npm install shm-typed-lru
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Dev Dependencies
IPC shared memory LRU cache for Node.js
Based upon shm-typed-array with the following state of testing.
1For shm-type-array, please refer to: 2"author": { 3 "name": "Oblogin Denis", 4 "email": "", 5 "url": "" 6 }
shm-typed-lru tests and npm (coming soon)
This node.js module provides a simple LRU for fixed sized elements residing in shared memory. It makes the LRU available to more than one process. This module does not provide all of the communication that might take place between processes sharing an LRU. It makes the communication possible and manages the object that they share. Please see references to other modules for more features.
Optionally, this module provides Hopscotch hashing for associating data with LRU indecies. If the Hopscotch hashing is used, it is shared between attached processes. Modules do not have to communicate about the hashes. There is no locking however, so the application needs to provide any necessary locks and signals.
(The author chose not to clone the original repository since there many changes to C++, and changing the C++ was more expedient than trying to manage separate stacks. In the future, this problem, not necessarily apparent to all the upstream repositories will be resolved.)
The module, shared-typed-array was written to manage a collection of shared memory regions. Applications of shared-typed-lru may make use of that to enhance communication. Or, more than one LRU may be managed for different record sizes.
This module is using cmake-js for its C++ build.
So, the following modules should be installed in order to build this module:
npm install nan -g
npm install cmake-js -g
After those modules are installed, this installation should go smoothly:
1$ npm install shm-typed-lru 2$ npm test
Manual build:
1cmake-js compile 2node test/example.js
Windows is not supported.
General Usage
For any operations to take place on shared memory, the application program must first create a shared memory segment by calling the create method. Only one process should do this. In otherwords appoint a process as the manager (master of cerimonies).
Here is an example from shm-lru-cache:
if ( this.initializer ) {
let sz = ((this.count*this.record_size) + LRU_HEADER)
this.lru_buffer = shm.create(sz);
this.lru_key = this.lru_buffer.key
this.count = shm.initLRU(this.lru_key,this.record_size,sz,true)
sz = (2*this.count*(WORD_SIZE + LONG_WORD_SIZE) + HH_HEADER_SIZE)
this.hh_bufer = shm.create(sz);
this.hh_key = this.hh_bufer.key
Notice that in this example, the calling application is allowing the shm-typed-lry module to create a key for finding the segment in the OS shared memory tables.
A way to look at shared memory in the OS (e.g. Linux) is to use the ipc based commands.
ipcls -m # lists shared memory sections
ipcrm -m id # removes the shared memory section (if something crashes say)
In the example both an LRU section and a hash table section have been created.
In the following, the key parameter is the identifier of the shared memory section. Please avoid confusing this with a key for a value, which will usually be a hash key or perhaps an element offset.
The key is a reference to a shared memory structure obtained by shm.create
- generic return values
If a segment exists in the OS table, but the module has lost track of it. Most of the APIs, except those related to the mutex will return a Boolean value of false. Mutex methods return a number -3 instead of false. The Boolean values are used for testing the lock.
If the segment identified by the key is not known to the OS, a number -1 will be returned.
Other values relate to the success or failure of the operation. A generic success value is the Boolean value true, while failure will be the number -2. Some methods return a positive number, e.g. a hash value, an index, or a string.
Inherited Methods
For the following API's please read the description at this repository: shm-typed-array
See example.js
shm.create (count, typeKey [, key])
shm.get (key, typeKey)
shm.detach (key)
shm.detachAll ()
Here are the API's added in this repository:
key is the shared memory region key
This will create an LRU data structure in the shared memory region. The record size is new information not give to shm.create. The region size should be the same (see count). The basic communication use is for one process to be the master of the region. Call that process the initializer. Initialization creates data structurs. When i_am_initializer is set to false, the process using this module will read the existing data structures.
Within the library, each process will have a hash map (C++ unorderd_map) that maps hashes to the offsets (from the start of the shared block).
Returns: the number of elements that may be stored in the region. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
This returns the length of just that region.
