JSON Schema Reference Resolver
Takes a $ref string and a root object, and returns the referenced value.
Works in browser & in node (file system refs ignored in browser).
Easily add support for your own protocols.
Getting Started
npm install @json-schema-tools/reference-resolver
import refRes from "@json-schema-tools/reference-resolver";
refRes.resolve("#/properties/foo", { properties: { foo: true } }); // returns true
refRes.resolve("https://foo.com/"); // returns what ever json foo.com returns
refRef.resolve("../my-object.json"); // you get teh idea
Adding custom protocol handlers
import referenceResolver from "@json-schema-tools/reference-resolver";
import JSONSchema from "@json-schema-tools/meta-schema";
referenceResolver.protocolHandlerMap.ipfs = (uri) => {
const pretendItsFetchedFromIpfs = {
title: "foo",
type: "string",
} as JSONSchema;
return Promise.resolve(fetchedFromIpfs);
referenceResolver.protocolHandlerMap["customprotocol"] = (uri) => {
return Promise.resolve({
type: "string",
title: uri.replace("customprotocol://", ""),
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