npm install @backstage/plugin-vault-backend
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29,200 Stars
62,271 Commits
6,237 Forks
233 Watching
528 Branches
1,649 Contributors
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Unpacked Size
67.77 kB
13.18 kB
File Count
Publised On
19 Apr 2024
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What is Backstage?
Backstage is an open source framework for building developer portals. Powered by a centralized software catalog, Backstage restores order to your microservices and infrastructure and enables your product teams to ship high-quality code quickly without compromising autonomy.
Backstage unifies all your infrastructure tooling, services, and documentation to create a streamlined development environment from end to end.
Out of the box, Backstage includes:
- Backstage Software Catalog for managing all your software such as microservices, libraries, data pipelines, websites, and ML models
- Backstage Software Templates for quickly spinning up new projects and standardizing your tooling with your organization’s best practices
- Backstage TechDocs for making it easy to create, maintain, find, and use technical documentation, using a "docs like code" approach
- Plus, a growing ecosystem of open source plugins that further expand Backstage’s customizability and functionality
Backstage was created by Spotify but is now hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as an Incubation level project. For more information, see the announcement.
Project roadmap
For information about the detailed project roadmap including delivered milestones, see the Roadmap.
Getting Started
To start using Backstage, see the Getting Started documentation.
The documentation of Backstage includes:
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- Software Catalog
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- Designing for Backstage
- Storybook - UI components
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- Discord chatroom - Get support or discuss the project
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See the document in the backstage/community repository.
Copyright 2020-2024 © The Backstage Authors. All rights reserved. The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our Trademark Usage page:
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
Please report sensitive security issues using Spotify's bug-bounty program rather than GitHub.
For further details, see our complete security release process.
No vulnerabilities found.
no binaries found in the repo
13 out of 13 merged PRs checked by a CI test -- score normalized to 10
all changesets reviewed
project has 18 contributing companies or organizations
- Info: ONEARMY contributor org/company found, boxen contributor org/company found, metakgp contributor org/company found, harness contributor org/company found, webex contributor org/company found, CDTM contributor org/company found, loop-moments-ab contributor org/company found, backstage contributor org/company found, tentaclelabs contributor org/company found, mend contributor org/company found, roadiehq contributor org/company found, doordash contributor org/company found, op-developer contributor org/company found, okta | ex @cisco | ex @dxc-technology contributor org/company found, kossiitkgp contributor org/company found, plancraft contributor org/company found, 0+x contributor org/company found, spotify contributor org/company found,
update tool detected
- Info: detected update tool: RenovateBot: .github/renovate.json5:1
license file detected
- Info: project has a license file: LICENSE:0
- Info: FSF or OSI recognized license: Apache License 2.0: LICENSE:0
30 commit(s) and 16 issue activity found in the last 90 days -- score normalized to 10
packaging workflow detected
- Info: Project packages its releases by way of GitHub Actions.: .github/workflows/deploy_docker-image.yml:13
SAST tool detected
- Info: SAST configuration detected: CodeQL
- Info: SAST configuration detected: Snyk
- Info: SAST configuration detected: Snyk
- Info: SAST configuration detected: Snyk
- Warn: 29 commits out of 30 are checked with a SAST tool
security policy file detected
- Info: security policy file detected:
- Info: Found linked content:
- Info: Found disclosure, vulnerability, and/or timelines in security policy:
- Info: Found text in security policy:
dependency not pinned by hash detected -- score normalized to 8
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: contrib/.devcontainer/Dockerfile:1: pin your Docker image by updating to
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: contrib/docker/devops/Dockerfile:3
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: contrib/docker/frontend-with-nginx/Dockerfile.dockerbuild:38
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: contrib/docker/frontend-with-nginx/Dockerfile.dockerbuild:49: pin your Docker image by updating nginx:mainline to nginx:mainline@sha256:bc2f6a7c8ddbccf55bdb19659ce3b0a92ca6559e86d42677a5a02ef6bda2fcef
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: contrib/docker/frontend-with-nginx/Dockerfile.hostbuild:30: pin your Docker image by updating nginx:mainline to nginx:mainline@sha256:bc2f6a7c8ddbccf55bdb19659ce3b0a92ca6559e86d42677a5a02ef6bda2fcef
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: contrib/docker/minimal-hardened-image/Dockerfile:15
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: contrib/docker/minimal-hardened-image/Dockerfile:24
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: contrib/docker/minimal-hardened-image/Dockerfile:53: pin your Docker image by updating to
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: packages/backend/Dockerfile:12: pin your Docker image by updating node:20-bookworm-slim to node:20-bookworm-slim@sha256:7801bf44f4da6a2f96119ec9f4a8f4470cf59f4622762c41cd076b76e62d4814
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: packages/create-app/templates/default-app/packages/backend/Dockerfile:12: pin your Docker image by updating node:20-bookworm-slim to node:20-bookworm-slim@sha256:7801bf44f4da6a2f96119ec9f4a8f4470cf59f4622762c41cd076b76e62d4814
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: plugins/scaffolder-backend-module-rails/Rails.dockerfile:1: pin your Docker image by updating ruby:3.3 to ruby:3.3@sha256:84c88b211b515f14f453a12201c85fba72602a139eccc4598a5dc87cb22b58df
- Warn: containerImage not pinned by hash: plugins/scaffolder-backend/scripts/Cookiecutter.dockerfile:1: pin your Docker image by updating alpine:3.21 to alpine:3.21@sha256:56fa17d2a7e7f168a043a2712e63aed1f8543aeafdcee47c58dcffe38ed51099
- Warn: pipCommand not pinned by hash: contrib/docker/minimal-hardened-image/Dockerfile:19-21
- Warn: pipCommand not pinned by hash: packages/backend/Dockerfile:29
- Warn: pipCommand not pinned by hash: plugins/scaffolder-backend/scripts/Cookiecutter.dockerfile:3-11
- Warn: pipCommand not pinned by hash: contrib/.devcontainer/
- Warn: downloadThenRun not pinned by hash: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:44
- Warn: downloadThenRun not pinned by hash: .github/workflows/sync_release-manifest.yml:54
- Warn: pipCommand not pinned by hash: .github/workflows/verify_e2e-techdocs.yml:56
- Warn: downloadThenRun not pinned by hash: .github/workflows/verify_fossa.yml:26
- Warn: pipCommand not pinned by hash: .github/workflows/verify_microsite.yml:43
- Info: 85 out of 85 GitHub-owned GitHubAction dependencies pinned
- Info: 84 out of 84 third-party GitHubAction dependencies pinned
- Info: 0 out of 12 containerImage dependencies pinned
- Info: 0 out of 6 pipCommand dependencies pinned
- Info: 0 out of 3 downloadThenRun dependencies pinned
badge detected: InProgress
dangerous workflow patterns detected
- Warn: untrusted code checkout 'refs/pull/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/merge': .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:30
