this is a generator to make Express REST API app based on Json Schema and Open Api
bored on writing CRUD API time after time ?
then this tool might save your time,
all you need is define the Json Schema files.
Quick Start
install package globally.
npm i -g very-express
use cli to initialize configuration file vex.config.json under your project root directory.
vex -init
create a empty directory and name it as value of vex.config's "jsonSchemaDir", by default jsonSchema
mkdir jsonSchema
you can create your db collection/table now in directory ./jsonSchema
just created,
refer to Define Json Schmea,
every changes require to regenerate app.
generate the app with vex.config param.
you should saw a express typescript app being generated (with src, package.json etc) .
├── jsonSchema/
│ └── ...
├── src/
│ └── ...
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
├── vex.config.json
└── .env
start the generated express app.
npm i
npm build
npm run start
Feature Supported