npm install expect-more-jasmine
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Write Beautiful Specs with Custom Matchers for Jasmine
Table of Contents
expect-more-jasmine is a huge library of test matchers for a range of common use-cases, to make tests easier to read and produce relevant and useful messages when they fail.
Avoid vague messages such as "expected false to be true" in favour of useful cues like "expected
3 to be even number", and avoid implementation noise such as
expect(paws.length % 2 === 0).toEqual(true)
in favour of simply stating that you
🌩 Installation
npm install expect-more-jasmine --save-dev
🕹 Configuration
import 'expect-more-jasmine'
or require('expect-more-jasmine')
at the top your test file.
🔬 Matchers
1describe('expect-more-jasmine', () => { 2 it('makes your tests and output easier to read', () => { 3 expect(new Date('2020-01-01')).toBeAfter(new Date('2019-12-31')); 4 expect([12, 0, 14, 'Ivo']).toBeArrayIncludingAllOf(['Ivo', 14]); 5 expect([12, 0, 14, 'Ginola']).toBeArrayIncludingAnyOf(['Ginola', 3]); 6 expect([5, 10, 1]).toBeArrayIncludingOnly([1, 5, 10]); 7 expect([true, false, new Boolean(true)]).toBeArrayOfBooleans(); 8 expect([12, 0, 14]).toBeArrayOfNumbers(); 9 expect([{}, new Object()]).toBeArrayOfObjects(); 10 expect(['i', 'contain', 4, 'items']).toBeArrayOfSize(4); 11 expect(['we', 'are', 'all', 'strings']).toBeArrayOfStrings(); 12 expect([2, true, 'string']).toBeArray(); 13 expect(async () => { 14 await fetch('...'); 15 }).toBeAsyncFunction(); 16 expect(new Date('2019-12-31')).toBeBefore(new Date('2020-01-01')); 17 expect(false).toBeBoolean(); 18 expect('100').toBeCalculable(); 19 expect(new Date('2019-12-11')).toBeDateBetween(new Date('2019-12-10'), new Date('2019-12-12')); 20 expect(new Date('2021-08-29')).toBeDateInMonth(7); 21 expect(new Date('2021-08-29')).toBeDateInYear(2021); 22 expect(new Date('2021-08-29')).toBeDateOnDayOfMonth(29); 23 expect(new Date('2021-08-29')).toBeDateOnDayOfWeek(0); 24 expect(new Date('2019-12-31')).toBeDateOnOrAfter(new Date('2019-12-15')); 25 expect(new Date('2019-12-15')).toBeDateOnOrBefore(new Date('2019-12-31')); 26 expect(new Date('2019-12-31')).toBeDate(); 27 expect(12.55).toBeDecimalNumber(); 28 expect(12).toBeDivisibleBy(2); 29 expect([]).toBeEmptyArray(); 30 expect({}).toBeEmptyObject(); 31 expect('').toBeEmptyString(); 32 expect(2).toBeEvenNumber(); 33 expect(() => 'i am a function').toBeFunction(); 34 expect(function* gen() { 35 yield 'i am a generator'; 36 }).toBeGeneratorFunction(); 37 expect('1999-12-31T23:59:59').toBeIso8601(); 38 expect('{"i":"am valid JSON"}').toBeJsonString(); 39 expect(['i', 'have', 3]).toBeLongerThan([2, 'items']); 40 expect(-18).toBeNegativeNumber(); 41 expect(undefined).toBeNil(); 42 expect(['i', 'am not empty']).toBeNonEmptyArray(); 43 expect({ i: 'am not empty' }).toBeNonEmptyObject(); 44 expect('i am not empty').toBeNonEmptyString(); 45 expect(8).toBeNumber(); 46 expect({}).toBeObject(); 47 expect(5).toBeOddNumber(); 48 expect(5).toBePositiveNumber(); 49 expect(new RegExp('i am a regular expression')).toBeRegExp(); 50 expect(['i also have', '2 items']).toBeSameLengthAs(['i have', '2 items']); 51 expect(['i have one item']).toBeShorterThan(['i', 'have', 4, 'items']); 52 expect('i am a string').toBeString(); 53 expect(new Date('2020-01-01')).toBeValidDate(); 54 expect('i am visible').toBeVisibleString(); 55 expect({}).toBeWalkable(); 56 expect(' ').toBeWhitespace(); 57 expect(8).toBeWholeNumber(); 58 expect(7).toBeWithinRange(0, 10); 59 expect('JavaScript').toEndWith('Script'); 60 expect({ child: { grandchild: [12, 0, 14, 'Ivo'] } }).toHaveArrayIncludingAllOf('child.grandchild', ['Ivo', 14]); 61 expect({ child: { grandchild: [12, 0, 14, 'Ginola'] } }).toHaveArrayIncludingAnyOf('child.grandchild', ['Ginola', 3]); 62 expect({ child: { grandchild: [5, 10, 1] } }).toHaveArrayIncludingOnly('child.grandchild', [1, 5, 10]); 63 expect({ child: { grandchild: [true, false, new Boolean(true)] } }).toHaveArrayOfBooleans('child.grandchild'); 64 expect({ child: { grandchild: [12, 0, 14] } }).toHaveArrayOfNumbers('child.grandchild'); 65 expect({ child: { grandchild: [{}, new Object()] } }).toHaveArrayOfObjects('child.grandchild'); 66 expect({ child: { grandchild: ['i', 'contain', 4, 'items'] } }).toHaveArrayOfSize('child.grandchild', 4); 67 expect({ child: { grandchild: ['we', 'are', 'all', 'strings'] } }).toHaveArrayOfStrings('child.grandchild'); 68 expect({ child: { grandchild: [2, true, 'string'] } }).toHaveArray('child.grandchild'); 69 expect({ 70 child: { 71 grandchild: async () => { 72 await fetch('...'); 73 }, 74 }, 75 }).toHaveAsyncFunction('child.grandchild'); 76 expect({ child: { grandchild: false } }).toHaveBoolean('child.grandchild'); 77 expect({ child: { grandchild: '100' } }).toHaveCalculable('child.grandchild'); 78 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2020-01-01') } }).toHaveDateAfter('child.grandchild', new Date('2019-12-31')); 79 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2019-12-31') } }).toHaveDateBefore('child.grandchild', new Date('2020-01-01')); 80 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2019-12-11') } }).toHaveDateBetween('child.grandchild', new Date('2019-12-10'), new Date('2019-12-12')); 81 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2021-08-29') } }).toHaveDateInMonth('child.grandchild', 7); 82 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2021-08-29') } }).toHaveDateInYear('child.grandchild', 2021); 83 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2021-08-29') } }).toHaveDateOnDayOfMonth('child.grandchild', 29); 84 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2021-08-29') } }).toHaveDateOnDayOfWeek('child.grandchild', 0); 85 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2019-12-31') } }).toHaveDateOnOrAfter('child.grandchild', new Date('2019-12-15')); 86 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2019-12-15') } }).toHaveDateOnOrBefore('child.grandchild', new Date('2019-12-31')); 87 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2019-12-31') } }).toHaveDate('child.grandchild'); 88 expect({ child: { grandchild: 12.55 } }).toHaveDecimalNumber('child.grandchild'); 89 expect({ child: { grandchild: 12 } }).toHaveDivisibleBy('child.grandchild', 2); 90 expect({ child: { grandchild: [] } }).toHaveEmptyArray('child.grandchild'); 91 expect({ child: { grandchild: {} } }).toHaveEmptyObject('child.grandchild'); 92 expect({ child: { grandchild: '' } }).toHaveEmptyString('child.grandchild'); 93 expect({ child: { grandchild: 'JavaScript' } }).toHaveEndingWith('child.grandchild', 'Script'); 94 expect({ child: { grandchild: 2 } }).toHaveEvenNumber('child.grandchild'); 95 expect({ child: { grandchild: false } }).toHaveFalse('child.grandchild'); 96 expect({ 97 child: { 98 grandchild: function* gen() { 99 yield 'i am a generator'; 100 }, 101 }, 102 }).toHaveGeneratorFunction('child.grandchild'); 103 expect({ child: { grandchild: 10 } }).toHaveGreaterThanOrEqualTo('child.grandchild', 5); 104 expect({ child: { grandchild: '1999-12-31T23:59:59' } }).toHaveIso8601('child.grandchild'); 105 expect({ child: { grandchild: '{"i":"am valid JSON"}' } }).toHaveJsonString('child.grandchild'); 106 expect({ child: { grandchild: 8 } }).toHaveLessThanOrEqualTo('child.grandchild', 12); 107 expect({ child: { grandchild: ['i', 'have', 3] } }).toHaveLongerThan('child.grandchild', [2, 'items']); 108 expect({ child: { grandchild: () => 'i am a function' } }).toHaveMethod('child.grandchild'); 109 expect({ child: { grandchild: -18 } }).toHaveNegativeNumber('child.grandchild'); 110 expect({ child: { grandchild: undefined } }).toHaveNil('child.grandchild'); 111 expect({ child: { grandchild: ['i', 'am not empty'] } }).toHaveNonEmptyArray('child.grandchild'); 112 expect({ child: { grandchild: { i: 'am not empty' } } }).toHaveNonEmptyObject('child.grandchild'); 113 expect({ child: { grandchild: 'i am not empty' } }).toHaveNonEmptyString('child.grandchild'); 114 expect({ child: { grandchild: null } }).toHaveNull('child.grandchild'); 115 expect({ child: { grandchild: 4.8 } }).toHaveNumberNear('child.grandchild', 5, 0.5); 116 expect({ child: { grandchild: 7 } }).toHaveNumberWithinRange('child.grandchild', 0, 10); 117 expect({ child: { grandchild: 8 } }).toHaveNumber('child.grandchild'); 118 expect({ child: { grandchild: {} } }).toHaveObject('child.grandchild'); 119 expect({ child: { grandchild: 5 } }).toHaveOddNumber('child.grandchild'); 120 expect({ child: { grandchild: 5 } }).toHavePositiveNumber('child.grandchild'); 121 expect({ child: { grandchild: new RegExp('i am a regular expression') } }).toHaveRegExp('child.grandchild'); 122 expect({ child: { grandchild: ['i also have', '2 items'] } }).toHaveSameLengthAs('child.grandchild', ['i have', '2 items']); 123 expect({ child: { grandchild: ['i have one item'] } }).toHaveShorterThan('child.grandchild', ['i', 'have', 4, 'items']); 124 expect({ child: { grandchild: 'JavaScript' } }).toHaveStartingWith('child.grandchild', 'Java'); 125 expect({ child: { grandchild: 'i am a string' } }).toHaveString('child.grandchild'); 126 expect({ child: { grandchild: true } }).toHaveTrue('child.grandchild'); 127 expect({ child: { grandchild: undefined } }).toHaveUndefined('child.grandchild'); 128 expect({ child: { grandchild: new Date('2020-01-01') } }).toHaveValidDate('child.grandchild'); 129 expect({ child: { grandchild: 'i am visible' } }).toHaveVisibleString('child.grandchild'); 130 expect({ child: { grandchild: {} } }).toHaveWalkable('child.grandchild'); 131 expect({ child: { grandchild: ' ' } }).toHaveWhitespace('child.grandchild'); 132 expect({ child: { grandchild: 8 } }).toHaveWholeNumber('child.grandchild'); 133 expect('JavaScript').toStartWith('Java'); 134 }); 135});
🙋🏽♂️ Getting Help
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🤓 Author
I'm Jamie Mason from Leeds in England, I began Web Design and Development in 1999 and have been Contracting and offering Consultancy as Fold Left Ltd since 2012. Who I've worked with includes Sky Sports, Sky Bet, Sky Poker, The Premier League, William Hill, Shell, Betfair, and Football Clubs including Leeds United, Spurs, West Ham, Arsenal, and more.
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- Info: project has a license file: LICENSE:0
- Info: FSF or OSI recognized license: MIT License: LICENSE:0
Found 0/23 approved changesets -- score normalized to 0
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- Warn: no security file to analyze
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branch protection not enabled on development/release branches
- Warn: branch protection not enabled for branch 'master'
SAST tool is not run on all commits -- score normalized to 0
- Warn: 0 commits out of 7 are checked with a SAST tool
14 existing vulnerabilities detected
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-67hx-6x53-jw92
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-wf5p-g6vw-rhxx
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-grv7-fg5c-xmjg
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-3xgq-45jj-v275
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-ghr5-ch3p-vcr6
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-jchw-25xp-jwwc
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-cxjh-pqwp-8mfp
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-rc47-6667-2j5j
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-78xj-cgh5-2h22
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-2p57-rm9w-gvfp
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-952p-6rrq-rcjv
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-c2qf-rxjj-qqgw
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-f5x3-32g6-xq36
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-j8xg-fqg3-53r7
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