npm install redux-router
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Another version comes along! (1.0.0-beta6)
Updated on Jan 02, 2016
Updated on Dec 04, 2015
getRoutes() is back
Updated on Sep 17, 2015
Dynamic Route Configuration or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Circular Dependencies
Updated on Sep 16, 2015
Fix extra dispatch after external state change
Updated on Jul 13, 2015
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This project is experimental.
For bindings for React Router 1.x see here
In most cases, you don’t need any library to bridge Redux and React Router. Just use React Router directly.
Please check out the differences between react-router-redux and redux-router before using this library
Redux bindings for React Router.
- Keep your router state inside your Redux Store.
- Interact with the Router with the same API you use to interact with the rest of your app state.
- Completely interoperable with existing React Router API.
<Link />
, etc. still work. - Serialize and deserialize router state.
- Works with time travel feature of Redux Devtools!
1# installs version 2.x.x 2npm install --save redux-router
Install the version 1.0.0 via the previous
1npm install --save redux-router@previous
React Router is a fantastic routing library, but one downside is that it abstracts away a very crucial piece of application state — the current route! This abstraction is super useful for route matching and rendering, but the API for interacting with the router to 1) trigger transitions and 2) react to state changes within the component lifecycle leaves something to be desired.
It turns out we already solved these problems with Flux (and Redux): We use action creators to trigger state changes, and we use higher-order components to subscribe to state changes.
This library allows you to keep your router state inside your Redux store. So getting the current pathname, query, and params is as easy as selecting any other part of your application state.
1import React from 'react'; 2import { combineReducers, applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from 'redux'; 3import { reduxReactRouter, routerStateReducer, ReduxRouter } from 'redux-router'; 4import { createHistory } from 'history'; 5import { Route } from 'react-router'; 6 7// Configure routes like normal 8const routes = ( 9 <Route path="/" component={App}> 10 <Route path="parent" component={Parent}> 11 <Route path="child" component={Child} /> 12 <Route path="child/:id" component={Child} /> 13 </Route> 14 </Route> 15); 16 17// Configure reducer to store state at state.router 18// You can store it elsewhere by specifying a custom `routerStateSelector` 19// in the store enhancer below 20const reducer = combineReducers({ 21 router: routerStateReducer, 22 //app: rootReducer, //you can combine all your other reducers under a single namespace like so 23}); 24 25// Compose reduxReactRouter with other store enhancers 26const store = compose( 27 applyMiddleware(m1, m2, m3), 28 reduxReactRouter({ 29 routes, 30 createHistory 31 }), 32 devTools() 33)(createStore)(reducer); 34 35 36// Elsewhere, in a component module... 37import { connect } from 'react-redux'; 38import { push } from 'redux-router'; 39 40connect( 41 // Use a selector to subscribe to state 42 state => ({ q: state.router.location.query.q }), 43 44 // Use an action creator for navigation 45 { push } 46)(SearchBox);
You will find a server-rendering example in the repo´s example directory.
Works with Redux Devtools (and other external state changes)
redux-router will notice if the router state in your Redux store changes from an external source other than the router itself — e.g. the Redux Devtools — and trigger a transition accordingly!
Differences with react-router-redux
react-router-redux (formerly redux-simple-router) takes a different approach to integrating routing with redux. react-router-redux lets React Router do all the heavy lifting and syncs the url data to a history location object in the store. This means that users can use React Router's APIs directly and benefit from the wide array of documentation and examples there.
The README for react-router-redux has a useful picture included here:
redux (store.routing
) ↔ react-router-redux ↔ history (history.location
) ↔ react-router
This approach, while simple to use, comes with a few caveats:
- The history location object does not include React Router params and they must be either passed down from a React Router component or recomputed.
- It is discouraged (and dangerous) to connect the store data to a component because the store data potentially updates after the React Router properties have changed, therefore there can be race conditions where the location store data differs from the location object passed down via React Router to components.
react-router-redux encourages users to use props directly from React Router in the components (they are passed down to any rendered route components). This means that if you want to access the location data far down the component tree, you may need to pass it down or use React's context feature.
This project, on the other hand takes the approach of storing the entire React Router data inside the redux store. This has the main benefit that it becomes impossible for the properties passed down by redux-router to the components in the Route to differ from the data included in the store. Therefore feel free to connect the router data to any component you wish. You can also access the route params from the store directly. redux-router also provides an API for hot swapping the routes from the Router (something React Router does not currently provide).
The picture of redux-router would look more like this:
redux (store.router
) ↔ redux-router ↔ react-router (via RouterContext)
This approach, also has its set of limitations:
- The router data is not all serializable (because Components and functions are not direclty serializable) and therefore this can cause issues with some devTools extensions and libraries that help in saving the store to the browser session. This can be mitigated if the libraries offer ways to ignore seriliazing parts of the store but is not always possible.
- redux-router takes advantage of the RouterContext to still use much of React Router's internal logic. However, redux-router must still implement many things that React Router already does on its own and can cause delays in upgrade paths.
- redux-router must provide a slightly different top level API (due to 2) even if the Route logic/matching is identical
Ultimately, your choice in the library is up to you and your project's needs. react-router-redux will continue to have a larger support in the community due to its inclusion into the reactjs github organization and visibility. react-router-redux is the recommended approach for react-router and redux integration. However, you may find that redux-router aligns better with your project's needs. redux-router will continue to be mantained as long as demand exists.
reduxReactRouter({ routes, createHistory, routerStateSelector })
A Redux store enhancer that adds router state to the store.
routerStateReducer(state, action)
A reducer that keeps track of Router state.
A component that renders a React Router app using router state from a Redux store.
An action creator for history.push()
. mjackson/history/docs/
Basic example (let say we are at
1dispatch(push('/orders/' +;
Provided that
is set and equals 123
it will change browser address bar to
and appends this URL to the browser history (without reloading the page).
A bit more advanced example:
1dispatch(push({ 2 pathname: '/orders', 3 query: { filter: 'shipping' } 4}));
This will change the browser address bar to
NOTE: clicking back button will change address bar back to
but will not change page content
An action creator for history.replace()
. mjackson/history/docs/
Works similar to the push
except that it doesn't create new browser history entry.
NOTE: Referring to the push
example: clicking back button will change address bar back to the URL before
and will change page content.
1// Go back to the previous entry in browser history. 2// These lines are synonymous. 3history.go(-1); 4history.goBack(); 5 6// Go forward to the next entry in browser history. 7// These lines are synonymous. 8history.go(1); 9history.goForward();
Handling authentication via a higher order component
@joshgeller threw together a good example on how to handle user authentication via a higher order component. Check out joshgeller/react-redux-jwt-auth-example
Bonus: Reacting to state changes with redux-rx
This library pairs well with redux-rx to trigger route transitions in response to state changes. Here's a simple example of redirecting to a new page after a successful login:
1const LoginPage = createConnector(props$, state$, dispatch$, () => { 2 const actionCreators$ = bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch$); 3 const push$ = actionCreators$.map(ac => ac.push); 4 5 // Detect logins 6 const didLogin$ = state$ 7 .distinctUntilChanged(state => state.loggedIn) 8 .filter(state => state.loggedIn); 9 10 // Redirect on login! 11 const redirect$ = didLogin$ 12 .withLatestFrom( 13 push$, 14 // Use query parameter as redirect path 15 (state, push) => () => push(state.router.query.redirect || '/') 16 ) 17 .do(go => go()); 18 19 return combineLatest( 20 props$, actionCreators$, redirect$, 21 (props, actionCreators) => ({ 22 ...props, 23 ...actionCreators 24 }); 25});
A more complete example is forthcoming.

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