HTML has 148 named colors. What if you could generate a color palette using each one of them?
How to use it with Tailwind
Install the html-color-names
npm package:
npm install --save-dev html-color-names
Import and add the colors to your tailwind.config.js
const hcn = require("html-color-names");
const { htmlcolors } = hcn;
const { firebrick } = htmlcolors; // destructure all the HTML colors you want to use
export default {
content: [],
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
firebrick, // HTML color
plugins: [],
Now you can use the following classes in you HTML:
Background | Text | Border | Outline |
.bg-firebrick-50 | .text-firebrick-50 | .border-firebrick-50 | .outline-firebrick-50 |
.bg-firebrick-100 | .text-firebrick-100 | .border-firebrick-100 | .outline-firebrick-100 |
.bg-firebrick-200 | .text-firebrick-200 | .border-firebrick-200 | .outline-firebrick-200 |
.bg-firebrick-300 | .text-firebrick-300 | .border-firebrick-300 | .outline-firebrick-300 |
.bg-firebrick-400 | .text-firebrick-400 | .border-firebrick-400 | .outline-firebrick-400 |
.bg-firebrick-500 | .text-firebrick-500 | .border-firebrick-500 | .outline-firebrick-500 |
.bg-firebrick-600 | .text-firebrick-600 | .border-firebrick-600 | .outline-firebrick-600 |
.bg-firebrick-700 | .text-firebrick-700 | .border-firebrick-700 | .outline-firebrick-700 |
.bg-firebrick-800 | .text-firebrick-800 | .border-firebrick-800 | .outline-firebrick-800 |
.bg-firebrick-900 | .text-firebrick-900 | .border-firebrick-900 | .outline-firebrick-900 |
.bg-firebrick-950 | .text-firebrick-950 | .border-firebrick-950 | .outline-firebrick-950 |
Importing all colors
You can import all 148 colors into your Tailwind project by putting this in your tailwind.config.js
const tailwindcolors = require('tailwindcss/colors');
const { slate, blue, white } = tailwindcolors; // destructure all the tailwind colors you want to use
const hcn = require("html-color-names");
const { htmlcolors } = hcn;
export default {
content: [],
theme: {
colors: {
...htmlcolors, // import all 148 color palettes
slate, blue, white, // import all Tailwind colors, will overwrite colors if names clash
extend: {},
plugins: [],
Note that colors likered
, blue
and orange
are present in both htmlcolors
and tailwindcolors
, so whichever you put last will overwrite the other. I recommend putting tailwindcolors
last because its colors are handpicked and should be preferred over htmlcolors
which is auto-generated.
How I generate palettes?
I am using python
to automatically generate palettes for each color. The basic logic for generating a palette is as follows:
- Each HTML color is assumed to be the
and gets 5 tints
and 5 shades
to generate the palette.
are colors between the basecolor
and White
are colors between the basecolor
and Black
is set to be 500
are named from 50
, 100
, 200
, 300
and 400
are named from 600
, 700
, 800
, 900
and 950
- The higher the
, the darker the color.
Since the palettes are automatically generated, there is no guarantee that the generated colors will look good. Some of the known problems you should watch out for, are:
- Saturated colors like
, Blue
and Green
don't always look very good.
- Too light colors like
and LightGoldenRodYellow
have too similar tints
because there isn't enough gap between the color and White
- Too dark colors like
and DarkBlue
have too similar shades
because there isn't enough gap between the color and Black
List of HTML color palettes
# | Name | className | Hex | CSS | JSON |
1 | AliceBlue | aliceblue | #f0f8ff | CSS | JSON |
2 | AntiqueWhite | antiquewhite | #faebd7 | CSS | JSON |
3 | Aqua | aqua | #00ffff | CSS | JSON |
4 | Aquamarine | aquamarine | #7fffd4 | CSS | JSON |
5 | Azure | azure | #f0ffff | CSS | JSON |
