A simple store for state management using deepSignals.
Can be used in all frameworks that support Signals
When providing a dataApi
implentation you can automatically sync stata to for example firebase (example) or localStorage (example).
Created to seperate state management from the UI components without a lot of boilerplate code.
Here a demo and the code
// creates a new store
const store = new Store<ActivityStateModel>(initialState, !environment.production);
In reactJs you can add the store in a useRef
if you use the store in a single component or an useContext
when using it is multiple components. The store can be mapped to the component state like this:
import { Signal, computed } from '@preact/signals-react';
import { StateModel, initialState } from './store';
import { Store } from 'signals-store';
export const store = new Store<StateModel>({ ...initialState });
export const $state = computed(() => store.signal).value;
Create an action that implements StoreAction<T, M>
export class LoadAction implements StoreAction<StateModel, never> {
type = "LOAD";
async execute(ctx: StateContext<StateModel>): Promise<StateModel> {
if (ctx.getState().users.length === 0) {
ctx.patchState({ loading: true });
const users = (await axios.get<ApiResponse>('')).data.results;
return ctx.patchState({ loading: false, users });
constructor: (initialState: T = The initial state, devTools: boolean (connect to redux devTools), dataApi?
addCallback: (callback: (action: ActionType<T, unknown>, oldState: T, newState: T, context: Map<string, unknown>) => void) => void
can be to add a callback function that captures all actions. For example to log all actions to the console or database.
dispatch: (action: StoreAction<T, unknown>) => Promise<T>
: dispatches an action and return a promise with the new state
: returns the current state.
: return an observable of T
ctx: StateContext
getContext<T2>(name: string)
: gets the context that is added while creating the store. E.g. use to access History *
dispatch: (action: StoreAction<T, unknown>) => Promise<T>
: dispatches an action and return a promise with the new state
: gets the current state.
: set the entire new state.
: set only the changed properties of the state, these will be merged with the current state.
: the data api that is passed. Can be casted to the used implementation.
- ```storeAction``: default: true, if a specific action should not be logged it can be overridden by setting this property to false
- ```storeState``: default: true, if a specific action should not result in a stored state it can be overridden by setting this property to false
dataApi: Optionally you can pass a dataApi implementation to automatically store the state. Examples can be found here.
: state can be stored automatically:
sync: boolean
: indicates if the state has to be stored
: name of the collection or table where the data will be stored. (default: state)
: add a createdBy field in the state
: exclude fields from the state that you don't want to store in the database.
: all actions including payload can be stored too e.g. to analyse the use of your application.
: indicates if actions should ben stored
: name of the collection or table where the data will be stored. (default: actions)
: add a createdBy field in the action
: exclude fields from the action payload that you don't want to store in the database.
getUserId: () => string
: get the userId of the logged in user.
getState: () => Promise<T>
: returns the stored state
setState: (doc: T) => Promise<void>
: stores the state
storeAction<P>(action: ActionType<T, P>): void
; stores an action
- To use getContext() you have to set the dependency somewhere where it is available:
{ name: 'api', dependency: new Api() }
In the action you can use:
const api = ctx.getContext<IApi>('api');