Gathering detailed insights and metrics for is-set
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for is-set
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for is-set
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for is-set
Validates Git origin is set to correct host.
Parse individual pam images from an ffmpeg pipe when output video codec(-c:v) is set to pam and format(-f) is set to image2pipe.
@socketregistry/is-set optimized package override for is-set
Parse individual jpegs from an ffmpeg pipe when output codec is set to mjpeg and format is set to image2pipe, singlejpeg, mjpeg, or mpjeg.
Is this value a JS Set? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.
Last Scanned on 2024-11-18
The Open Source Security Foundation is a cross-industry collaboration to improve the security of open source software (OSS). The Scorecard provides security health metrics for open source projects.
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