- Warn: untrusted code checkout '${{ github.event.pull_request.merge_commit_sha }}': .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:31
project is not fuzzed
- Warn: no fuzzer integrations found
detected GitHub workflow tokens with excessive permissions
- Info: jobLevel 'actions' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/api-breaking-changes-comment.yml:18
- Info: jobLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/api-breaking-changes-comment.yml:88
- Info: jobLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/automate_area-labels.yml:11
- Warn: jobLevel 'contents' permission set to 'write': .github/workflows/deploy_microsite.yml:142
- Info: jobLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/issue.yaml:12
- Info: jobLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/sync_snyk-monitor.yml:23
- Info: jobLevel 'actions' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_codeql.yml:28
- Info: jobLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_codeql.yml:29
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/api-breaking-changes-comment.yml:1
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/api-breaking-changes.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/automate_area-labels.yml:6
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:15
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:17
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:8
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:12
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:10
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:11
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:13
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:14
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:16
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_changeset_feedback.yml:9
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:10
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:12
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:17
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:16
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:18
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:9
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:11
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:13
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:14
- Info: found token with 'none' permissions: .github/workflows/automate_merge_message.yml:15
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/automate_stale.yml:8
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/ci-noop.yml:12
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/ci.yml:1
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/cron.yml:1
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/deploy_docker-image.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/deploy_microsite.yml:8
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/deploy_packages.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/issue.yaml:7
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/pr-review-comment-trigger.yaml:11
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/pr-review-comment.yaml:1
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/pr.yaml:1
- Info: topLevel permissions set to 'read-all': .github/workflows/scorecard.yml:18
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/sync_canon.yml:1
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/sync_code-formatting.yml:1
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/sync_dependabot-changesets.yml:1
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/sync_release-manifest.yml:1
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/sync_renovate-changesets.yml:1
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/sync_snyk-github-issues.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/sync_snyk-monitor.yml:18
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/sync_version-packages.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_accessibility-noop.yml:21
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/verify_accessibility.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_codeql.yml:23
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/verify_docs-quality.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_e2e-linux-noop.yml:19
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/verify_e2e-linux.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_e2e-techdocs.yml:18
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_e2e-windows-noop.yml:15
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/verify_e2e-windows.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_fossa.yml:9
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_microsite-noop.yml:15
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_microsite.yml:13
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_microsite_accessibility-noop.yml:19
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/verify_microsite_accessibility.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_storybook-noop.yml:22
- Warn: no topLevel permission defined: .github/workflows/verify_storybook.yml:1
- Info: topLevel 'contents' permission set to 'read': .github/workflows/verify_windows.yml:11
30 existing vulnerabilities detected
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-pxg6-pf52-xh8x
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-2p57-rm9w-gvfp
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-rhx6-c78j-4q9w
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-9wv6-86v2-598j
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-3h5v-q93c-6h6q
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-f9xv-q969-pqx4
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-mwcw-c2x4-8c55
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-86rg-pf4c-5grg
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-7hv8-3fr9-j2hv
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-qc4v-xq2m-65wc
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-w7fj-336r-vw49
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-3x3f-jcp3-g22j
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-2g8g-63j4-9w3r
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-mg3m-f475-28hv
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-wg6p-jmpc-xjmr
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-qmc2-jpr5-7rg9
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-gg96-f8wr-p89f
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-39v3-f278-vj3g
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-5j94-f3mf-8685
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-4jqc-jvh2-pxg9
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-3xgq-45jj-v275
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: MAL-2025-87
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-pfrx-2q88-qq97
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-pppg-cpfq-h7wr
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-p6mc-m468-83gw
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-p8p7-x288-28g6
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-gcx4-mw62-g8wm
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: MAL-2022-6445
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-72xf-g2v4-qvf3
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-c76h-2ccp-4975
Last Scanned on 2025-02-04T10:18:40Z
The Open Source Security Foundation is a cross-industry collaboration to improve the security of open source software (OSS). The Scorecard provides security health metrics for open source projects.
Learn MoreOther packages similar to @backstage/plugin-vault-backend
A Backstage backend plugin that integrates towards Vault
Common Node Library for the Developer Portal Vault Backend
A Backstage backend plugin that integrates towards Vault - veeCode version