typescript core decorators
typescript wrappers decorators and services
Motivation: decorators is cool :heart: :fire:
table of decorators:
decorator | arguments | description | target | service |
log | toConosle - default is false | logging all method calls and set to logService | class | logService |
timerify | - | record function time execution. Also have statistic as total time and long execing function | method | performanceService |
select | map - Map<K,V> ot WeakMap key - K | Select value by key from map like collection | property | - |
pure | - | checking function or argument for not undefined and throw error if is not pure | method, argument | - |
autowired | args: any[] | creating new instance of type annotation | property | - |
save | handler: () => never | make function save - if handler is not set - don't stop executing program | method | - |
trigger | ProxyObject | make class as Proxy. Make intercept functions, contructor calling and may redirect to new target | class | - |
want get more usage? see examples below
usage: @autowired()
import { autowired } from '../src/decorators/common';
class Autowired {
public readonly someReadOnlyProp = 4;
class Autowired2 {
constructor(private prop: string) {
class Temp {
public autoWired2!: Autowired2; // create Autowired2 instance
public autoWired!: Autowired; // note: ! symbol for strict mode
const temp = new Temp();
console.dir(temp.autoWired); // Autowired {someReadOnlyProp: 4}
console.dir(temp.autoWired2); // Autowired2 {prop: "123"}
usage: @log()
import { log } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/decorators/common';
import { logService } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/services/log';
@log({ toConsole: true })
class Temp {
constructor() {}
someFn(test: number) {
return test;
const a = new Temp();
logService.writeToFile('./logger.json'); // writing result to file
another example:
import { Log } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/decorators/common';
import { logService } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/services/log';
class Temp {
constructor() {}
someFn(test: number) {
return test;
const a = new Temp();
logService.writeToFile('./logger.json'); // writing result to file
usage: @timerify()
import { timerify } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/decorators/performance';
import { PerformanceService } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/services/performance';
const performance = PerformanceService.connect(); // one time only. for example on prepare hook
class Temp {
constructor() {}
public longTask() {
return 500;
new Temp().lognTask(); // usage
performance.profiler.writeToFile('./profiler.json'); // write performance information to file
performance.disconect(); // clear GC from performance information. for example on destroy
usage: @select()
import { select } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/decorators/collections';
const map: Map<string, number> = new Map();
map.set('test', 123);
map.set('test2', 4564);
class Temp {
@select(map, 'test')
public test?: number; // 123
constructor() {
usage: @pure()
import { pure } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/decorators/common';
class Temp {
constructor() {}
public someFn(@pure<number>() someArg?: number, anotherNumber?: number): number {
return someArg || 1;
public anotherFn(@pure<number>() someArg?: number, @pure<number>() anotherNumber?: number): number {
return someArg || 1;
const temp = new Temp();
temp.someFn(2, 3);
temp.anotherFn(1); // runtime error here. someArg is defined, but anotherNumber is not
import { save } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/decorators/common';
class SaveDecoratorExample {
public unsaveFunction(arg: any) {
return arg.length > 0;
const saveDecoratorExample = new SaveDecoratorExample();
console.log('start executing');
console.log('continue executing');
// start executing
// cannot read property 'length' of null
// continue executing
import { trigger } from 'ts-core-decorators/core/decorators/common';
construct: function (target: any, arrayList: any) {
const instance = new target(...arrayList) as Temp;
// can use Temp methods here
return instance;
class Temp {
constructor() { }
public longTask() {
console.log('long task executed');
return 500;
const temp = new Temp();
More examples? Visit examples folder for more.
Still question or problem? Write issue. Let's create more useful decorators together!