
A React hook (>=18) for getting the current responsive media breakpoint.
Initialize useBreakpoint
with a configuration object, and optionally a default breakpoint name (in non-window environments like SSR). The return value will be an object with the breakpoint's name (string
), min-width, and max-width values (number
import useBreakpoint from 'use-breakpoint'
* It is important to bind the object of breakpoints to a variable for memoization to work correctly.
* If they are created dynamically, try using the `useMemo` hook.
const BREAKPOINTS = { mobile: 0, tablet: 768, desktop: 1280 }
const CurrentBreakpoint = () => {
const { breakpoint, maxWidth, minWidth } = useBreakpoint(
return <p>The current breakpoint is {breakpoint}!</p>
Return values
Given a configuration BREAKPOINTS = { mobile: 0, tablet: 768, desktop: 1280 }
and a window size of 1280x960
, the hook will return as the breakpoint:
const { breakpoint } = useBreakpoint(BREAKPOINTS)
when rendered server-side
when rendered client-side
const { breakpoint } = useBreakpoint(BREAKPOINTS, 'mobile')
when rendered server-side
on the first client-side render
on subsequent client-side renders
If supplied a default breakpoint, the hook will always return that value when rendered server-side. To not cause inconsistencies during the first client-side render, the default value is also used client-side for the first render, instead of the (possibly different) real breakpoint.
For example, given a breakpoint config:
const { breakpoint } = useBreakpoint(BREAKPOINTS, 'mobile')
When rendered server-side, breakpoint === 'mobile'
always, because there is no window. On client-side with a desktop
-sized window, on the first render breakpoint === 'mobile'
, and then on following renders breakpoint === 'desktop'
. This is to ensure ReactDOM.hydrate
behaves correctly. The implementation relies on the useSyncExternalStore
React hook with the getServerSnapshot
This hook uses the window.matchMedia functionality to calculate the current breakpoint. For a list of breakpoints, we generate some css media queries in the form of (min-width: XXXpx) and (max-width: YYYpx)
and then add listeners for the changes. useBreakpoint
will then update its return value when the breakpoint changes from one rule to another.
To use the same breakpoint configuration in CSS-in-JS, you can use the getCSSMediaQueries
import { getCSSMediaQueries } from 'use-breakpoint'
const BREAKPOINTS = { mobile: -1, tablet: 768, desktop: 1280 }
const cssQueries = getCSSMediaQueries(BREAKPOINTS, 'screen')
// {
// desktop: "@media only screen and (min-width: 1280px)",
// mobile: "@media only screen and (max-width: 767px)",
// tablet: "@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1279px)",
// }
The second option can be omitted to leave out the media type condition.
This project is built with Typescript. A Storybook is included for local previewing. The easiest way to get started is cloning the repo and starting the storybook server locally via npm start