Discovers all licenses used in one package and generates a small HTML report.
This module uses the license-checker from davglass, to search for licenses.
Please Note:
The User pdehaan pointed to me, that the part "contrib" inside the name is reserved for official grunt tasks.
I didn't know that, at the time, I published this package and want to hereby let you know, that this is NOT an official grunt task!
So I'm probably going to mark this one as deprecated and upload it under another name, but I'll let you know when it happened.
npm install grunt-contrib-license-report --save-dev
Load task
Set task options
(mandatory): relative path to the location, where the report file will be stored.
// Plugin configuration(s).
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
"license-report": {
target: './report/licenses.html'