A brand new jasmine2 protractor plugin that captures for each browser instance a screenshot, console logs, raw HTML and DB dumps. The snapshot is made optionally for each expect or spec. Plugins comes with a beautiful angular based analytics tool to visually check and fix tests results.
npm install protractor-screenshoter-plugin
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It captures screenshots, console logs, raw HTMLs and DB dumps in your e2e protractor tests out-of-box.
All is then visualized in a beautiful HTML5 report analyzer.
We support multi capabilities and multi browsers instances, too.
- This plugin can take screenshots of each Jasmine2 expect success/failure on multiple-browsers instances at once.
- It can take screenshots of each spec failure/success as well
- For each expectation or spec can capture console logs for each browser instance
- It can generate a report analyzer - angular+bootstrap HTML reports with active filtering to easily find out why your tests are failing
- HTML reports allow you to analyze your browser's console logs as well.
- Supports extracting build information (the report displays a build number, a branch, etc. ) for GitLab CI/CD, CircleCI and Travis.
- Supports parallel tests execution
- Makes optional Ascii screenshots
- Multi capabilities are supported
- For each expectation or spec can capture raw HTML for each browser instance
- For each expectation or spec can obtain a DB dump via a function returning
callback(err, dumpAsString)
Additional HTML reporter features:
- domain log filter (to narrow down your test classes faster)
- excludes certain repetitive logs
- opens for each screenshot its rendered HTML code
Reporter Controls
Expanded Spec
Forked Browser Support
Console log management
Stacktrace filtering
The main motivation to make this fork from https://github.com/abhishekswain/jasmine2-protractor-utils was taking screenshots from multiple browsers at once. So it would allow me to test a chat alike apps where 2+ browsers instances are required to be run from one single test.
Later on, I realized that I want to have a quick overview what is happening with my tests on the CI server. Without even re-running them locally. When something goes wrong you are basically unable to discover it. This plugin allows you to do so.
The included HTML reporter is Angular based standalone app with a beautiful Bootstrap theme. It allows filtering and narrows down to the root cause. Each screenshot has attached console logs. And we are making screenshots by every expectation not just when the spec is done (this is usually too late to find out, why your test is failing).
Using this plugin without the HTML report doesn't make sense. The main added value is to have a great analytics tool for your reports that visualize all possible available data to provide a holistic approach.
From the code perspective, I split up the report code from the protractor plugin. Perhaps you can plugin in your reporter instead. Also, I think that any open source project must have good test coverage. So I provided the initial set of unit and integrational tests. :beer:
Also, I created a list of alternatives to this plugin and why I think they are just not good enough.
How to install
If your protractor is installed locally, then
npm install protractor-screenshoter-plugin
If your protractor is installed globally, then
npm install --global protractor-screenshoter-plugin
or install this plugin locally, but then you must specify the plugin's path like this:
plugins: [{
package: 'node_modules/protractor-screenshoter-plugin/index.js',
as mentioned in #37.
This plugin depends on screenshoter-report-analyzer. So sometimes even if this plugin version is not updated, the reporter might be.
If you want to use the option
, then you need to install additional dependencies depending on your OS. By default is this option turned off.
1 # Ubuntu 2 sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick 3 4 # Fedora 5 sudo dnf install GraphicsMagick 6 7 # CentOS / RHEL 8 sudo yum install --enablerepo epel GraphicsMagick 9 10 # OS X 11 brew install graphicsmagick 12 13 # Windows users can install the binaries from http://www.graphicsmagick.org/ 14 # ...or using the command line: 15 # Chocolatey (package manager for Windows) 16 # (Restart of cmd/PowerShell is required) 17 choco install graphicsmagick
Then, install this optional package
1 npm install image-to-ascii@3.0.11
Experimental features
Please always check our branches started with feat-
. There are some new and shiny features that are working but aren't yet published. Each branch has information how to use it and install it. Once it is stable enough, it will be merged into the master branch.
