This is a web-test-runner plugin to capture screenshots during regular tests in playwright.
npm install --save-dev web-test-runner-screenshot
In your web-test-runner file
import { takeScreenshotPlugin } from 'web-test-runner-screenshot/plugin';
export default {
plugins: {
In your test file
import { makeScreenshot } from 'web-test-runner-screenshot';
Inside your test
it('My awesome test', async () => {
// My webcomponent test
await makeScreenshot({ name: 'my_screenshot-filename' });
Or make it automatically to every test in your afterEach, based on the test title
afterEach(async function () { // Note that you can't use arrow function because you lose the currentTest context
await makeScreenshot({ name: this.currentTest.title });
makeScreenshot accepts a configuration parameter with the following options
Parameter | Type | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
name | string | name of the file | - | yes |
browser | boolean | append the browser context to the file name | false | no |
folder | string | folder to store the screenshots | evidences | no |