6 | Beige | beige | #f5f5dc | CSS | JSON |
7 | Bisque | bisque | #ffe4c4 | CSS | JSON |
8 | Black | black | #000000 | CSS | JSON |
9 | BlanchedAlmond | blanchedalmond | #ffebcd | CSS | JSON |
10 | Blue | blue | #0000ff | CSS | JSON |
11 | BlueViolet | blueviolet | #8a2be2 | CSS | JSON |
12 | Brown | brown | #a52a2a | CSS | JSON |
13 | BurlyWood | burlywood | #deb887 | CSS | JSON |
14 | CadetBlue | cadetblue | #5f9ea0 | CSS | JSON |
15 | Chartreuse | chartreuse | #7fff00 | CSS | JSON |
16 | Chocolate | chocolate | #d2691e | CSS | JSON |
17 | Coral | coral | #ff7f50 | CSS | JSON |
18 | CornflowerBlue | cornflowerblue | #6495ed | CSS | JSON |
19 | Cornsilk | cornsilk | #fff8dc | CSS | JSON |
20 | Crimson | crimson | #dc143c | CSS | JSON |
21 | Cyan | cyan | #00ffff | CSS | JSON |
22 | DarkBlue | darkblue | #00008b | CSS | JSON |
23 | DarkCyan | darkcyan | #008b8b | CSS | JSON |
24 | DarkGoldenRod | darkgoldenrod | #b8860b | CSS | JSON |
25 | DarkGray | darkgray | #a9a9a9 | CSS | JSON |
26 | DarkGrey | darkgrey | #a9a9a9 | CSS | JSON |
27 | DarkGreen | darkgreen | #006400 | CSS | JSON |
28 | DarkKhaki | darkkhaki | #bdb76b | CSS | JSON |
29 | DarkMagenta | darkmagenta | #8b008b | CSS | JSON |
30 | DarkOliveGreen | darkolivegreen | #556b2f | CSS | JSON |
31 | DarkOrange | darkorange | #ff8c00 | CSS | JSON |
32 | DarkOrchid | darkorchid | #9932cc | CSS | JSON |
33 | DarkRed | darkred | #8b0000 | CSS | JSON |
34 | DarkSalmon | darksalmon | #e9967a | CSS | JSON |
35 | DarkSeaGreen | darkseagreen | #8fbc8f | CSS | JSON |
36 | DarkSlateBlue | darkslateblue | #483d8b | CSS | JSON |
37 | DarkSlateGray | darkslategray | #2f4f4f | CSS | JSON |
38 | DarkSlateGrey | darkslategrey | #2f4f4f | CSS | JSON |
39 | DarkTurquoise | darkturquoise | #00ced1 | CSS | JSON |
40 | DarkViolet | darkviolet | #9400d3 | CSS | JSON |
41 | DeepPink | deeppink | #ff1493 | CSS | JSON |
42 | DeepSkyBlue | deepskyblue | #00bfff | CSS | JSON |
43 | DimGray | dimgray | #696969 | CSS | JSON |
44 | DimGrey | dimgrey | #696969 | CSS | JSON |
45 | DodgerBlue | dodgerblue | #1e90ff | CSS | JSON |
46 | FireBrick | firebrick | #b22222 | CSS | JSON |
47 | FloralWhite | floralwhite | #fffaf0 | CSS | JSON |
48 | ForestGreen | forestgreen | #228b22 | CSS | JSON |
49 | Fuchsia | fuchsia | #ff00ff | CSS | JSON |
50 | Gainsboro | gainsboro | #dcdcdc | CSS | JSON |
51 | GhostWhite | ghostwhite | #f8f8ff | CSS | JSON |
52 | Gold | gold | #ffd700 | CSS | JSON |
53 | GoldenRod | goldenrod | #daa520 | CSS | JSON |
54 | Gray | gray | #808080 | CSS | JSON |
55 | Grey | grey | #808080 | CSS | JSON |
56 | Green | green | #008000 | CSS | JSON |
57 | GreenYellow | greenyellow | #adff2f | CSS | JSON |
58 | HoneyDew | honeydew | #f0fff0 | CSS | JSON |
59 | HotPink | hotpink | #ff69b4 | CSS | JSON |
60 | IndianRed | indianred | #cd5c5c | CSS | JSON |
61 | Indigo | indigo | #4b0082 | CSS | JSON |
62 | Ivory | ivory | #fffff0 | CSS | JSON |
63 | Khaki | khaki | #f0e68c | CSS | JSON |
64 | Lavender | lavender | #e6e6fa | CSS | JSON |
65 | LavenderBlush | lavenderblush | #fff0f5 | CSS | JSON |
66 | LawnGreen | lawngreen | #7cfc00 | CSS | JSON |
67 | LemonChiffon | lemonchiffon | #fffacd | CSS | JSON |
68 | LightBlue | lightblue | #add8e6 | CSS | JSON |
69 | LightCoral | lightcoral | #f08080 | CSS | JSON |
70 | LightCyan | lightcyan | #e0ffff | CSS | JSON |
71 | LightGoldenRodYellow | lightgoldenrodyellow | #fafad2 | CSS | JSON |
72 | LightGray | lightgray | #d3d3d3 | CSS | JSON |
73 | LightGrey | lightgrey | #d3d3d3 | CSS | JSON |
74 | LightGreen | lightgreen | #90ee90 | CSS | JSON |
75 | LightPink | lightpink | #ffb6c1 | CSS | JSON |
76 | LightSalmon | lightsalmon | #ffa07a | CSS | JSON |
77 | LightSeaGreen | lightseagreen | #20b2aa | CSS | JSON |
