Isomorphic Encoding Standard implementation ignore support without UTF-8
implementation of Encoding Standard TextEncoder
& TextDecoder
but this spec includes tons of legacy encoding support you may never use.
so support only UTF-8 encoding/decoding
for make script small for browser friendly :)
$ npm install utf8-encoding
works in node and browser.
Isomorphic !! no Browserify.
var encoder = new TextEncoder();
var decoder = new TextDecoder();
// Uint8Array[98, 101, 101, 114, 33, 240, 159, 141, 187]
console.log(decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([98, 101, 101, 114, 33, 240, 159, 141, 187])));
// "beer!????
build and test
$ npm install
$ npm test
and also open test/index.html in your browser and see console.
for TypeScript
use utf8-encoding.d.ts
other types which this scripts depends on are in types directory.
release process
- develop/maintain on master branch
- if finished, dump version to new one in package.json
- checkout release and merge master --no-ff
- build via npm test
- commit build
- add tag
- push to github
- npm publish
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Jxck