A Node.js command-line tool that watches for changes in HTML files and automatically converts them to PDF using sitetopdf
- Real-time monitoring of HTML file changes.
- Automatic conversion of updated HTML files to PDF.
- Customizable through a simple JSON configuration.
To install sitetopdf-watcher
globally, run the following command:
npm install -g sitetopdf-watcher
This will install the package globally on your system, allowing it to be run from any location.
After installation, you can start watching a directory with the following command:
sitetopdf-watcher --port 3333 --entry-file index.html
By default, sitetopdf-watcher
will serve files on port 3333 and watch the index.html
file for changes.
-p, --port <port>
: Specify the port on which the file server will run. Default is 3333.
-e, --entry-file <file>
: Specify the path to the entry HTML file. Default is index.html.
-c, --config-file <file>
: Specify the path to the configuration file. Default is config.json.
Create a config.json
file in your project directory to set custom options for PDF conversion. Here is an example configuration:
"output": "output.pdf",
"wait-until": "networkidle0"
The output
field specifies the name of the created PDF file, and wait-until
is an option passed to sitetopdf
that defines when to consider the page load complete.
If you wish to contribute to the project or fork it for your own modifications, here are some useful commands:
npm run build
: Compiles the TypeScript source code.
npm run watch
: Watches the TypeScript source for changes and recompiles.
npm run clean
: Removes generated files.
npm start
: Runs the compiled JavaScript code.