action-rpc library
action-rpc is an rpc library made with typescript. It uses action-rpc spec to communicate.
First let's use the library to create a server
// Server code
const getUser = async (p: { id: string }, _body: null, _req: Request) => {
return {
body: {
user: {
name: "Amy"
const postForm = async (_p: { id: string }, body: Record<string, string>) => {
if (!body.password || body.password != "password") return {
status: 400,
statusText: "Bad request.",
body: "Bad request."
return {
status: 200,
statusText: "Ok",
body: "Ok"
const app = service()
.action("GET", "getUser", getUser)
.action("POST", "postForm", postForm)
const appHandler = actionHandler(app);
// Hono app handler
// ...
export type AppService = typeof app;
Then let's use service type declaration in a typed client:
import { client, jsonBodyEncoder } from "action-rpc/client";
import { ActionReturnType, _ActionParams } from "action-rpc";
import { AppService } from "./path/to/server.ts"
const action = client<typeof handlers>(new URL("your base url"))
const result = await action({
method: "GET",
action: "getUser",
params: { id: "amy" },
body: null,
if(result.ok) {
// Here we use as because I didn't find any way to allow typed parsing of BodyInit
const json = (await result.result.json()) as ActionReturnType<typeof handlers, "GET", "getUser">;