Returns: shared memory region length as a number. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
This fetches the maximum number of elements of size record_size. (good to use in initHopScotch).
Returns: the maximum number of elements that may be stored. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
The application creates a hash key fitting UInt32. The hash key becomes the identifier for the stored value. The value should fit within the record_size provided to initLRU. An index, used to distinguish the element in case of a hash collision may be optionally passed. index defaults to zero.
Internal to the hash table implementation, the index is stored in the high word of the table's hash key, and the low word stores the hash. The hash and the index are passed in as 32 bit words. The internal hash key is a 64 bit word. (Because of the word size difference, almost an artifact of using node api ia Nan, the application may decide to split 64bit hashes that it creates into these two parts.)
Returns: UInt32 offset to the element record. (Care should be taken when using the index versions of get, set, del.) Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
Retuns the value previously stored in conjunction with the provided hash. If the element was stored with an index, the same index should be passed.
Returns: the stored value as a string if successful. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
Deletes the record (moves it to the free list), and removes the hash from any hash map data structures governed by the module. If the element was stored with an index, the same index should be passed.
Returns: Boolean value true if it succeeds. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
Returns: the value previously stored in conjunction with the index returned from set. (Note: if the element has been deleted, the value, prepended with the string "DELETED" will be accessible until it is overwritten. The element will not be accesible by the hash version of this method.) Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
Deletes the record (moves it to the free list), and removes the internally stored hash from any hash map data structures governed by the module.
Returns: true. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
If an error occurs, as may be indicated by negative return values from methods, this method reports the reason published by the module. Accessing the reason will cause it to be reset to "OK", its initial state.
Returns: A string assigned to the last error. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
Synchronizes the internal hash map for the calling process with the existing allocated data.
Returns: true. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
Does the same as reload_hash_map, but only inspects elements with a share_key matching the one passed to this method.
Returns: true. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
The application process sets the policy as to when to run the eviction method. This method deletes all elements that are prior to the time cutoff up to as many as max_evictions.
Returns: A list of hashes that were removed. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
This is the same as run_lru_eviction except that instead of returning a list of hashes, it returns a map object with hashes as keys and values stored under the key as the map object values. The values will be strings.
Returns: A map table hash to value. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
Access an element by index and sets its share_key for use in reloading hash maps. In some case the tables may be filtered on reloading, so that only those with the share key are put back in the hash map.
If the shared hash map is not used. A process may set the share key and create an map table in the memory of the process where the table only includes those hashes that have the same share key. (This has been useful for debugging. But, some essoteric programs may beed this feature.)
Returns: true. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key
This method dumps a JSON format of all the elements currently allocated in the LRU. Formats its output for the terminal. This has no options for formatting.
Returns: true. Failure values as above.
key is the shared memory region key containing the hash map. lru_key is the key of the LRU region.
This method, initHopSchotch, initializes Hopscotch hashing in a shared memory regions, identified by key. It associates the hash table with a previously allocated region intialied by initLRU. Use lru_key, the shared memory key for the LRU list so that the module may find the region. The parameter, am_initializer, tells the module if the regions should be initialized for the process or if it should be picked up (copying the header). There should be just one process that sets am_initializer to true. The max_element_count should be the same or bigger than the element count returned from the LRU methods, lru_max_count or initLRU. Having more is likey a good idea. Depending on how good your hash is, up to twice as much might be OK.
Throws: If there is no shared memory segment and some other condition than ENOENT or EIDRM was found.
Throws: "Bad parametes for initLRU" indicating that the initialization failed. (Specifically, these are allocations to objects tracking the tables in the current process)
Returns: true on success. Otherwise: the key that was passed if the module has lost track of the segment; -1 if the segment address can't be determined; Failure values as above in relation to the LRU segment.