Feel free to provide feedback to them.
Add this plugin to the protractor config file:
1exports.config = { 2 framework: 'jasmine2', 3 4 plugins: [{ 5 package: 'protractor-screenshoter-plugin', 6 screenshotPath: './REPORTS/e2e', 7 screenshotOnExpect: 'failure+success', 8 screenshotOnSpec: 'none', 9 withLogs: true, 10 writeReportFreq: 'asap', 11 imageToAscii: 'none', 12 clearFoldersBeforeTest: true 13 }], 14 15 onPrepare: function() { 16 // returning the promise makes protractor wait for the reporter config before executing tests 17 return global.browser.getProcessedConfig().then(function(config) { 18 //it is ok to be empty 19 }); 20 } 21};
Here is the full list of possible options, more details see below in the config reference section.
1exports.config = { 2 plugins: [{ 3 package: 'protractor-screenshoter-plugin', 4 screenshotOnExpect: {String} (Default - 'failure+success', 'failure', 'none'), 5 screenshotOnSpec: {String} (Default - 'failure+success', 'failure', 'none'), 6 htmlOnExpect: {String} (Default - 'failure', 'failure+success', 'none'), 7 htmlOnSpec: {String} (Default - 'failure', 'failure+success', 'none'), 8 withLogs: {Boolean} (Default - true), 9 htmlReport: {Boolean} (Default - true), 10 screenshotPath: {String} (Default - '<reports/e2e>/screenshots') 11 writeReportFreq: {String} (Default - 'end', 'spec', 'asap'), 12 verbose: {String} (Default - 'info', 'debug'), 13 pauseOn: {String} (Default - 'never', 'failure', 'spec'), 14 imageToAscii: {String} (Default - 'none', 'failure+success', 'failure'), 15 imageToAsciiOpts:{Obbject} (Default - {bg:true}) 16 clearFoldersBeforeTest: {Boolean} (Default - false), 17 failTestOnErrorLog: { 18 failTestOnErrorLogLevel: {Number}, (Default - 900) 19 excludeKeywords: {A JSON Array} 20 suites: {A JSON Array} 21 } 22 }], 23 dumpOnExpect: {String} (Default - 'failure', 'failure+success', 'none'), 24 dumpOnSpec: {String} (Default - 'none', 'failure+success', 'failure'), 25 dump: {Function} (Default - null), 26 onPrepare: function () { 27 // returning the promise makes protractor wait for the reporter config before executing tests 28 return global.browser.getProcessedConfig().then(function (config) { 29 //it is ok to be empty 30 }); 31 } 32 };
Single browser app
No need to setup anything special to make screenshots or capture console logs.
Multi-browser chat alike app
In order to use multi-browser chat alike testing, you need to keep a track of all browser instances by yourself:
You can do it like this
1var a = browser.forkNewDriverInstance(); 2var b = browser.forkNewDriverInstance(); 3 4global.screenshotBrowsers['anyCustomNameOfBrowserDisplayedInReports'] = a; 5global.screenshotBrowsers.userB = b;
if you close the browser, remove it also from global.screenshotBrowsers After closing browser making screenshots won't work. Make sense, right no browser no screenshot.
delete global.screenshotBrowsers.userB;
to reset screenshotBrowsers from your previous spec use this code
1beforeAll(function() { 2 global.screenshotBrowsers = {}; 3 });
Running tests in parallel
For each run of Protractor, it creates separate tests results that are in the end merged into one report.
The configuration such as this one are supported as of version 0.3.x:
1exports.config = { 2 framework: 'jasmine2', 3 //like usual (no change in config api) 4 plugins: [{ 5 package: 'protractor-screenshoter-plugin', 6 screenshotPath: './REPORTS/e2e', 7 screenshotOnExpect: 'failure+success', 8 screenshotOnSpec: 'none', 9 withLogs: true, 10 writeReportFreq: 'asap', 11 clearFoldersBeforeTest: true 12 }], 13 //this is new and supported 14 capabilities: { 15 'browserName':'chrome', 16 'shardTestFiles': true, 17 'maxInstances': 5 18 } 19};
Ascii screenshots
If there is a failure (based on the config) it creates also an ASCII image into a log file. For this feature, you need to install additional OS dependent libraries. For more information read the doc imageToAscii bellow.
