Collection of React hooks for building UI, including forms, validation and data fetching.
Best used with Push-RPC framework.
Main hooks
useTopic - Async load data from backend.
useActions - Create async actions, with error handling & progress tracking.
useForm - Create async actions, with error handling & progress tracking.
Additional hooks/utils
useCachingTopic - Cache topic data for multiple subscribers.
usePrevious - Hook to use data from the previous render.
oneTimeField - Create a one-time field to be used with input components instead of useForm.
useResult - Access to global results, installed via ResultContext component.
Typical use cases
Simple form
Initial data for the form from topic
Initial data for the form from async effect
One-shot field
Case 1. Generic oneTimeField
Case 2. InlineEdit
Loading data from server
Performing some action
Case 1. Generic useAction
Case 2. Including form
Extra cases
Trim input value after edit
Do some action on form data change
API Reference