This library does cleanup of created SHM segments only on normal exit of process, see exit
If you want to do cleanup on terminate signals like SIGINT
, please use node-cleanup / node-death and add code to exit handlers:
See example.js
1const cluster = require('cluster'); 2const shm = require('../index.js'); 3const assert = require('assert'); 4 5 6var buf, arr, arr2D2; 7if (cluster.isMaster) { 8 // Assert that creating shm with same key twice will fail 9 var key = 1234567890; 10 var a = shm.create(10, 'Float32Array', key); 11 var b = shm.create(10, 'Float32Array', key); 12 assert(a instanceof Float32Array); 13 assert(a.key == key); 14 assert(b === null); 15 // 16 // Assert that getting shm by unexisting key will fail 17 var unexisting_key = 1234567891; 18 var c = shm.get(unexisting_key, 'Buffer'); 19 assert(c === null); 20 21 // Test using shm between 2 node processes 22 buf = shm.create(4096); //4KB 23 arr = shm.create(1000000, 'Float32Array'); //1M floats 24 //bigarr = shm.create(1000*1000*1000*1.5, 'Float32Array'); //6Gb 25 assert.equal(arr.length, 1000000); 26 assert.equal(arr.byteLength, 4*1000000); 27 buf[0] = 1; 28 arr[0] = 10.0; 29 //bigarr[bigarr.length-1] = 6.66; 30 console.log('[Master] Typeof buf:',, 31 'Typeof arr:',; 32 33 34 arr2D2 = shm.create(1000000); //1M bytes 35 36 let cache = shm.initLRU(arr2D2.key,250,10000) 37 console.log("CACHE: " + cache) 38 let cache2 = shm.initLRU(arr2D2.key,250,10000) 39 console.log("CACHE: " + cache2) 40 console.log("Segment Size: " + shm.getSegmentSize(arr2D2.key)) 41 42 let hash = 134 43 let el_data = "this is at test" 44 let el_id = shm.set(arr2D2.key,hash,el_data) 45 console.log("arr2D2 >> el_id: " + el_id) 46 47 let value = shm.get_el(arr2D2.key,el_id) 48 console.log("arr2D2 >> value: " + value) 49 50 el_data = "we test different this time" 51 el_id = shm.set(arr2D2.key,hash,el_data) 52 console.log("arr2D2 >> el_id: " + el_id) 53 54 value = shm.get_el(arr2D2.key,el_id) 55 console.log("arr2D2 >> value: " + value) 56 57 58 let hash2 = 136 59 60 el_data = "we wolly gollies abren" 61 el_id = shm.set(arr2D2.key,hash2,el_data) 62 console.log("arr2D2 >> el_id: " + el_id) 63 64 value = shm.get_el(arr2D2.key,el_id) 65 console.log(`arr2D2 >> value[${el_id}]: ` + value) 66 67 if ( shm.del_el(arr2D2.key,el_id) === true ) { 68 console.log("deleted") 69 value = shm.get_el(arr2D2.key,el_id) 70 console.log(`post del arr2D2 >> value[${el_id}]: ` + value) 71 } 72 /* 73 */ 74 75 let hashes = [] 76 for ( let i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { 77 hash2++; 78 hashes.push(hash2) 79 el_data = `GEEE ${i} wolly gollies abren` 80 shm.set(arr2D2.key,hash2,el_data) 81 } 82 83 hashes.forEach(hsh => { 84 value = shm.get_el_hash(arr2D2.key,hsh) 85 console.log(`fetching after adding arr2D2 >> hash[${hsh}]: value[${value}]`) 86 }) 87 88 shm.debug_dump_list(arr2D2.key) 89 90 for ( let k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) { 91 let n = hashes.length 92 let j = Math.floor(Math.random()*n); 93 // 94 let tst_hash = hashes[j] 95 console.log(tst_hash) 96 let tst_value = shm.get_el_hash(arr2D2.key,tst_hash) 97 console.log(`fetching after adding arr2D2 >> hash[${tst_hash}]: value[${tst_value}]`) 98 } 99 100 shm.debug_dump_list(arr2D2.key) 101 console.log("-----------------------------------------------") 102 shm.debug_dump_list(arr2D2.key,true) 103 104 //shm.detach(arr2D2.key) 105 //let cache3 = shm.initLRU(arr2D2.key,250,10000) 106 //console.log("CACHE: " + cache3) 107 108 var worker = cluster.fork(); 109 worker.on('online', () => { 110 