Config reference
Environmental variables
Screenshoter out-of-box obtains build information. However, some CI does not have an environmental variable for a commit message. Thus you need to obtain it manually:
1 export CI_COMMIT_MSG=$(git log -1 --pretty=%B)
1 export CIRCLE_MSG=$(git log -1 --pretty=%B)
If CI will support one day these variables, you won't need to enter anything in your build process.
Do you want to see exactly what is extracted, consult the code directly obtainCIVariables
If set a function, allows you to run extra command that produce a dump. The dump is taken depending on value in dumpOnSpec or dumpOnExpect.
This allows you to greater examine your failed expectation/spec from multiple perspectives,
one is a screenshot (unfortunately selenium cannot make a whole page screenshot, only what is in the visible browser's window),
the second is a whole page raw HTML ( this helps to overcome limitations in seeing only screenshots)
and the third could be for example a DB dump that is all nicely linked to expectations.
Note: Implementation of the dump function is up to you, you provide any function that must return a string directly or in a callback(err, dumpString)
Default: null
Valid Options: null
/ Function
Calls the dump
function for each Jasmine2 expect failure or success, depending on value.
Default: 'failure'
Valid Options: 'failure+success'
Calls the dump
function for each Jasmine2 spec failure or success, depending on value.
Default: none
Valid Options: 'failure+success'
If set to false
, disables HTML report generation.
NOTE: This tool doesn't really make sense to use without the reports.
Default: true
Valid Options:
Takes from each browser instance stored in global.screenshotBrowsers screenshots for each Jasmine2 expect failure or success, depending on value.
Default: 'failure+success'
Valid Options: 'failure+success'
Takes from each browser instance stored in global.screenshotBrowsers screenshots for each Jasmine2 spec failure or success, depending on value.
Default: failure+success
Valid Options: 'failure+success'
Takes from each browser instance stored in global.screenshotBrowsers raw html for each Jasmine2 expect failure or success, depending on value.
Default: 'failure'
Valid Options: 'failure+success'
Takes from each browser instance stored in global.screenshotBrowsers raw html for each Jasmine2 spec failure or success, depending on value.
Default: 'failure'
Valid Options: 'failure+success'
If fails, pause browser on expectation failure or spec failure or never.
Default: 'never'
Valid Options: 'failure'
If set to debug
display internal logging.
Default: 'info'
Valid Options: 'debug'
Additionally, make an ASCII image into the console so you can find the issue of you test in your build easier.
Please note that one of the options of screenshotOnExpect
or screenshotOnSpec
must be used to generate the initial screenshot that as additionally transformed into an ASCII image.
If you are using multiple browsers instances you can disable generating ASCII images individually by setting
1browser.skipImageToAscii = true;
Then this browser instance will be not generated in the log file.
Default: 'failure'
Valid Options: 'failure+success'
To use this feature please follow instructions on https://github.com/IonicaBizau/image-to-ascii/blob/master/INSTALLATION.md
and also please install the optional dependency
npm install image-to-ascii
Options for imageToAscii conversion, more info can be found at https://github.com/IonicaBizau/image-to-ascii
Default: {bg:true}
withLogs (Chrome only)
If set to true
, capture from chrome all logs after each expect or spec
NOTE: This works only on chrome!
Default: true
Valid Options: true
In order to make chrome' console works properly, you need to modify your protractor.conf
as follows https://github.com/webdriverio/webdriverio/issues/491#issuecomment-95510796
By default, the output JSON file with tests results is written at the end of the execution of jasmine tests. However, for debugging, is better to get it written immediately after each expectation - specify the option 'asap'. Also, there is a less usual option to write it after each test - use the option 'spec'. The recommended is to left it out for a CI server and for a local debugging use the option 'asap'.