78 | LightSkyBlue | lightskyblue | #87cefa | CSS | JSON |
79 | LightSlateGray | lightslategray | #778899 | CSS | JSON |
80 | LightSlateGrey | lightslategrey | #778899 | CSS | JSON |
81 | LightSteelBlue | lightsteelblue | #b0c4de | CSS | JSON |
82 | LightYellow | lightyellow | #ffffe0 | CSS | JSON |
83 | Lime | lime | #00ff00 | CSS | JSON |
84 | LimeGreen | limegreen | #32cd32 | CSS | JSON |
85 | Linen | linen | #faf0e6 | CSS | JSON |
86 | Magenta | magenta | #ff00ff | CSS | JSON |
87 | Maroon | maroon | #800000 | CSS | JSON |
88 | MediumAquaMarine | mediumaquamarine | #66cdaa | CSS | JSON |
89 | MediumBlue | mediumblue | #0000cd | CSS | JSON |
90 | MediumOrchid | mediumorchid | #ba55d3 | CSS | JSON |
91 | MediumPurple | mediumpurple | #9370db | CSS | JSON |
92 | MediumSeaGreen | mediumseagreen | #3cb371 | CSS | JSON |
93 | MediumSlateBlue | mediumslateblue | #7b68ee | CSS | JSON |
94 | MediumSpringGreen | mediumspringgreen | #00fa9a | CSS | JSON |
95 | MediumTurquoise | mediumturquoise | #48d1cc | CSS | JSON |
96 | MediumVioletRed | mediumvioletred | #c71585 | CSS | JSON |
97 | MidnightBlue | midnightblue | #191970 | CSS | JSON |
98 | MintCream | mintcream | #f5fffa | CSS | JSON |
99 | MistyRose | mistyrose | #ffe4e1 | CSS | JSON |
100 | Moccasin | moccasin | #ffe4b5 | CSS | JSON |
101 | NavajoWhite | navajowhite | #ffdead | CSS | JSON |
102 | Navy | navy | #000080 | CSS | JSON |
103 | OldLace | oldlace | #fdf5e6 | CSS | JSON |
104 | Olive | olive | #808000 | CSS | JSON |
105 | OliveDrab | olivedrab | #6b8e23 | CSS | JSON |
106 | Orange | orange | #ffa500 | CSS | JSON |
107 | OrangeRed | orangered | #ff4500 | CSS | JSON |
108 | Orchid | orchid | #da70d6 | CSS | JSON |
109 | PaleGoldenRod | palegoldenrod | #eee8aa | CSS | JSON |
110 | PaleGreen | palegreen | #98fb98 | CSS | JSON |
111 | PaleTurquoise | paleturquoise | #afeeee | CSS | JSON |
112 | PaleVioletRed | palevioletred | #db7093 | CSS | JSON |
113 | PapayaWhip | papayawhip | #ffefd5 | CSS | JSON |
114 | PeachPuff | peachpuff | #ffdab9 | CSS | JSON |
115 | Peru | peru | #cd853f | CSS | JSON |
116 | Pink | pink | #ffc0cb | CSS | JSON |
117 | Plum | plum | #dda0dd | CSS | JSON |
118 | PowderBlue | powderblue | #b0e0e6 | CSS | JSON |
119 | Purple | purple | #800080 | CSS | JSON |
120 | RebeccaPurple | rebeccapurple | #663399 | CSS | JSON |
121 | Red | red | #ff0000 | CSS | JSON |
122 | RosyBrown | rosybrown | #bc8f8f | CSS | JSON |
123 | RoyalBlue | royalblue | #4169e1 | CSS | JSON |
124 | SaddleBrown | saddlebrown | #8b4513 | CSS | JSON |
125 | Salmon | salmon | #fa8072 | CSS | JSON |
126 | SandyBrown | sandybrown | #f4a460 | CSS | JSON |
127 | SeaGreen | seagreen | #2e8b57 | CSS | JSON |
128 | SeaShell | seashell | #fff5ee | CSS | JSON |
129 | Sienna | sienna | #a0522d | CSS | JSON |
130 | Silver | silver | #c0c0c0 | CSS | JSON |
131 | SkyBlue | skyblue | #87ceeb | CSS | JSON |
132 | SlateBlue | slateblue | #6a5acd | CSS | JSON |
133 | SlateGray | slategray | #708090 | CSS | JSON |
134 | SlateGrey | slategrey | #708090 | CSS | JSON |
135 | Snow | snow | #fffafa | CSS | JSON |
136 | SpringGreen | springgreen | #00ff7f | CSS | JSON |
137 | SteelBlue | steelblue | #4682b4 | CSS | JSON |
138 | Tan | tan | #d2b48c | CSS | JSON |
139 | Teal | teal | #008080 | CSS | JSON |
140 | Thistle | thistle | #d8bfd8 | CSS | JSON |
141 | Tomato | tomato | #ff6347 | CSS | JSON |
142 | Turquoise | turquoise | #40e0d0 | CSS | JSON |
143 | Violet | violet | #ee82ee | CSS | JSON |
144 | Wheat | wheat | #f5deb3 | CSS | JSON |
145 | White | white | #ffffff | CSS | JSON |
146 | WhiteSmoke | whitesmoke | #f5f5f5 | CSS | JSON |
147 | Yellow | yellow | #ffff00 | CSS | JSON |
148 | YellowGreen | yellowgreen | #9acd32 | CSS | JSON |