worker.send({ 111 msg: 'shm', 112 bufKey: buf.key, 113 arrKey: arr.key, 114 //bigarrKey: bigarr.key, 115 }); 116 // 117 let hash_str = JSON.stringify(hashes) 118 setTimeout(() => { 119 let message = { 120 'msg' : 'lru', 121 'bufKey' : arr2D2.key, 122 'hashList' : hash_str 123 } 124 worker.send(message) 125 setTimeout(() => { 126 let n = hashes.length 127 let j = Math.floor(Math.random()*n); 128 // 129 let el_hash = hashes[j] 130 console.log(el_hash) 131 if ( shm.del_key(arr2D2.key,el_hash) === true ) { 132 console.log(`deleted ${el_hash}`) 133 } 134 j = Math.floor(Math.random()*n); 135 el_hash = hashes[j] 136 console.log(el_hash) 137 if ( shm.del_key(arr2D2.key,el_hash) === true ) { 138 console.log(`deleted ${el_hash}`) 139 } 140 j = Math.floor(Math.random()*n); 141 el_hash = hashes[j] 142 console.log(el_hash) 143 if ( shm.del_key(arr2D2.key,el_hash) === true ) { 144 console.log(`deleted ${el_hash}`) 145 } 146 // 147 let message = { 148 'msg' : 'lru-reload', 149 'bufKey' : arr2D2.key, 150 'hashList' : hash_str 151 } 152 worker.send(message) 153 setTimeout(groupSuicide,3000) 154 }, 1000) 155 }, 1000) 156 // 157 var i = 0; 158 let test_intr = setInterval(() => { 159 buf[0] += 1; 160 arr[0] /= 2; 161 console.log(i + ' [Master] Set buf[0]=', buf[0], 162 ' arr[0]=', arr ? arr[0] : null); 163 i++; 164 if (i == 5) { 165 clearInterval(test_intr) 166 } 167 }, 1500); 168 }); 169} else { // child process.... 170 process.on('message', function(data) { 171 var msg = data.msg; 172 if (msg == 'shm') { 173 buf = shm.get(data.bufKey); 174 arr = shm.get(data.arrKey, 'Float32Array'); 175 //bigarr = shm.get(data.bigarrKey, 'Float32Array'); 176 console.log('[Worker] Typeof buf:',, 177 'Typeof arr:',; 178 //console.log('[Worker] Test bigarr: ', bigarr[bigarr.length-1]); 179 var i = 0; 180 setInterval(function() { 181 console.log(i + ' [Worker] Get buf[0]=', buf[0], 182 ' arr[0]=', arr ? arr[0] : null); 183 i++; 184 if (i == 2) { 185 shm.detach(data.arrKey); 186 arr = null; //otherwise process will drop 187 } 188 }, 500); 189 } else if ( msg == 'lru' ) { 190 191 let key = data.bufKey; 192 let hashes = JSON.parse(data.hashList) 193 shm.get(key); 194 shm.initLRU(key,250,10000,false) 195 196 hashes.forEach( hsh => { 197 value = shm.get_el_hash(key,hsh) 198 if ( value == -2 ) { 199 let raison = shm.get_last_reason(key) 200 console.log(raison) 201 } 202 console.log(`CHILD arr2D2 >> hash[${hsh}]: value[${value}]`) 203 }) 204 } else if ( msg == 'lru-reload' ) { 205 let key = data.bufKey; 206 shm.reload_hash_map(key) 207 let hashes = JSON.parse(data.hashList) 208 hashes.forEach( hsh => { 209 value = shm.get_el_hash(key,hsh) 210 if ( value == -2 ) { 211 let raison = shm.get_last_reason(key) 212 console.log(raison) 213 } 214 console.log(`CHILD AFTER RELOAD >> hash[${hsh}]: value[${value}]`) 215 }) 216 } else if (msg == 'exit') { 217 process.exit(); 218 } 219 }); 220} 221 222function groupSuicide() { 223 if (cluster.isMaster) { 224 for (var id in cluster.workers) { 225 cluster.workers[id].send({ msg: 'exit'}); 226 cluster.workers[id].destroy(); 227 } 228 process.exit(); 229 } 230} 231
An example is provided in the repository: test output
##Internal Documentation
In this section the reader will find some information about the internal operations, the layout of memory, etc. While the API has been given, nothing has been said about the algorithms for hashing or other mechanisms such as provisions for interprocess mutex operation. This information is provided via the links to markdown documents stored in this repository.
