restore webpack code-split feature for weex, this plugin need you to give a fs read function and it will use
new Function
to run your splited code.
npm install weex-code-split-plugin --save
add below to you webpack.config.js
const WeexCodeSplitPlugin = require('weex-code-split-plugin')
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new WeexCodeSplitPlugin({
publicPath: '/Share/ULightApp'
fsReadFunction(required, string/function)
: fs read function, do not use any es6 syntax for compatibility.
publicPath(optional, string)
: override webpack's public path for weexFSRead's base path.
DEV mode
if you wants to use this in dev mode running at real device.
you need to rewrite the publicPath as below
const ip = require('ip').address()
const port = require('../port') // you port
weexConfig.plugins.forEach((item) => {
if (item instanceof WeexCodeSplitPlugin) {
item.options.publicPath = `http://${ip}:${port}/`