Option monad for Typescript
Yet another port of the Scala Option type to TypeScript.
npm i --save option-monad-ts
Basic Example
import { Option, Some, None } from 'option-monad-ts';
// Create Some
let n = new Some(3);
let m = Some.of('four');
// Create Option
let c = Option.of(3);
let d = Option.of(null);
// Validate and use
n.get(); // 3
m.get(); // 'four'
c.isDefined(); // true
d.isDefined(); // false
.map(_ => _.toString())
.forEach(_ => console.log(_))
static of<T>(x: T): Option<T>
An Option factory which creates Some.of(x) if the argument is not null, and None if it is null.
filter(p: (i: T) => boolean): Option<T>
Returns this Option if it is nonempty and applying the predicate p to this Option's value returns true. Otherwise, return None.
flatMap<R>(f: (i: T) => Option<R>): Option<R>
Returns the result of applying f to this Option's value if this Option is nonempty. Returns None if this Option is empty. Slightly different from map in that f is expected to return an Option (which could be None).
forEach<U>(f: (i: T) => U): void
Apply the given procedure f to the option's value, if it is nonempty. Otherwise, do nothing.
get(): T
Returns the option's value. The option must be nonEmpty.
getOrElse(defaultValue: T): T
Returns the option's value if the option is nonempty, otherwise return defaultValue.
isDefined(): boolean
Returns true if the option is an instance of Some, false otherwise.
isEmpty(): boolean
Returns true if the option is None, false otherwise.
map<R>(f: (i: T) => R): Option<R>
Returns a Some containing the result of applying f to this Option's value if this Option is nonempty. Otherwise, return None.
Why another library?
- I thought it would be a good exercise
- I didn't like the API/usage patterns of some existing libraries
- I wanted something as close to the Scala lib as possible, so I ported it trying to keep to its spirit