Satisfactory Server API Client

This is an unofficial HTTP API wrapper for Satisfactory Dedicated Server API.
The project is in an early state and will not document changelogs until v1.0.0 release.
If you want a specific API Endpoint prioritized, please open an issue.
Official API Docs can be found at Steam/steamapps/common/Satisfactory/CommunityResources/
or at HTTPS API.
You can obtain an accessToken
by executing server.GenerateAPIToken
in your server console.
import { createClient } from "satisfactory-server-api-client";
// If your dedicated server uses a self-signed certificate (generated by default),
// you can disable SSL verification by configuring the following environment variable.
const client = createClient({
accessToken: "<your-access-token>",
data: {
clientCustomData: "",
.then((response) => {
console.log("HealthCheck Response:", response);
client.v1.VerifyAuthenticationToken().then(() => {
// response will be an empty string if valid
client.v1.QueryServerState().then((response) => {
console.log("QueryServerState Response:", response);
client.v1.GetServerOptions().then((response) => {
console.log("GetServerOptions Response:", response);
client.v1.GetAdvancedGameSettings().then((response) => {
console.log("GetAdvancedGameSettings Response:", response);
data: {
minimumPrivilegeLevel: PrivilegeLevel.NotAuthenticated,
.then((response) => {
console.log("PasswordlessLogin Response:", response);
data: {
minimumPrivilegeLevel: PrivilegeLevel.NotAuthenticated,
password: "your-password",
.then((response) => {
console.log("PasswordLogin Response:", response);
data: {
appliedAdvancedGameSettings: {
"FG.GameRules.NoPower": "False",
.then(() => {
// response will be an empty string if valid
data: {
serverName: "your-server",
adminPassword: "your-password",
.then((response) => {
console.log("ClaimServer Response:", response);
data: {
serverName: "Shinigami-PC localhost",
.then(() => {
// response will be an empty string if valid
client.v1.EnumerateSessions().then((response) => {
console.log("EnumerateSessions Response:", response);