This library is the implementation of web-ifc for Babylon.js loaders. This allows to load ifc file in babylonjs scene. just as GLTF/GLB files.
The Geomeotry convertion from web-ifc to babylon mesh function is originally implemented by (Anders Lundgren)[https://github.com/anders-lundgren/web-ifc-babylon] and refatored to (web-ifc-three)[https://github.com/IFCjs/web-ifc-three].
Babylon.js Loaders module
For usage documentation please visit https://doc.babylonjs.com/extensions and choose "loaders".
Installation instructions
To install using npm :
npm i -D web-ifc web-ifc-babylon
You also need to cp the wasm file from web-ifc to public folder:
cp node_modules/web-ifc/web-ifc.wasm public/
How to use
Afterwards it can be imported to your project using:
import "web-ifc-babylon/loaders/IFC";
This will extend Babylon's loader plugins to allow the load of ifc files.
Import IFC file just as import .babylon/.glTF/glb file.
await SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync("", "./", "test.ifc");
Check the example at github: https://github.com/wolfboyyang/dt-bim-xr/tree/main/web-ifc-babylon/src/example
For more information you can have a look at our ES6 dedicated documentation.