Parse a response
const {parseResponse} = require('parse-raw-http');
const data = new Buffer([
'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n',
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n',
'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n',
'4\r\n', 'Foo\n',
'1a\r\n', 'Chunk with 1a=16+10 bytes\n',
].join(''), 'utf8');
const res = parseResponse(data, {
decodeContentEncoding: true,
// Response object:
res.statusCode // 200
res.statusMessage // 'OK'
res.headers // {'content-type': '...', ...}
res.bodyData // Buffer: decoded response body
Why do all of the options always need to be specified?
"Explicit is better than implicit" and "In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess"
I think the aspects involved must not be unknown unknowns for you if you're parsing raw HTTP. You need to know these aspects exist and explicitly decide what you want.
How comprehensive are the tests?
They're a start. Pull requests welcome.
Before changing the major semver from 0, we'll also be testing on a massive subset of the Common Crawl WARC files, with the results cross-checked with those of running nodejs's HTTP C library on the same input.
Other HTTP-parsing libraries
License: MIT