Hash table memory layout
The basic shared memory module provided by shm-typed-array allows for the management of more than one section of memory. Shm-typed-lru takes advantage of this in order to store larger data elements in a fixed managed region while smaller references are stored in a hash table for reverse lookup.
The larger data elements, fixded in size, are kept with in a doubly linked list with fixed element offsets. The nodes of the doubly linked list are taken from a free element list embedded in data section of memory, a single shared memory segment.
The Hopscotch hash table is kept in another shared memory segment. Lookup is done by searching the Hopscotch table in order to obtain an offset to an allocated node in the managed memory section.
A continuation of this description can be found here: memory layout
Hopscotch Hash Alogrithm
One of the better hashing algorithms is the hopscotch hash. Hash algorithms often assume that their hashes will address buckets imperfectly. As a result more than one element will fall into the same bucket. In some hash schemes, a linked list is the data structure chosen for bucket storage. Some hashes and data may result in short lists. But, in more extreme situations, many data elements may map into a sinlge bucket. In such situations, the storage becomes a linked list with ever growing time for search, insertion, and deletion.
The Hopscotch hash allows for some amount of collision and provides binary pattern data structures for managing insertion in such a way that bucket search can be optimized.
Hopscotch hashing also easily resides in a single slab of shared memory. In this way, more than one process can find an element stored there.
Find implementation details here: code for Hopscotch
Mutex Sharing and Operations
More than one process may operate on the shared memory regions containing the managed memory and the Hopscotch hash tables. These operations are best protected by a locking mechanism. The locking mechanism is exposed to the application. An application could call the library in an unprotected way or opt for some its own guarding of the data structures.
However, shm-typed-lru provides multi process mutex locking. The use of the POSIX mutex in a shared memory section is a fairly well known trick. The POSIX mutex operates easily enough within a process between threads. The single process has access to the memory for the lock data structures. With just a little modification, the shared memory can be used since the lock communication is via parameters in shared memory. POSIX mutex routines provide ways to specify the use of the share memory section.
The shm-type-lru module provides methods for locking and locking the mutex. Applications may call these to create critical sections within separate processes.
Find implementation details here: Mutex Operations
Data storage with timestamps
The shm-typed-lru module is an LRU. Elements that reside to long in the shared memory may be discarded. The module leaves it up to the application to decide how and when to remove elements. One method, run_lru_eviction, can be called to throw out elements that are too old. The method returns a list of elements being discarded. The application may decide to store these elsewhere or to simply use the aged out data to notify clients about the ends of processes.
A continuation of this discussion, with information about how to use evicted data, can be found here: LRU Eviction
Growing by slabs
In a future version of this library, an optional listing of secondary slabs may be provided depending upon configuration.
When the LRU becomes full, the module might move aging data into a second LRU, another managed memory and hash table pair. The older data may be searched when searches in the primary section fail.
The seconday slabs may be removed when they become empty and the preasure on the primay slabs goes away.
Access to these sorts of operation will be provded in methods (to be implementedd).
A continuation of this discussion can be found here: Extending the LRU
![Empty State](/_next/static/media/empty.e5fae2e5.png)
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