Default: 'end'
Valid Options: 'asap'
, 'spec'
, 'end'
_NOTE: Using option ASAP might introduce unpredictable race conditions if multiple browsers are tested at once. It happens when we automatically collect results of all particulars JSON report files into one final.
The path where the final report including screenshots will be saved. If the path does not exist, will be created. e.g ./reports/something/samewhere/
, please take care of ./
and /
at the beginning and end.
Please note that due to an HTML reporter sugar, the final screenshots are stored in the subfolder relative to this $screenshotPath parameter, e.g. in the folder $screenshotPath/screenshots'
Default: 'reports/e2e'
If this flag set to true, screenshot and HTML report directories will be emptied before generating new reports and screenshots
Default: false
failTestOnErrorLog (Chrome only)
Contains a set of configuration for console log. When browser console has errors of a certain log level (default:>900), the spec/test is marked failed along with log in the error report/stacktrace.
NOTE: This works only on chrome!
Log level, the test fails of the browser console log has logs more than this specified level.
Default: 900
An array of keywords to be excluded while searching for error logs. i.e If a log contains any of these keywords, spec/test will not be marked failed.
Please do not specify this flag, if you don't supply any such keywords.
An array of suites
(protractor.config.suites) where the failTestOnErrorLog will run.
Please do not specify this flag, if you want all your tests to run through this failTestOnErrorLog validation.
Please follow CONTRIBUTING.md.
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- Warn: no security file to analyze
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- Warn: branch protection not enabled for branch 'master'
56 existing vulnerabilities detected
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-67hx-6x53-jw92
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-6chw-6frg-f759
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-v88g-cgmw-v5xw
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-93q8-gq69-wqmw
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-mh2h-6j8q-x246
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-5q88-cjfq-g2mh
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-xp63-6vf5-xf3v
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-3xgq-45jj-v275
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-gxpj-cx7g-858c
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-ff7x-qrg7-qggm
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-3gx7-xhv7-5mx3
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-qrmc-fj45-qfc2
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-q42p-pg8m-cqh6
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-w457-6q6x-cgp9
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-62gr-4qp9-h98f
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-f52g-6jhx-586p
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-2cf5-4w76-r9qv
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-3cqr-58rm-57f8
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-g9r4-xpmj-mj65
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-q2c6-c6pm-g3gh
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-765h-qjxv-5f44
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-f2jv-r9rf-7988
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-44pw-h2cw-w3vq
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-jp4x-w63m-7wgm
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-c429-5p7v-vgjp
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-43f8-2h32-f4cj
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-pc5p-h8pf-mvwp
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-qqgx-2p2h-9c37
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-2pr6-76vf-7546
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-8j8c-7jfh-h6hx
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-896r-f27r-55mw
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-jg8v-48h5-wgxg
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-36fh-84j7-cv5h
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-jf85-cpcp-j695
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-p6mc-m468-83gw
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-29mw-wpgm-hmr9
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-35jh-r3h4-6jhm
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-4xcv-9jjx-gfj3
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-f8q6-p94x-37v3
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-vh95-rmgr-6w4m
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-xvch-5gv4-984h
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-8hfj-j24r-96c4
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-wc69-rhjr-hc9g
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-hrpp-h998-j3pp
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-p8p7-x288-28g6
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-c2qf-rxjj-qqgw
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-2m39-62fm-q8r3
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-7xcx-6wjh-7xp2
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-mf6x-7mm4-x2g7
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-72xf-g2v4-qvf3
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-7p7h-4mm5-852v
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-38fc-wpqx-33j7
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-j8xg-fqg3-53r7
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-776f-qx25-q3cc
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-c4w7-xm78-47vh
- Warn: Project is vulnerable to: GHSA-p9pc-299p-vxgp
Last Scanned on 2025-02-03
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