Sync data between a web extension's background, popup, options and content scripts. The data will persist across extension restarts and the background service worker stopping/starting does not affect functionality. Works cross-browser, with MV3 and MV2.
Please submit any issues or feature requests at https://github.com/tdriley/webext-sync/issues
First install as a project dependency:
npm install webext-sync --save
Make sure your extension's manifest.json
asks for the storage
// manifest.json
"permissions": [
In the extension's background script, define the default state and set it up to store and receive changes. Note: If you ever want to change the data's schema in newer versions of your extension, you can define a new defaultState
and any existing data will be deep-merged with the new schema.
// background.js
import { startSyncStore } from "webext-sync"
const defaultState = {
storeVersion: 1, // Not required, but it is probably a good idea to version your store
timesPopupOpened: 0
startSyncStore(defaultState).then(async syncStore=> {
let state = await syncStore.getState()
syncStore.onChange((newState, prevState)=> {
// Handle state updates here.
// If you are using a state store like Redux, you could do something like reduxStore.dispatch({ type: "STORE_UPDATE", newState: newState })
state = newState
console.log('Times popup opened:', state.timesPopupOpened)
console.log('Background loaded! state: ', state)
Popup, options or content scripts can then be set up to store and receive changes:
// popup.js
import { startSyncStore } from "webext-sync"
startSyncStore().then(async syncStore=> {
let state = await syncStore.getState()
syncStore.onChange((newState, prevState)=> {
// Handle state updates here.
// If you are using a state store like Redux, you could do something like reduxStore.dispatch({ type: "STORE_UPDATE", newState: newState })
state = newState
console.log('Popup loaded! state:', state)
syncStore.setState({ timesPopupOpened: state.timesPopupOpened+1 })