ToastFly is a lightweight and customizable React toast notification library designed to deliver smooth and stylish
notifications in your React applications.
- Customizable: Easily adjust the look and behavior of notifications to match your application's design.
- Simple API: A straightforward API for triggering notifications.
- TypeScript Support: Built with TypeScript for better development experience and type safety.
- Flexible: Support for various toast types and progress indicators.
To install ToastFly, use npm or yarn:
pnpm add react-toast-fly
# or
npm install react-toast-fly
# or
yarn add react-toast-fly
To use the react-toast-fly you need to install tailwind css first. All the styling are customizable with tailwind css.
we created a wrapper component and a toast function.
- ToastProvider: It provides a wrapper around all the components and it receives globalOptions props that provides the basics for the toast notifications. it provides all the option below.
turn: true,
duration: 1000,
isStacked: true,
successIcon: SuccessIconComponent,
warningIcon: WarningIconComponent,
errorIcon: ErrorIconComponent,
infoIcon: InfoIconComponent,
direction: 'rtl' // ltr
{/*- children -*/}
- turn: if it sets to true, all the notifications are paused and only the last one will get an interval. when the last one is finished, the next one will get an interval
- duration: A straightforward API for triggering notifications.
- isStacked: Built with TypeScript for better development experience and type safety.
- direction: Support for various toast types and progress indicators.
- Icons: Easily adjust the look and behavior of notifications to match your application's design.
- push: this is a function that generates toast. you can call it on the client side of your react app to generate toast
onClick={() => {
title: 'test',
duration: 1000,
progress: Progress.Both,
type: ToastType.SUCCESS,
content: 'example content',
id:"some id"
content and icons can be react components.
const ContentComponent = ()=>{
return <div><strong>Content</strong></div>
onClick={() => {
title: 'test',
duration: 1000,
progress: Progress.Both,
type: ToastType.SUCCESS,
Next js Installation
In order to work with next js app router, the ToastProvider needs to be imported in a client component and then the client component needs to be imported in the main layout. also the css needs to be imported as well
As an example
'use client'
import React, {ReactNode} from 'react';
import {useRouter} from "next/navigation";
import {ToastProvider} from "react-toast-fly";
import {NextUIProvider} from "@nextui-org/react";
import {ThemeProvider as NextThemesProvider} from "next-themes";
import "react-toast-fly/dist/style.css"
export default function NextUiProvider({children}: { children: ReactNode }) {
const {push} = useRouter();
return (
turn: true,
isStacked: true,
<NextUIProvider navigate={push}>
<NextThemesProvider forcedTheme="dark" attribute="class" defaultTheme="dark">
In the Main layout of Next js App router
<html dir="rtl" lang="fa-IR" className={`${dana.variable} font-sans scroll-smooth dark`} style={{colorScheme: 'dark'}}>