9] | 'hsl 120 73.4 74.9' |
hsv | { h: 120, s: 39.4, l: 93.3 } | [120, 39.4, 93.3] | 'hsl 120 39.4 93.3' |
lab | {l: 86.5, a: -46.3, b: 36.9} | [86.5, -46.3, 36.9] | 'lab 86.5 -46.3 36.9' |
pantone | {name: '358C'} | | 'pantone 358C' |
ral | { ral : 6019 } | | 'ral 6019' |
rgb | { r: 144, g: 238, b: 144 } | [144, 238, 144] | 'rgb 144 238 144' |
rgba | { r: 144, g: 238, b: 144, a: 1 } | [144, 238, 144, 1] | 'rgba 144 238 144 1' |
rgb decimal | | | 'rgb decimal 6812065' |
w | { r: 144, g: 238, b: 144, a: 1 } | [144, 238, 144, 1] | 'w 544' |
xyz | { x: 44, y: 69, z: 45 } | [44, 69, 45] | 'xyz 44 69 45' |
yuv | { y: 180, u: 113.2, v: 73.5 } | [ 180, 113.2, 73.5 ] | 'yuv 180 113.2 73.5' |
Any of the colors mentioned above. You can specify the color and it will be faster of just use the built in color detector.
// faster
var fasterColor = new simpleColorConverter({
rgb: {r: 10, g: 200, b: 50},
to: 'cmyk'
// slower but more convenient
var slowerColor = new simpleColorConverter({
color: 'rgb 10 200 50',
to: 'cmyk'
Extra From colors | note |
color | Autoidentify color |
hex | Autoidentify hex color |
android | hex8 |
flags are the arguments used for special modifiers. The most useful one is rendering grayscale color, but there is a debugger and a hexref flag created if you need to convert a color but also output a close hex similar color(in case of online color convertors).
const simpleColorConverter = require('simple-color-converter');
var color = simpleColorConverter({
hex3: '#228',
to: 'cmyk',
grayscale: true
console.log(color) // { c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 87 }
flag | output | data type | default | note |
grayscale | grayscale value in the from format | boolean | false | |
hexref | Reference value in hex format | boolean | false | For Hex it equels Hex6 |
debug | this prevents the object cleanup | boolean | false | |
I am working on version 3 or this package and the new version will be a modern setter and getter based color convertor. A much modern way of approaching this problem.
If there are any features you would like to support, or want to add it directly please send us a pull request. I`m more then happy.
If you have any suggestions or you spotted an aberrant behavior or bugs, don't hesitate to send me an email.
Copyright © 2019, Radu Dragan. Licensed under the MIT License.
Thank you
I`m Radu, Thank you for using my color convertor, I hope it is useful for you. I genuinely excited to build this kind of solutions.