A database of languages and their wikidata id, Wikimedia language code, ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2, ISO 639-3, and ISO 639-6 codes.
A database of languages and their Wikidata id, Wikimedia language code, ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2, ISO 639-3, ISO 639-6 codes
This database is based on the result of a SPARQL query executed on, so the data is as good as Wikidata is: in case of an error, please update Wikidata and request an update of this database in the issues.
For each language, the data object looks like this:
wd: 'Q8798', //
label: 'Ukrainian', // English label
native: 'українська мова', // P1705
wmCode: [ 'uk' ], // P424
iso6391: [ 'uk' ], // P218
iso6392: [ 'ukr' ], // P219
iso6393: [ 'ukr' ] // P220
// iso6396 value (P221) missing for Q8798
Download stats
From a terminal, in your project directory, run:
npm install wikidata-lang
Access full language data objects
In your JS code:
// languages indexed by Wikidata id is the default
const languagesByWdId = require('wikidata-lang')
// For indexes by other available codes, require the desired module:
const languagesByIso6391Code = require('wikidata-lang/indexes/by_iso_639_1_code')
const languagesByIso6392Code = require('wikidata-lang/indexes/by_iso_639_2_code')
const languagesByIso6393Code = require('wikidata-lang/indexes/by_iso_639_3_code')
const languagesByIso6396Code = require('wikidata-lang/indexes/by_iso_639_6_code')
const languagesByWmCode = require('wikidata-lang/indexes/by_wm_code')
// Note that you can also use an index regrouping all of the above
const languagesByAnyCode = require('wikidata-lang/indexes/by_any_code')
// The Wikidata id index returns single language data objects
// => { "code": "uk", "label": "Ukrainian", "native": "Українська", "wd": "Q8798" }
// while indexes by code always return arrays of language data objects
// to account for edge cases where several Wikidata languages items share a common code.[0]
// => { "code": "uk", "label": "Ukrainian", "native": "Українська", "wd": "Q8798" }
Convert between codes
Conversion mappings can be build from the language data objects described above, but you can also use the pre-built ones:
const wdIdByWmCode = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wd_id_by_wm_code.json')
wdIdByWmCode['zh-min-nan'] // => 'Q36495'
const wdIdByIso6391Code = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wd_id_by_iso_639_1_code.json')
wdIdByIso6391Code['cr'] // => 'Q33390'
const wdIdByIso6392Code = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wd_id_by_iso_639_2_code.json')
wdIdByIso6392Code['kzu'] // => 'Q6380723'
const wdIdByIso6393Code = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wd_id_by_iso_639_3_code.json')
wdIdByIso6393Code['acc'] // => 'Q16110361'
const wdIdByIso6396Code = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wd_id_by_iso_639_6_code.json')
wdIdByIso6396Code['jah'] // => 'Q2742661'
const wmCodeByWdId = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wm_code_by_wd_id.json')
wmCodeByWdId['Q32762'] // => 'fiu-vro'
// This one seems useless, as ISO 639-1 seem to always be equivalent to their corresponding Wikimedia language code
const wmCodeByIso6391Code = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wm_code_by_iso_639_1_code.json')
wmCodeByIso6391Code['id'] // => 'id'
const wmCodeByIso6392Code = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wm_code_by_iso_639_2_code.json')
wmCodeByIso6391Code['zza'] // => 'diq'
const wmCodeByIso6393Code = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wm_code_by_iso_639_3_code.json')
wmCodeByIso6391Code['yue'] // => 'zh-yue'
const wmCodeByIso6396Code = require('wikidata-lang/mappings/wm_code_by_iso_639_6_code.json')
wmCodeByIso6391Code['yyef'] // => 'zh-yue'
// etc.
See the mappings
folder for a full list of available mappings.
NB: When several values are available for a given key, no value is added to the mapping for that key. It is added instead to the mappings/x_by_x.multiple_values.json
For instance, in ISO 639-2, both ell
and gre
are mapped to el
in ISO 639-1 (also true for Wikimedia language codes)
See how we use it in Inventaire