EasyUI for Vue
Based on vue-easyui code, some additional features will be added.
For this version, add rowCss, cellCss, and treeIndex for the treeGrid.
This software is allowed to use under freeware license or you need to buy commercial license for better support or other purpose.
Please contact us at info@jeasyui.com
The live examples can be obtained at
1. Installation
npm install ws-easyui --save
2. Import EasyUI files.
Import the EasyUI files to your main.js file.
import 'ws-easyui/dist/themes/default/easyui.css';
import 'ws-easyui/dist/themes/icon.css';
import 'ws-easyui/dist/themes/vue.css';
import EasyUI from 'ws-easyui';
import locale from 'ws-easyui/dist/locale/easyui-lang-en'
Vue.use(EasyUI, {
locale: locale
3. Import the components to your 'App.vue'.
<GridColumn title="序号">
<template slot="body" slot-scope="scope">
{{ scope.treeIndex }}
<GridColumn field="id" title="编号ID"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn field="name" title="名称" :cellCss="getCellCss"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn field="price" title="单价(元)" align="right"></GridColumn>
<GridColumn field="count" title="数量" align="right"></GridColumn>
export default {
data() {
return {
tableData: [
id: '001',
name: '水果',
price: 0,
count: 0,
children: [
id: '002',
name: '苹果',
price: 5,
count: 10
id: '003',
name: '香蕉',
price: 3,
count: 15
id: '004',
name: '橘子',
price: 2.98,
count: 7
methods: {
// row 样式
getRowCss(row) {
if (row.id === "001") {
return { background: "#b8eecf", fontSize: "14px", fontStyle: "italic" };
return null;
// cell 样式
getCellCss(row, value) {
if (value === "苹果") {
return { color: "red" };
return null;