A syncopation module for jsynth, baudio, and webaudio;
how to use it
see also the example
The constructor requires beatsPerMinute and SampleRate values.
var sync = require('jsynth-sync');
var timer = sync(72, 8000) // 72 bpm, samplRate 8000 (8k samples per second)
var t = timer.on(1, function(time, beatCount, clearFN, swingFN){
// do something every beat
var i = timer.on(1/2, function(t, b, clrFN){
// do something every half beat
function synth(t){
timer.tick.apply(timer, arguments)
###sync.on(beatValue, fn)
timer will call fn every beatValue.
the return of sync.on() is a function which clears fn from being called any more.
Your function will be called with the actual clock time of the call, a count for the beatValue, and a function you can call to clear the current call for good.
var quarter = sync.on(1/4, function(time, beatCount, clear, swing){
// do something every quarter-beat
// beatCount is the # of times this beatValue has been called.
if(beatCount % 4 == 0) // only do something every 4th quarter beat
if(forSomeReason) clear() // clear the timer
// the siwng function allows you to have the next beat (or all beats)
// changed to a new interval
if(true) swing(interval)
else if(true) swing(0) // you must set it back manually
quarter() // clears it
}, 4000)
Timer tick does not require any arguments, but will pass them on to your function. Simply call it for every sample.
clear all the timered functions