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Gathering detailed insights and metrics for poly-decomp-es
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for poly-decomp-es
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for poly-decomp-es
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This is a maintained fork of poly-decomp.js, originally created by Stefan Hedman @schteppe.
is a library for decomposing a 2D polygon into convex pieces.
npm install poly-decomp-es
yarn add poly-decomp-es
The library implements two algorithms, one optimal (but slow) and one less optimal (but fast).
It's is a manual port of the C++ library Poly Decomp by Mark Penner.
1import { decomp, makeCCW, quickDecomp } from 'poly-decomp-es' 2 3// Create a concave polygon 4const concavePolygon = [ 5 [-1, 1], 6 [-1, 0], 7 [1, 0], 8 [1, 1], 9 [0.5, 0.5], 10] 11 12// Make sure the polygon has counter-clockwise winding. Skip this step if you know it's already counter-clockwise. 13makeCCW(concavePolygon) 14 15// Decompose into convex polygons, using the faster algorithm 16const convexPolygons = quickDecomp(concavePolygon) 17 18// ==> [ [[1,0],[1,1],[0.5,0.5]], [[0.5,0.5],[-1,1],[-1,0],[1,0]] ] 19 20// Decompose using the slow (but optimal) algorithm 21const optimalConvexPolygons = decomp(concavePolygon) 22 23// ==> [ [[-1,1],[-1,0],[1,0],[0.5,0.5]], [[1,0],[1,1],[0.5,0.5]] ]
1import { isSimple, makeCCW, quickDecomp } from 'poly-decomp-es'
3// Get user input as an array of points.
4const polygon = getUserInput()
6// Check if the polygon self-intersects
7if (isSimple(polygon)) {
8 // Reverse the polygon to make sure it uses counter-clockwise winding
9 makeCCW(polygon)
11 // Decompose into convex pieces
12 const convexPolygons = quickDecomp(polygon)
14 // Draw each point on an HTML5 Canvas context
15 for (let i = 0; i < convexPolygons.length; i++) {
16 const convexPolygon = convexPolygons[i]
18 ctx.beginPath()
19 const firstPoint = convexPolygon[0]
20 ctx.moveTo(firstPoint[0], firstPoint[1])
22 for (let j = 1; j < convexPolygon.length; j++) {
23 const point = convexPolygon[j]
24 const x = point[0]
25 const y = point[1]
26 c.lineTo(x, y)
27 }
28 ctx.closePath()
29 ctx.fill()
30 }
1import { quickDecomp } from 'poly-decomp-es' 2 3const convexPolygons = quickDecomp(polygon)
Slices the polygon into convex sub-polygons, using a fast algorithm. Note that the input points objects will be re-used in the result array.
If the polygon is not simple, the decomposition will produce unexpected results.
1import { decomp } from 'poly-decomp-es' 2 3const convexPolygons = decomp(polygon)
Decomposes the polygon into one or more convex sub-polygons using an optimal algorithm. Note that the input points objects will be re-used in the result array.
Returns false if the decomposition fails.
1import { isSimple, quickDecomp } from 'poly-decomp-es' 2 3if (isSimple(polygon)) { 4 // Polygon does not self-intersect - it's safe to decompose. 5 const convexPolygons = quickDecomp(polygon) 6}
Returns true if the polygon does not self-intersect. Use this to check if the input polygon is OK to decompose.
1import { makeCCW } from 'poly-decomp-es' 2 3console.log('Polygon with clockwise winding:', polygon) 4makeCCW(polygon) 5console.log('Polygon with counter-clockwise winding:', polygon)
Reverses the polygon, if its vertices are not ordered counter-clockwise. Note that the input polygon array will be modified in place.
1import { removeCollinearPoints } from 'poly-decomp-es' 2 3const before = polygon.length 4removeCollinearPoints(polygon, 0.1) 5const numRemoved = before - polygon.length 6console.log(numRemoved + ' collinear points could be removed')
Removes collinear points in the polygon. This means that if three points are placed along the same line, the middle one will be removed. The thresholdAngle
is measured in radians and determines whether the points are collinear or not. Note that the input array will be modified in place.
1import { removeDuplicatePoints } from 'poly-decomp-es' 2 3const polygon = [ 4 [0, 0], 5 [1, 1], 6 [2, 2], 7 [0, 0], 8] 9removeDuplicatePoints(polygon, 0.01) 10 11// polygon is now [[1,1],[2,2],[0,0]]
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